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НИЗКАЯ СТОИМОСТЬ операции по замене плеча в Индии

Планирование медицинской поездки в Индию — очень простой процесс с Больницей хирургии замены суставов в Индии.
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Что такое операция по замене плеча?
Замена плеча — это хирургическая процедура, при которой весь или часть плечевого сустава заменяется протезным имплантатом. Такая операция по замене сустава обычно проводится для облегчения боли при артрите или устранения серьезных физических повреждений суставов.
Операция по замене плечевого сустава – вариант лечения тяжелого артрита плечевого сустава. Артрит – это заболевание, поражающее хрящи суставов. По мере изнашивания хрящевой оболочки защитная оболочка между костями теряется. Когда это происходит, развивается болезненный артрит костей на костях. Тяжелый артрит плеча весьма болезнен и может привести к ограничению движений. Хотя с некоторыми это можно терпеть
лекарств и корректировки образа жизни, может наступить момент, когда потребуется хирургическое лечение.
Пациенты с артритом обычно описывают глубокую боль в плечевом суставе. Первоначально боль усиливается при движении и активности и ослабевает в состоянии покоя. По мере прогрессирования артрита боль может возникать даже во время отдыха. К тому времени, когда пациент обращается к врачу по поводу боли в плече, он или она часто испытывает боль по ночам. Эта боль может быть достаточно сильной, чтобы помешать хорошему ночному сну. Плечо пациента при движении может издавать скрежет или скрип. Или плечо может зацепиться, схватиться, щелкнуть или заблокироваться. Со временем пациент может заметить потерю подвижности и/или слабость в пораженном плече. Простые повседневные действия, такие как залезть в шкаф, одеваться, ходить в туалет и мыть противоположную подмышку, могут становиться все более трудными.
Общие симптомы артрита плечевого сустава включают:
- Боль при занятиях
- Ограниченный диапазон движений.
- Жесткость плеча.
- Отек сустава.
- Болезненность вокруг сустава.
- Ощущение скрежетания или защемления в суставе.
Отзывы пациентов – истории успеха африканских пациентов
недорогой операции по замене плеча в Индии
Здравствуйте, я Андре Джейкобс из Южной Африки. Мне сделали операцию по замене плеча в Индии через Больницу замены суставов в Индии. Я почувствовал боль в левом плече, когда поднимал тяжести и работал во дворе. Со временем этот дискомфорт перерос в боль и начал мешать моей повседневной деятельности. Хоть я и проходил физиотерапию и принимал лекарства, но ничего не помогало. Именно тогда друг моего родственника-врача посоветовал мне посетить вашу хирургическую группу в Индии. Я зашел в Интернет в поисках дополнительной информации и, впечатленный ею, отправил свой запрос. Мне перезвонили и ответили на все мои вопросы. Они хорошо объяснили мне об операции и о том, чего мне следует от нее ожидать. Они также попросили меня предоставить мои медицинские заключения, и, получив лучшие варианты лечения, я договорился с ними о операции. Во время моего путешествия по Индии я пережил одно из удивительных событий. Хирург нашел время, развеяв все мои сомнения и успокоив меня. Весь персонал был дружелюбным. Спасибо вам за прекрасную заботу и качество обслуживания, которое вы оказывали на протяжении всего моего пребывания в Индии.
Варианты лечения плеча —
Нехирургическое лечение-
Лечение артрита плеча начинается с отдыха, физических упражнений и приема лекарств от артрита. Отдых плечу и применение влажного тепла могут облегчить легкую боль. После напряженной деятельности пакет со льдом может быть более эффективным средством уменьшения боли и отека.
Физическая терапия может быть полезна, когда артрит находится на ранних стадиях. Это помогает поддерживать подвижность суставов и укреплять мышцы плеч. Физиотерапия менее эффективна, когда артрит достиг такой степени, что кость трется о кость. В этом случае физиотерапия может усилить боль в плече.
Лекарства от артрита, называемые нестероидными противовоспалительными средствами (НПВП), могут контролировать боль при артрите. Некоторые НПВП можно приобрести без рецепта, другие требуют рецепта. Периодические инъекции кортизона в плечевой сустав могут временно облегчить боль. Однако чрезмерное введение кортизона может иметь побочные эффекты.
Хирургическое лечение-
При консервативном лечении может потребоваться операция по замене плечевого сустава. Замену плеча обычно проводят для облегчения боли.
Существует несколько различных типов замены плеча. Обычная полная замена плечевого сустава включает замену пораженных артритом поверхностей сустава полированным металлическим шариком, прикрепленным к ножке, и пластиковым гнездом. Компоненты бывают разных размеров. Если кость хорошего качества, ваш хирург может выбрать использование нецементированного или прессованного плечевого компонента. Если кость мягкая, плечевой компонент можно имплантировать с помощью костного цемента. В большинстве случаев полностью пластиковый гленоидный компонент имплантируется костным цементом. Имплантация гленоидного компонента не рекомендуется, если:
- Гленоид имеет хороший хрящ.
- Гленоидная кость сильно повреждена.
- Сухожилия вращательной манжеты непоправимо разорваны.
Пациенты с остеоартритом кость-к-кости и неповрежденными сухожилиями вращательной манжеты, как правило, являются хорошими кандидатами на традиционное тотальное эндопротезирование плечевого сустава. В зависимости от состояния плеча хирург может заменить только мяч. Иногда это решение принимается в операционной во время операции. Некоторые хирурги заменяют шар, если он сильно сломан и лунка в норме.
Некоторые серьезные дегенеративные проблемы плеча могут потребовать замены болезненного плеча искусственным плечевым суставом. Решение о проведении операции вы и ваш хирург должны принять вместе. Вам необходимо знать как можно больше о процедуре. Если у вас есть опасения или вопросы, вам следует поговорить со своим хирургом.
После того как вы решились на операцию, вам необходимо сделать несколько шагов. Ваш хирург может предложить пройти полное медицинское обследование у вашего обычного врача. Этот осмотр поможет убедиться, что вы находитесь в наилучшем состоянии для операции.
Вам также может потребоваться провести время с физиотерапевтом или эрготерапевтом, который будет руководить вашей реабилитацией после операции. Это позволит вам ускорить процесс выздоровления. Одной из целей этого предоперационного визита является запись исходной информации. Ваш терапевт проверит ваш текущий уровень боли, способность выполнять свою деятельность, а также движение и силу каждого плеча.
Вторая цель предоперационного визита — подготовить вас к операции. Вы начнете изучать некоторые упражнения, которые будете использовать во время восстановления. А ваш терапевт может помочь вам предвидеть любые особые потребности или проблемы, которые могут возникнуть у вас дома после выписки из больницы.
В день операции вас, вероятно, положат в больницу рано утром. Не следует ничего есть и пить после полуночи накануне вечером. Приходите готовыми остаться в больнице на несколько ночей. Продолжительность пребывания в больнице во многом зависит от вас.
Какова стоимость операции по замене плеча в Индии?
Стоимость операции по замене плеча в Индии может варьироваться примерно от рупий. 4,00,000 ($5,000) to Rs. 5,60,000 ($7,000).
Стоимость будет зависеть от стадии артрита, типа необходимой операции, требуемого исследования и оценки, специальности хирурга, стоимости госпитализации и категории палаты.
10 лучших больниц по замене плечевого сустава в Индии
- Больница Фортис, Дели
- Больница Макс, Дели
- Больница Артемида, Дели
- Больница BLK, Дели
- Больница Нанвати, Мумбаи
- Глобальная больница, Мумбаи
- Больница Манипал, Бангалор
- Больница Кокилабен, Мумбаи
- Больница Сайфи, Мумбаи
- Больница Меданта, Гургаон
Бесплатная консультация с лучшими хирургами по замене плечевого сустава в Индии
- Доктор. Каушал Малхан
- Доктор. Хареш Мангалани
- Доктор. Ашок Раджгопал
- Доктор. Адитья Менон
- Доктор. Санджай Саруп
- Доктор. Сачин Бхонсле
- Доктор. Харшвардхан Хегде
- Доктор. Прадип Б. Бхосале
- Доктор. Анил Р. Карханис
- Доктор. ИПС Оберио
Планирование доступной операции по замене плеча в Индии — простой процесс.
Наша сеть больниц и хирургическая группа доступны для наших пациентов в 15 городах Индии. Пожалуйста, заполните форму, чтобы получить бесплатное мнение нашей команды экспертов. Вам предоставят анализ и рекомендации по поводу операции. Сборы не взимаются.
Операцию по замене плеча можно провести одним из двух способов. При изнашивании хряща головки плечевой кости (шарика) и суставной впадины (гнезда) обе части сустава подлежат замене. Эта операция называется артропластикой, то есть реконструкцией суставов.
Если в гленоиде все еще есть суставной хрящ, ваш хирург может заменить только головку плечевой кости. Эта процедура известна как гемиартропластика. (Хеми означает половину.) Гемиартропластика чаще всего используется после перелома плеча, когда нарушается кровоснабжение шаровой части (головки плечевой кости) плечевой кости. Исследования показали, что при замене плечевого сустава при артрите полное эндопротезирование плечевого сустава дает лучшие результаты. Пациенты испытывают меньше боли сразу после операции, и в долгосрочной перспективе плечо функционирует лучше, с меньшим количеством осложнений и с меньшей вероятностью потребуется повторная операция.
Для операции по замене плеча, скорее всего, вам понадобится общая анестезия. Общая анестезия усыпляет. Трудно обезболить только плечо и руку, чтобы сделать такую серьезную операцию возможной.
Операция по замене плеча проводится через разрез на передней части плеча. Это называется передним доступом. Хирург прорезает кожу, затем изолирует нервы и кровеносные сосуды и перемещает их в сторону. Мышцы также сдвинуты в стороны.
Хирург проникает в сам плечевой сустав, разрезая капсулу сустава. Это позволяет хирургу увидеть сустав.
На этом этапе хирург может подготовить кость для прикрепления запасных частей. Шаровидную часть головки плечевой кости удаляют костной пилой. Полость внутри верхней плечевой кости препарируется с помощью рашпиля. Это позволит вашему хирургу сформировать пространство для фиксации металлического стержня плечевого компонента внутри кости.
Если гленоид будет заменен, его подготавливают путем шлифования остатков хряща на поверхности. Это делается с помощью инструмента, называемого бором. Хирург обычно использует фрезу, чтобы просверлить отверстия в кости лопатки. Здесь крепится ножка гленоидного компонента.
Наконец, плечевой компонент и гленоидный компонент вставляются и прикрепляется плечевой шарик.
После фиксации сустава хирург проверяет правильность прилегания. Когда хирург удовлетворен посадкой, капсула сустава сшивается. Затем мышцы возвращают в правильное положение, а также зашивают кожу.
Ваш разрез будет закрыт повязкой, а ваша рука будет перевязана. Затем вас разбудят и отвезут в послеоперационную палату.
После операции-
После операции вас перевезут в послеоперационную палату. На плечо вам наденут повязку, которую вам придется часто менять в течение следующих нескольких дней. Ваш хирург, возможно, вставил небольшую дренажную трубку в плечевой сустав, чтобы предотвратить скопление лишней крови и жидкости внутри сустава. Вам в руку поставят внутривенный катетер (IV) для введения необходимых антибиотиков и лекарств.
Ваше плечо можно поместить в аппарат непрерывного пассивного движения (CPM) сразу после операции. CPM помогает плечу начать двигаться и снижает скованность суставов. Машина крепится к плечу и непрерывно сгибает и выпрямляет сустав. Считается, что это движение уменьшает скованность, облегчает боль и предотвращает образование лишней рубцовой ткани внутри сустава. Вы будете использовать плечевой ремень для поддержки руки, когда не используете тренажер CPM.
На следующий день после операции вас примет физиотерапевт или эрготерапевт, чтобы начать программу реабилитации. Терапевтические процедуры постепенно улучшат подвижность плеча. Если вы используете CPM, ваш терапевт проверит выравнивание и настройки. Ваш терапевт проконтролирует ваши упражнения и позаботится о том, чтобы вы могли безопасно вставать и вставать с постели, а также передвигаться по комнате.
Когда вы вернетесь домой, вас могут посетить домашние терапевты. Посещая ваш дом, ваш терапевт может проверить, безопасно ли вы передвигаетесь по дому. Также будут проводиться процедуры, которые помогут улучшить диапазон движений и силу. В некоторых случаях вам может потребоваться до трех посещений дома, прежде чем начать амбулаторное лечение.
Первые несколько амбулаторных процедур будут направлены на устранение боли и отека. Могут помочь ледяные и электростимуляционные процедуры. Ваш терапевт может также использовать массаж и другие виды ручных процедур, чтобы облегчить мышечный спазм и боль. Продолжайте использовать плечевой ремень, как предписано.
По мере развития программы реабилитации выбираются более сложные упражнения для безопасного развития силы и функции плеча.
Наконец, определенную группу упражнений можно использовать для имитации повседневных действий, например причесывания или одевания. Также можно выбрать специальные упражнения, имитирующие работу или хобби.
Когда диапазон движений и сила ваших плеч значительно улучшится, вы сможете постепенно вернуться к нормальной деятельности. В идеале вы сможете делать почти все, что делали раньше. Однако вам, возможно, придется избегать тяжелых или повторяющихся движений плечами.
Вы можете участвовать в программе прогрессивной реабилитации в течение двух-четырех месяцев после операции, чтобы обеспечить наилучшие результаты от использования искусственного сустава. В первые шесть недель после операции вам следует посещать своего терапевта два-три раза в неделю. В это время, если все пойдет по плану, вы сможете перейти к домашней программе. Тогда вы будете посещать своего терапевта только раз в несколько недель.
Почему выбирают Индию для операции по замене плеча?
Больница хирургии замены суставов в Индии предлагает высококачественную медицинскую помощь костям и суставам с вниманием, заботой и состраданием для удовлетворения потребностей пациентов и их близких. В состав медицинской команды входят сертифицированные хирурги-ортопеды, знакомые со всеми аспектами опорно-двигательного аппарата. В нашей больнице используются самые передовые технологии, доступные для ортопедических процедур, и уровень осложнений ниже.
Поскольку операция по замене плечевого сустава является сложной операцией, у нас есть опытная хирургическая команда и полностью оборудованный операционный зал с отличной инфраструктурой для послеоперационного ухода и реабилитации. Операция по перелому плеча, выполняемая высококвалифицированным хирургом в условиях крупной больницы, дает лучший результат.
Вы ищете доступную стоимость операции по замене плеча в лучших больницах Индии?
Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Получите Ценовое предложение без каких-либо обязательств.”
Если вы действительно ищете операцию по замене плеча, заполните форму для бесплатной консультации с нашими хирургами. Вам будет предоставлен тщательный анализ и предложения относительно операции по замене плеча, которую вы ищете.
Прислушайтесь к голосам наших счастливых пациентов
Посмотрите все видео наших пациентов
Arthritis. Arthritis is the result of the cartilage in a joint being worn out over time. I often describe the arthritis in the shoulder as having a “rusty hinge”. The cartilage in your joint is supposed to be a smooth surface that allows things to move easily; however, when the cartilage wears out as a result of arthritis it becomes a rough surface, or “rusty”.
If you have pain in your shoulder, limited function and difficulty sleeping it is important to try arthritis medications and cortisone injections. If the medication and injections do not relieve your shoulder pain, then it is time to discuss a shoulder replacement.
The typical age group for a shoulder replacement patient is 60-80 years old. I have performed shoulder replacements on patients as old as 88 and as young as the mid-40s. Every patient’s situation is uniquely different and I take that into consideration when discussing a shoulder replacement.
For the most part it is not valuable to do therapy or exercise before a shoulder replacement surgery. Unfortunately the movement further aggravates the shoulder and causes more pain. My preparation advice for shoulder replacement surgery is more focused on the practical things in life… you have to prepare for the fact that you aren’t going to have use of your arm for a matter of weeks, which means you might need some help at home (cooking, showering, driving, etc.). I don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery. It is important for patients to plan ahead and understand what the nuts/bolts are regarding their recovery.
Certain foods, more related to nutritional supplements, can cause your blood to be thinned, a similar effect as aspirin or blood thinners. I will go over a list of supplements that could have this effect… I will have you stop taking those items a week prior to your shoulder replacement surgery.
There is some immediate change in regard to the movement of the shoulder being much smoother; however, for a few weeks after surgery it is more painful than before surgery. At about two weeks post-surgery people start to get over the “hump” and it is less painful than prior to surgery. The pain will continue to gradually decrease. At two months the average patient is very happy they had their shoulder replaced.
Most people require, to some degree, oxycodone or hydrocodone. In addition, I supplement anti-inflammatory medications. Each patient is very unique and their pain levels vary, naturally I make those adjustments accordingly.
The first couple of days the pain will be significant, but it can also be controlled with the appropriate medications. Regaining range of motion takes time, patience and persistence it only improves at a certain rate each month.
Yes. The typical stay is somewhere between 24-48 hours: 50% stay one day while 50% stay two days. Rarely do patients stay longer than two days.
Yes, we will prescribe physical therapy. Typically, therapy will last two months following the operation; however, sometimes patients require more.
Most people who develop arthritis on one side develop it on the other side as well. Most often one side hurts worse than the other and so many patients opt for both shoulders to be replaced, but it is usually a couple years between the two operations.
The estimate is around 15 years, but that estimate is variable and we see them last longer in some patients. It is difficult to predict how long each patient’s shoulder replacement will last, specifically because the materials we use now are improved from those 7-8 years ago.
Typically, if you need a shoulder redone, you redo the whole thing (not just parts), but it is rare that we have to do that. For most people, their shoulder will last for as long as they need it; however, that depends on the age that the patient received their replacement.
Infection is always the number one concern. We take a lot of precaution to prevent an infection when it comes to the surgery technique and antibiotics (you get antibiotics around the time of surgery). There is a possibility I can injure a very important nerve in the shoulder that is close to where I am working. If that nerve is injured it can have an impact on your ability to raise your arm above your head. I am very mindful of that nerve during the surgery. From a practical standpoint, wear and tear of the parts over time can cause complications.
Construction worker: 3 months
Desk worker: 2 weeks
Almost everyone has a thorough physical exam with their primary care physician to make sure they are healthy enough to handle the stress of replacement surgery. In addition, the biggest thing to plan for is to have help at home. We also don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery.
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ভারতে কম খরচে শোল্ডার রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জারি

জয়েন্ট রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জারি হসপিটাল ইন্ডিয়ার সাথে ভারতে আপনার চিকিৎসা ভ্রমণের পরিকল্পনা করা খুবই সহজ প্রক্রিয়া
- আপনাকে শুধু আমাদের অনুসন্ধান ফর্মটি পূরণ করতে হবে এবং আমাদের একজন নির্বাহী শীঘ্রই আপনার সাথে যোগাযোগ করবেন।
- +91-9860432255 কোনও সাহায্যের জন্য প্রদত্ত যোগাযোগ নম্বরে আমাদের কল করুন।
- আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে সার্জারি সংক্রান্ত সম্পূর্ণ তথ্য দেওয়া আছে।
শোল্ডার রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জারি কি?
কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনএকটি অস্ত্রোপচার পদ্ধতি যেখানে গ্লেনোহুমেরাল জয়েন্টের সমস্ত বা অংশ একটি কৃত্রিম ইমপ্লান্ট দ্বারা প্রতিস্থাপিত হয়। এই ধরনের জয়েন্ট রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জারি সাধারণত বাতের ব্যথা উপশম করতে বা জয়েন্টের গুরুতর শারীরিক ক্ষতি ঠিক করার জন্য করা হয়।
কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারি কাঁধের জয়েন্টের গুরুতর আর্থ্রাইটিসের চিকিত্সার জন্য একটি বিকল্প। আর্থ্রাইটিস এমন একটি অবস্থা যা জয়েন্টের তরুণাস্থিকে প্রভাবিত করে। তরুণাস্থি আস্তরণটি নষ্ট হয়ে যাওয়ায়, হাড়ের মধ্যে প্রতিরক্ষামূলক আস্তরণ নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। যখন এটি ঘটে, তখন হাড়ের উপর-হাড়ের আর্থ্রাইটিস বিকশিত হয়। গুরুতর কাঁধের বাত বেশ বেদনাদায়ক, এবং গতির সীমাবদ্ধতার কারণ হতে পারে। যদিও এই কিছু সহ্য করা যেতে পারে
ওষুধ এবং জীবনযাত্রার সামঞ্জস্য, এমন একটি সময় আসতে পারে যখন অস্ত্রোপচারের চিকিত্সার প্রয়োজন হয়৷
আর্থ্রাইটিসের রোগীরা সাধারণত কাঁধের জয়েন্টের মধ্যে গভীর ব্যথা বর্ণনা করে। প্রাথমিকভাবে, নড়াচড়া এবং কার্যকলাপের সাথে ব্যথা আরও খারাপ অনুভূত হয় এবং বিশ্রামের সাথে সহজ হয়। আর্থ্রাইটিস বাড়ার সাথে সাথে আপনি বিশ্রাম করলেও ব্যথা হতে পারে। একজন রোগী যখন কাঁধের ব্যথার জন্য একজন চিকিত্সককে দেখেন, তখন তার প্রায়ই রাতে ব্যথা হয়। এই ব্যথা একটি ভাল রাতের ঘুম রোধ করতে যথেষ্ট গুরুতর হতে পারে। রোগীর কাঁধ সরানোর সময় নাকাল বা ঝাঁঝরির শব্দ করতে পারে। অথবা কাঁধ ধরতে পারে, ধরতে পারে, আটকাতে পারে বা লক আপ করতে পারে। সময়ের সাথে সাথে, রোগীর গতি হ্রাস এবং/অথবা প্রভাবিত কাঁধে দুর্বলতা লক্ষ্য করতে পারে। সাধারণ দৈনন্দিন ক্রিয়াকলাপ যেমন আলমারিতে পৌঁছানো, পোশাক পরা, টয়লেট করা এবং বিপরীত বগল ধোয়া ক্রমশ কঠিন হয়ে উঠতে পারে।
কাঁধের আর্থ্রাইটিসের সাধারণ লক্ষণগুলির মধ্যে রয়েছে:
- ক্রিয়াকলাপ সহ ব্যথা
- গতির সীমিত পরিসর
- কাঁধের শক্ততা
- জয়েন্ট ফুলে যাওয়া
- জয়েন্টের চারপাশে কোমলতা
- জয়েন্টের মধ্যে নাকাল বা ধরার অনুভূতি
ভিডিও – ভারতে শোল্ডার রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জারি
রোগীর পর্যালোচনা – আফ্রিকান রোগী সাফল্যের গল্প শেয়ার করে
ভারতে কম খরচে কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারির
হ্যালো, আমি দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার আন্দ্রে জ্যাকবস। জয়েন্ট রিপ্লেসমেন্ট হসপিটাল ইন্ডিয়ার মাধ্যমে আমি ভারতে আমার কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারি করি। ওজন উত্তোলন এবং আমার উঠানে কাজ করার সময় আমি আমার বাম কাঁধে ব্যথা অনুভব করেছি। সময়ের সাথে সাথে, এই অস্বস্তি ব্যথায় পরিণত হয় এবং আমার দৈনন্দিন কাজকর্মে হস্তক্ষেপ করতে থাকে। যদিও আমি শারীরিক থেরাপি করেছি এবং ওষুধ গ্রহণ করেছি, কিন্তু কিছুই কাজ করে বলে মনে হচ্ছে না। তখনই, আমার আত্মীয়ের একজন বন্ধু যিনি ডাক্তার, আমাকে ভারতে আপনার সার্জারি গ্রুপ সম্পর্কে পরামর্শ দিয়েছিলেন। আমি আরও তথ্যের জন্য অনলাইনে গিয়েছিলাম এবং এতে মুগ্ধ হয়ে আমি আমার তদন্ত পাঠাই। তারা আমাকে ফিরে ডেকেছিল এবং আমার সমস্ত প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিয়েছে। তারা আমাকে অস্ত্রোপচার সম্পর্কে ভালভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করেছে এবং এর সাথে আমার কী আশা করা উচিত। তারা আমার মেডিকেল রিপোর্টের জন্য আমাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিল এবং সর্বোত্তম চিকিত্সার বিকল্পগুলি পাওয়ার পরে, আমি তাদের সাথে আমার অস্ত্রোপচারটি ঠিক করেছি। ভারতে আমার ভ্রমণের সময় আমার একটি আশ্চর্যজনক অভিজ্ঞতা ছিল। শল্যচিকিৎসক আমার সমস্ত সন্দেহ দূর করে এবং আমাকে স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য দান করার জন্য তার সময় নিয়েছিলেন। পুরো স্টাফ বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ ছিল। আমার ভারতে থাকার সময় আপনি যে চমৎকার যত্ন এবং পরিষেবার গুণমান প্রদান করেছেন তার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ।
কাঁধের চিকিৎসার বিকল্প-
ননসার্জিক্যাল চিকিৎসা-
আর্থরাইটিস কাঁধের চিকিৎসা বিশ্রাম, ব্যায়াম এবং বাতের ওষুধ গ্রহণের মাধ্যমে শুরু হয়। কাঁধে বিশ্রাম নেওয়া এবং আর্দ্র তাপ প্রয়োগ করা হালকা ব্যথা কমাতে পারে। কঠোর কার্যকলাপের পরে, একটি আইস প্যাক ব্যথা এবং ফোলা কমাতে আরও কার্যকর হতে পারে।
আর্থ্রাইটিস প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে থাকলে শারীরিক থেরাপি সহায়ক হতে পারে। এটি জয়েন্টের গতি বজায় রাখতে এবং কাঁধের পেশীকে শক্তিশালী করতে সহায়তা করে। শারীরিক থেরাপি কম কার্যকর হয় যখন আর্থ্রাইটিস এমন পর্যায়ে চলে যায় যে হাড়ের উপর হাড় ঘষে। যখন এটি হয়, তখন শারীরিক থেরাপি কাঁধে আরও ব্যথা করতে পারে।
বাতের ওষুধ, ননস্টেরয়েডাল অ্যান্টি-ইনফ্ল্যামেটরিস (এনএসএআইডি) নামে পরিচিত, বাতের ব্যথা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে পারে। কিছু NSAIDs ওভার-দ্য-কাউন্টার কেনা হতে পারে, অন্যদের একটি প্রেসক্রিপশন প্রয়োজন। কাঁধের জয়েন্টে পর্যায়ক্রমিক কর্টিসোন ইনজেকশনগুলি অস্থায়ী ব্যথা উপশম প্রদান করতে পারে। অত্যধিক কর্টিসোন শট বিরূপ প্রভাব ফেলতে পারে, যাইহোক।
সার্জিক্যাল চিকিৎসা-
অপারেটিভ চিকিৎসা না হলে, কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনের অস্ত্রোপচারের প্রয়োজন হতে পারে। কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সাধারণত ব্যথা উপশমের জন্য করা হয়।
কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনের বিভিন্ন প্রকার রয়েছে। সাধারণ মোট কাঁধের প্রতিস্থাপনের সাথে বাতের জয়েন্টের উপরিভাগগুলিকে একটি স্টেমের সাথে সংযুক্ত একটি উচ্চ পালিশ করা ধাতব বল এবং একটি প্লাস্টিকের সকেট দিয়ে প্রতিস্থাপন করা জড়িত। উপাদানগুলি বিভিন্ন আকারে আসে। হাড় ভালো মানের হলে, আপনার সার্জন একটি নন-সিমেন্টেড বা প্রেস-ফিট হিউমারাল উপাদান ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। হাড় নরম হলে, হিউমারাল উপাদান হাড়ের সিমেন্ট দিয়ে রোপণ করা যেতে পারে। বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে, একটি অল-প্লাস্টিকের গ্লেনয়েড উপাদান হাড়ের সিমেন্টের সাথে রোপণ করা হয়। একটি গ্লেনয়েড উপাদান রোপনের পরামর্শ দেওয়া হয় না যদি:
- গ্লেনয়েডের ভাল তরুণাস্থি আছে।
- গ্লেনয়েড হাড়ের মারাত্মক ঘাটতি।
- রোটেটর কাফ টেন্ডন অপূরণীয়ভাবে ছিঁড়ে গেছে।
হাড়ের উপর-হাড়ের অস্টিওআর্থারাইটিস এবং অক্ষত রোটেটর কাফ টেন্ডন সহ রোগীরা সাধারণত প্রচলিত মোট কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনের জন্য ভাল প্রার্থী। কাঁধের অবস্থার উপর নির্ভর করে, আপনার সার্জন শুধুমাত্র বল প্রতিস্থাপন করতে পারে। কখনও কখনও, অস্ত্রোপচারের সময় অপারেটিং রুমে এই সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া হয়। কিছু সার্জন বলটি প্রতিস্থাপন করেন যখন এটি মারাত্মকভাবে ফ্র্যাকচার হয় এবং সকেট স্বাভাবিক থাকে।
কাঁধের কিছু গুরুতর অবক্ষয়জনিত সমস্যার জন্য একটি কৃত্রিম কাঁধের জয়েন্ট দিয়ে বেদনাদায়ক কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনের প্রয়োজন হতে পারে। আপনার এবং আপনার সার্জনের একসাথে অস্ত্রোপচারের সাথে এগিয়ে যাওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া উচিত। আপনাকে যতটা সম্ভব পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে বুঝতে হবে। আপনার উদ্বেগ বা প্রশ্ন থাকলে, আপনার সার্জনের সাথে কথা বলা উচিত।
আপনি একবার অস্ত্রোপচারের সিদ্ধান্ত নিলে, আপনাকে বেশ কিছু পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে। আপনার সার্জন আপনার নিয়মিত ডাক্তার দ্বারা সম্পূর্ণ শারীরিক পরীক্ষার পরামর্শ দিতে পারেন। এই পরীক্ষাটি নিশ্চিত করতে সাহায্য করে যে আপনি অপারেশন করার জন্য সম্ভাব্য সর্বোত্তম অবস্থায় আছেন।
আপনাকে শারীরিক বা পেশাগত থেরাপিস্টের সাথেও সময় কাটাতে হতে পারে যিনি অস্ত্রোপচারের পরে আপনার পুনর্বাসন পরিচালনা করবেন। এটি আপনাকে আপনার পুনরুদ্ধারের শুরু করতে দেয়। এই প্রি-অপারেটিভ ভিজিটের একটি উদ্দেশ্য হল তথ্যের একটি বেসলাইন রেকর্ড করা। আপনার থেরাপিস্ট আপনার বর্তমান ব্যথার মাত্রা, আপনার কার্যকলাপ করার ক্ষমতা এবং প্রতিটি কাঁধের নড়াচড়া এবং শক্তি পরীক্ষা করবেন।
প্রি-অপারেটিভ ভিজিটের দ্বিতীয় উদ্দেশ্য হল আপনাকে অস্ত্রোপচারের জন্য প্রস্তুত করা। আপনি আপনার পুনরুদ্ধারের সময় ব্যবহার করবেন এমন কিছু ব্যায়াম শিখতে শুরু করবেন। এবং আপনার থেরাপিস্ট আপনাকে হাসপাতাল থেকে ছাড়া পাওয়ার পরে বাড়িতে আপনার যে কোনো বিশেষ প্রয়োজন বা সমস্যা হতে পারে তা অনুমান করতে সাহায্য করতে পারে৷
আপনার অস্ত্রোপচারের দিন, আপনাকে সম্ভবত খুব সকালে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করা হবে। আগের রাতে মধ্যরাতের পর কিছু খাওয়া বা পান করা উচিত নয়। বেশ কয়েক রাত হাসপাতালে থাকার জন্য প্রস্তুত হয়ে আসুন। আপনি হাসপাতালে কতটা সময় কাটাবেন তা অনেকটাই আপনার উপর নির্ভর করে।
ভারতে কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারি খরচ কি?
ভারতে শোল্ডার রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জারির খরচ আনুমানিক Rs থেকে শুরু করে হতে পারে। 4,00,000 ($5,000) to Rs. 5,60,000 ($7,000).
আর্থ্রাইটিসের পর্যায়, অস্ত্রোপচারের ধরন, প্রয়োজনীয় তদন্ত ও মূল্যায়ন, সার্জনের বিশেষত্ব, হাসপাতালের ফি এবং রুম ক্যাটাগরির উপর নির্ভর করে খরচ হবে।
ভারতে শীর্ষ 10টি কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারি হাসপাতাল
- ফর্টিস হাসপাতাল, দিল্লি
- ম্যাক্স হাসপাতাল, দিল্লি
- আর্টেমিস হাসপাতাল, দিল্লি
- BLK হাসপাতাল, দিল্লি
- নানবতী হাসপাতাল, মুম্বাই
- গ্লোবাল হাসপাতাল, মুম্বাই
- মনিপাল হাসপাতাল, ব্যাঙ্গালোর
- কোকিলাবেন হাসপাতাল, মুম্বাই
- সাইফি হাসপাতাল, মুম্বাই
- মেদান্ত হাসপাতাল, গুরগাঁও
ভারতের সেরা কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জনদের সাথে বিনামূল্যে পরামর্শ করুন
- ড. কৌশল মালহান
- ড. হরেশ মঙ্গলানি
- ড. অশোক রাজগোপাল
- ড. আদিত্য মেনন
- ড. সঞ্জয় সরুপ
- ড. শচীন ভোঁসলে
- ড. হর্ষবর্ধন হেগড়ে
- ড. প্রদীপ বি. ভোসলে
- ড. অনিল আর কারখানিস
- ড. আইপিএস ওবেরিও
ভারতে আপনার সাশ্রয়ী মূল্যের কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারির পরিকল্পনা করা একটি সহজ প্রক্রিয়া।
আমাদের হাসপাতাল নেটওয়ার্ক এবং সার্জারি গ্রুপ ভারতের 15টি শহরে আমাদের রোগীদের অ্যাক্সেসের জন্য উপলব্ধ। আমাদের বিশেষজ্ঞ দল থেকে একটি বিনামূল্যে মতামতের জন্য দয়া করে ফর্ম পূরণ করুন. আপনার অস্ত্রোপচারের জন্য আপনাকে একটি বিশ্লেষণ এবং সুপারিশ প্রদান করা হবে। কোন চার্জ আরোপ করা হয়নি।
বিশেষ সমস্ত পরিষেবা অন্তর্ভুক্ত আন্তর্জাতিক রোগীদের জন্য উপলব্ধ প্যাকেজ
কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারি দুটি উপায়ের মধ্যে একটিতে করা যেতে পারে। হিউমেরাল হেড (বল) এবং গ্লেনয়েড (সকেট) উভয়ের তরুণাস্থি যখন জীর্ণ হয়ে যায়, তখন জয়েন্টের উভয় অংশই প্রতিস্থাপন করতে হবে। এই অস্ত্রোপচারকে আর্থ্রোপ্লাস্টি বলা হয়, যা জয়েন্ট পুনর্গঠনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত শব্দ।
যদি গ্লেনয়েডের এখনও কিছু আর্টিকুলার কার্টিলেজ থাকে, আপনার সার্জন শুধুমাত্র হিউমারাল হেড প্রতিস্থাপন করতে পারেন। এই পদ্ধতিটি হেমিয়ারথ্রোপ্লাস্টি নামে পরিচিত। (হেমি মানে অর্ধেক।) হেমি-আর্থোপ্লাস্টি সবচেয়ে বেশি ব্যবহৃত হয় কাঁধের ফ্র্যাকচারের পরে যেখানে হিউমারাসের বলের অংশে (হিউমারাল হেড) রক্ত সরবরাহ ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়। গবেষণায় দেখা গেছে যে আর্থ্রাইটিসের জন্য যখন কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন করা হয়, তখন সম্পূর্ণ কাঁধের আর্থ্রোপ্লাস্টি ভালো করে। অস্ত্রোপচারের পরপরই রোগীদের ব্যথা কম হয় এবং দীর্ঘমেয়াদে কম জটিলতা সহ কাঁধ ভালোভাবে কাজ করে এবং দ্বিতীয় অপারেশনের প্রয়োজন হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা কম থাকে।
কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনের অস্ত্রোপচারের জন্য আপনার সম্ভবত সাধারণ অ্যানেস্থেশিয়ার প্রয়োজন হবে। সাধারণ এনেস্থেশিয়া আপনাকে ঘুমাতে দেয়। শুধুমাত্র কাঁধ এবং বাহু এমনভাবে অসাড় করা কঠিন যে এই ধরনের একটি বড় অস্ত্রোপচার সম্ভব করে তোলে।
আপনার কাঁধের সামনের অংশে একটি ছেদের মাধ্যমে কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনের অস্ত্রোপচার করা হয়। এটি একটি অগ্রবর্তী পদ্ধতি বলা হয়। সার্জন ত্বকের মাধ্যমে কেটে ফেলে এবং তারপর স্নায়ু এবং রক্তনালীগুলিকে বিচ্ছিন্ন করে এবং তাদের পাশে নিয়ে যায়। পেশীগুলিও পাশে সরানো হয়।
সার্জন জয়েন্ট ক্যাপসুল কেটে নিজেই কাঁধের জয়েন্টে প্রবেশ করেন। এটি সার্জনকে জয়েন্ট দেখতে দেয়।
এই মুহুর্তে, সার্জন প্রতিস্থাপন অংশ সংযুক্ত করার জন্য হাড় প্রস্তুত করতে পারেন। হিউমেরাল মাথার বল অংশ একটি হাড় করাত দিয়ে সরানো হয়। উপরের হিউমারাসের ভিতরের ফাঁপা একটি রাস্প ব্যবহার করে প্রস্তুত করা হয়। এটি আপনার সার্জনকে হাড়ের অভ্যন্তরে হিউমারাল উপাদানের ধাতব স্টেমকে নোঙ্গর করার জন্য স্থানটি ছাঁচ করতে দেয়।
যদি গ্লেনয়েড প্রতিস্থাপন করা হয়, তবে এটি পৃষ্ঠের অবশিষ্ট তরুণাস্থিগুলিকে পিষে প্রস্তুত করা হয়। এটি একটি burr নামক একটি যন্ত্র দিয়ে করা হয়। সার্জন সাধারণত স্ক্যাপুলার হাড়ের মধ্যে গর্ত ড্রিল করার জন্য বুর ব্যবহার করে। এখানে গ্লেনয়েড উপাদানের স্টেম নোঙর করা হয়।
অবশেষে, হিউমেরাল কম্পোনেন্ট এবং গ্লেনয়েড কম্পোনেন্ট ঢোকানো হয় এবং হিউমারাল বল সংযুক্ত করা হয়।
জয়েন্টটি নোঙর করার পরে, সার্জন সঠিক ফিটের জন্য পরীক্ষা করে। সার্জন ফিট করে সন্তুষ্ট হলে, জয়েন্ট ক্যাপসুল একসাথে সেলাই করা হয়। পেশীগুলি তারপরে তাদের সঠিক অবস্থানে ফিরে আসে এবং ত্বকটিও সেলাই করা হয়।
আপনার ছেদটি একটি ব্যান্ডেজ দিয়ে ঢেকে দেওয়া হবে এবং আপনার বাহুটি একটি স্লিংয়ে রাখা হবে। তারপর আপনাকে ঘুম থেকে উঠিয়ে পুনরুদ্ধার কক্ষে নিয়ে যাওয়া হবে।
সার্জারির পরে-
অস্ত্রোপচারের পর, আপনাকে পুনরুদ্ধার কক্ষে নিয়ে যাওয়া হবে। আপনার কাঁধে একটি ড্রেসিং আবৃত থাকবে যা পরবর্তী কয়েকদিনে ঘন ঘন পরিবর্তন করতে হবে। আপনার সার্জন কাঁধের জয়েন্টে একটি ছোট ড্রেনেজ টিউব ঢোকিয়ে থাকতে পারে যাতে জয়েন্টের ভিতরে অতিরিক্ত রক্ত এবং তরল জমা হতে না পারে। আপনাকে প্রয়োজনীয় অ্যান্টিবায়োটিক এবং ওষুধ দেওয়ার জন্য আপনার বাহুতে একটি ইন্ট্রাভেনাস লাইন (IV) স্থাপন করা হবে।
অস্ত্রোপচারের পরপরই আপনার কাঁধ একটি ক্রমাগত প্যাসিভ মোশন (সিপিএম) মেশিনে রাখা হতে পারে। সিপিএম কাঁধকে নড়াচড়া শুরু করতে সাহায্য করে এবং জয়েন্টের শক্ততা দূর করে। মেশিনটি কাঁধে স্ট্র্যাপ করে এবং জয়েন্টটিকে ক্রমাগত বাঁকিয়ে সোজা করে। এই গতি দৃঢ়তা কমাতে, ব্যথা কমাতে এবং জয়েন্টের অভ্যন্তরে অতিরিক্ত দাগের টিস্যু তৈরি করা থেকে বিরত রাখে বলে মনে করা হয়। আপনি যখন CPM মেশিন ব্যবহার করছেন না তখন আপনার হাতকে সমর্থন করার জন্য আপনি একটি কাঁধের স্লিং ব্যবহার করবেন৷
আপনার পুনর্বাসন প্রোগ্রাম শুরু করার জন্য অস্ত্রোপচারের পরের দিন একজন শারীরিক বা পেশাগত থেরাপিস্ট আপনাকে দেখতে পাবেন। থেরাপি চিকিত্সা ধীরে ধীরে আপনার কাঁধের নড়াচড়া উন্নত করবে। আপনি যদি CPM ব্যবহার করেন, আপনার থেরাপিস্ট সারিবদ্ধকরণ এবং সেটিংস পরীক্ষা করবেন। আপনার থেরাপিস্ট আপনার ব্যায়ামগুলি দেখবেন এবং নিশ্চিত করবেন যে আপনি বিছানায় ওঠা এবং আপনার ঘরে চলাফেরা করা নিরাপদ৷
যখন আপনি বাড়িতে যান, আপনি হোম থেরাপি ভিজিট পেতে পারেন। আপনার বাড়িতে গিয়ে, আপনার থেরাপিস্ট পরীক্ষা করে দেখতে পারেন যে আপনি আপনার বাড়িতে নিরাপদে আছেন। আপনার গতি এবং শক্তির পরিসর উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করার জন্য চিকিত্সাগুলিও করা হবে। কিছু ক্ষেত্রে, বহির্বিভাগের রোগীদের থেরাপি শুরু করার আগে আপনার বাড়িতে তিনবার পর্যন্ত পরিদর্শনের প্রয়োজন হতে পারে।
প্রথম কয়েকটি বহিরাগত রোগীর চিকিত্সা ব্যথা এবং ফোলা নিয়ন্ত্রণে ফোকাস করবে। বরফ এবং বৈদ্যুতিক উদ্দীপনা চিকিত্সা সাহায্য করতে পারে। আপনার থেরাপিস্ট পেশীর খিঁচুনি এবং ব্যথা কমাতে ম্যাসেজ এবং অন্যান্য ধরণের হ্যান্ডস-অন চিকিত্সাও ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। নির্ধারিত হিসাবে আপনার কাঁধের স্লিং ব্যবহার করা চালিয়ে যান।
পুনর্বাসন কর্মসূচির বিকাশের সাথে সাথে কাঁধের শক্তি এবং কার্যকারিতাকে নিরাপদে এগিয়ে নিতে আরও চ্যালেঞ্জিং ব্যায়াম বেছে নেওয়া হয়।
অবশেষে, আপনার চুল সাজানো বা পোশাক পরার মতো প্রতিদিনের ক্রিয়াকলাপগুলিকে অনুকরণ করতে ব্যায়ামের একটি নির্বাচিত গ্রুপ ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। কাজ বা শখের চাহিদা অনুকরণ করার জন্য নির্দিষ্ট ব্যায়ামও বেছে নেওয়া যেতে পারে।
যখন আপনার কাঁধের গতি এবং শক্তি যথেষ্ট উন্নত হবে, আপনি ধীরে ধীরে স্বাভাবিক কার্যকলাপে ফিরে যেতে সক্ষম হবেন। আদর্শভাবে, আপনি প্রায় সবকিছুই করতে সক্ষম হবেন যা আপনি আগে করেছিলেন। যাইহোক, আপনাকে ভারী বা বারবার কাঁধের কাজ এড়াতে হতে পারে।
আপনার কৃত্রিম জয়েন্ট থেকে সর্বোত্তম ফলাফল নিশ্চিত করতে আপনি অস্ত্রোপচারের পর দুই থেকে চার মাসের জন্য একটি প্রগতিশীল পুনর্বাসন কর্মসূচিতে জড়িত থাকতে পারেন। অস্ত্রোপচারের পর প্রথম ছয় সপ্তাহে, আপনার থেরাপিস্টকে সপ্তাহে দুই থেকে তিনবার দেখার আশা করা উচিত। সেই সময়ে, যদি সবকিছু এখনও পরিকল্পনা অনুযায়ী চলতে থাকে, তাহলে আপনি একটি হোম প্রোগ্রামে অগ্রসর হতে পারবেন। তারপর আপনি প্রতি কয়েক সপ্তাহে আপনার থেরাপিস্টের সাথে চেক ইন করবেন।
কেন কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারির জন্য ভারত বেছে নিবেন?
জয়েন্ট রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জারি হসপিটাল ইন্ডিয়া রোগীদের এবং তাদের প্রিয়জনদের চাহিদা মেটাতে মনোযোগ, যত্ন এবং সহানুভূতি সহ সর্বোচ্চ মানের হাড় এবং জয়েন্ট স্বাস্থ্যসেবা প্রদান করে। মেডিকেল টিমে বোর্ড-প্রত্যয়িত অর্থোপেডিক সার্জন রয়েছে যারা পেশীবহুল সিস্টেমের সমস্ত দিকগুলির সাথে পরিচিত। আমাদের হাসপাতাল অর্থোপেডিক পদ্ধতির জন্য উপলব্ধ সবচেয়ে উন্নত প্রযুক্তি ব্যবহার করে এবং জটিলতার হার কম।
যেহেতু কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপনের অস্ত্রোপচার একটি জটিল অপারেশন, তাই আমাদের কাছে একটি অভিজ্ঞ অস্ত্রোপচার দল রয়েছে এবং অপারেশন থিয়েটার-পরবর্তী যত্ন এবং পুনর্বাসনের জন্য চমৎকার পরিকাঠামো সহ সম্পূর্ণ সজ্জিত অপারেশন থিয়েটার সুবিধা রয়েছে। একটি উচ্চ-ভলিউম হাসপাতালের অধীনে একটি উচ্চ-ভলিউম সার্জন দ্বারা সঞ্চালিত কাঁধের ফ্র্যাকচার সার্জারি আপনাকে একটি ভাল ফলাফল প্রদান করে।
আপনি কি ভারতের শীর্ষ হাসপাতালে কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারির সাশ্রয়ী মূল্যের ব্যয় খুঁজছেন?
অনুগ্রহ করে আমাদের সাথে অনুসন্ধান করুন একটি “কোন বাধ্যবাধকতা নেই”
আপনি যদি সত্যিই কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারির জন্য খুঁজছেন, দয়া করে আমাদের সার্জনদের সাথে বিনামূল্যে পরামর্শের জন্য ফর্মটি পূরণ করুন৷ আপনি যে কাঁধ প্রতিস্থাপন সার্জারি চাইছেন সেই বিষয়ে আপনাকে পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খ বিশ্লেষণ এবং পরামর্শ প্রদান করা হবে।
আমাদের সুখী রোগীদের কণ্ঠস্বর শুনুন
আমাদের সমস্ত রোগীর ভিডিও দেখুন
Arthritis. Arthritis is the result of the cartilage in a joint being worn out over time. I often describe the arthritis in the shoulder as having a “rusty hinge”. The cartilage in your joint is supposed to be a smooth surface that allows things to move easily; however, when the cartilage wears out as a result of arthritis it becomes a rough surface, or “rusty”.
If you have pain in your shoulder, limited function and difficulty sleeping it is important to try arthritis medications and cortisone injections. If the medication and injections do not relieve your shoulder pain, then it is time to discuss a shoulder replacement.
The typical age group for a shoulder replacement patient is 60-80 years old. I have performed shoulder replacements on patients as old as 88 and as young as the mid-40s. Every patient’s situation is uniquely different and I take that into consideration when discussing a shoulder replacement.
For the most part it is not valuable to do therapy or exercise before a shoulder replacement surgery. Unfortunately the movement further aggravates the shoulder and causes more pain. My preparation advice for shoulder replacement surgery is more focused on the practical things in life… you have to prepare for the fact that you aren’t going to have use of your arm for a matter of weeks, which means you might need some help at home (cooking, showering, driving, etc.). I don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery. It is important for patients to plan ahead and understand what the nuts/bolts are regarding their recovery.
Certain foods, more related to nutritional supplements, can cause your blood to be thinned, a similar effect as aspirin or blood thinners. I will go over a list of supplements that could have this effect… I will have you stop taking those items a week prior to your shoulder replacement surgery.
There is some immediate change in regard to the movement of the shoulder being much smoother; however, for a few weeks after surgery it is more painful than before surgery. At about two weeks post-surgery people start to get over the “hump” and it is less painful than prior to surgery. The pain will continue to gradually decrease. At two months the average patient is very happy they had their shoulder replaced.
Most people require, to some degree, oxycodone or hydrocodone. In addition, I supplement anti-inflammatory medications. Each patient is very unique and their pain levels vary, naturally I make those adjustments accordingly.
The first couple of days the pain will be significant, but it can also be controlled with the appropriate medications. Regaining range of motion takes time, patience and persistence it only improves at a certain rate each month.
Yes. The typical stay is somewhere between 24-48 hours: 50% stay one day while 50% stay two days. Rarely do patients stay longer than two days.
Yes, we will prescribe physical therapy. Typically, therapy will last two months following the operation; however, sometimes patients require more.
Most people who develop arthritis on one side develop it on the other side as well. Most often one side hurts worse than the other and so many patients opt for both shoulders to be replaced, but it is usually a couple years between the two operations.
The estimate is around 15 years, but that estimate is variable and we see them last longer in some patients. It is difficult to predict how long each patient’s shoulder replacement will last, specifically because the materials we use now are improved from those 7-8 years ago.
Typically, if you need a shoulder redone, you redo the whole thing (not just parts), but it is rare that we have to do that. For most people, their shoulder will last for as long as they need it; however, that depends on the age that the patient received their replacement.
Infection is always the number one concern. We take a lot of precaution to prevent an infection when it comes to the surgery technique and antibiotics (you get antibiotics around the time of surgery). There is a possibility I can injure a very important nerve in the shoulder that is close to where I am working. If that nerve is injured it can have an impact on your ability to raise your arm above your head. I am very mindful of that nerve during the surgery. From a practical standpoint, wear and tear of the parts over time can cause complications.
Construction worker: 3 months
Desk worker: 2 weeks
Almost everyone has a thorough physical exam with their primary care physician to make sure they are healthy enough to handle the stress of replacement surgery. In addition, the biggest thing to plan for is to have help at home. We also don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery.
আমাদের দেশের নির্দিষ্ট পরিষেবা
সম্পর্কিত পাতা
আমাদের ব্লগ পোস্ট
আমাদের রোগীর অভিজ্ঞতা

Chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule à faible coût en Inde

Planifier votre voyage médical en Inde est un processus très simple avec l’hôpital de chirurgie de remplacement articulaire en Inde
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- +91-9860432255 Appelez-nous au numéro de contact indiqué pour toute assistance.
- Des informations complètes concernant la chirurgie sont fournies sur notre site Web.
Qu’est-ce que la chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule ?
Le remplacement de l’épaule est une intervention chirurgicale dans laquelle tout ou partie de l’articulation glénohumérale est remplacée par un implant prothétique. Une telle chirurgie de remplacement articulaire est généralement effectuée pour soulager les douleurs arthritiques ou réparer de graves lésions articulaires physiques.
La chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule est une option pour le traitement de l’arthrite grave de l’articulation de l’épaule. L’arthrite est une maladie qui affecte le cartilage des articulations. À mesure que la muqueuse cartilagineuse s’use, la couche protectrice entre les os disparaît. Lorsque cela se produit, une arthrite douloureuse os sur os se développe. L’arthrite sévère de l’épaule est très douloureuse et peut entraîner une restriction des mouvements. Bien que cela puisse être toléré avec certains médicaments et ajustements du mode de vie, il peut arriver un moment où un traitement chirurgical soit nécessaire.
Les patients souffrant d’arthrite décrivent généralement une douleur profonde au niveau de l’articulation de l’épaule. Au début, la douleur s’aggrave avec le mouvement et l’activité, et s’atténue avec le repos. À mesure que l’arthrite progresse, la douleur peut survenir même lorsque vous vous reposez. Lorsqu’un patient consulte un médecin pour une douleur à l’épaule, il ressent souvent des douleurs la nuit. Cette douleur peut être suffisamment intense pour empêcher une bonne nuit de sommeil. L’épaule du patient peut émettre des bruits de grincement ou de grincement lorsqu’elle est déplacée. Ou bien l’épaule peut s’accrocher, s’agripper, claquer ou se bloquer. Au fil du temps, le patient peut remarquer une perte de mouvement et/ou une faiblesse de l’épaule affectée. Des activités quotidiennes simples comme fouiller dans un placard, s’habiller, aller aux toilettes et laver l’aisselle opposée peuvent devenir de plus en plus difficiles.
Les symptômes courants de l’arthrite de l’épaule comprennent :
- Douleur lors des activités
- Amplitude de mouvement limitée
- Raideur de l’épaule
- Gonflement de l’articulation
- Tendresse autour de l’articulation
- Une sensation de grincement ou d’accrochage dans l’articulation
Examen des patients – Des patients africains partagent des histoires de réussite de la chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule à faible coût en Inde
Bonjour, je suis Andre Jacobs d’Afrique du Sud. J’ai subi une arthroplastie de l’épaule en Inde par l’intermédiaire du Joint Remplacement Hospital India. J’avais ressenti des douleurs à l’épaule gauche en soulevant des poids et en travaillant dans mon jardin. Au fil du temps, cet inconfort s’est transformé en douleur et a commencé à interférer avec mes activités quotidiennes. Même si j’ai suivi une thérapie physique et pris des médicaments, rien ne semblait fonctionner. C’est alors qu’un ami de mon parent qui est médecin m’a suggéré votre groupe de chirurgie en Inde. Je suis allé en ligne pour chercher plus d’informations et impressionné, j’envoie ma demande. Ils m’ont rappelé et ont répondu à toutes mes questions. Ils m’ont bien expliqué l’opération et ce à quoi je devais m’attendre. Ils m’ont également demandé mes rapports médicaux et après avoir obtenu les meilleures options de traitement, j’ai fait réparer mon opération chirurgicale avec eux. J’ai vécu l’une des expériences incroyables lors de mon voyage en Inde. Le chirurgien a pris son temps pour dissiper tous mes doutes et me mettre à l’aise. L’ensemble du personnel était sympathique. Merci pour les merveilleux soins et la qualité du service que vous avez rendus tout au long de mon séjour en Inde.
Options de traitement de l’épaule-
Traitement non chirurgical-
Le traitement d’une épaule arthritique commence par du repos, de l’exercice et la prise de médicaments contre l’arthrite. Reposer l’épaule et appliquer de la chaleur humide peut soulager une légère douleur. Après une activité intense, un sac de glace peut être plus efficace pour réduire la douleur et l’enflure.
La thérapie physique peut être utile lorsque l’arthrite en est à ses débuts. Il aide à maintenir le mouvement des articulations et à renforcer les muscles des épaules. La physiothérapie est moins efficace lorsque l’arthrite a progressé au point que les os frottent sur les os. Lorsque tel est le cas, la thérapie physique peut rendre l’épaule encore plus douloureuse.
Les médicaments contre l’arthrite, appelés anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (AINS), peuvent contrôler la douleur arthritique. Certains AINS peuvent être achetés en vente libre, tandis que d’autres nécessitent une ordonnance. Des injections périodiques de cortisone dans l’articulation de l’épaule peuvent procurer un soulagement temporaire de la douleur. Des injections excessives de cortisone peuvent cependant avoir des effets indésirables.
Surgical Treatment-
En cas de traitement non opératoire, une arthroplastie de l’épaule peut être nécessaire. Les remplacements d’épaule sont généralement effectués pour soulager la douleur.
Il existe plusieurs types différents d’arthroplasties de l’épaule. Le remplacement total habituel de l’épaule consiste à remplacer les surfaces articulaires arthritiques par une bille métallique hautement polie fixée à une tige et une douille en plastique. Les composants sont disponibles en différentes tailles. Si l’os est de bonne qualité, votre chirurgien peut choisir d’utiliser un composant huméral non cimenté ou pressé. Si l’os est mou, le composant huméral peut être implanté avec du ciment osseux. Dans la plupart des cas, un composant glénoïde entièrement plastique est implanté avec du ciment osseux. L’implantation d’un composant glénoïde est déconseillée si :
- La glène a un bon cartilage.
- L’os glénoïde est gravement déficient.
- Les tendons de la coiffe des rotateurs sont irrémédiablement déchirés.
Les patients souffrant d’arthrose os sur os et de tendons de la coiffe des rotateurs intacts sont généralement de bons candidats pour une arthroplastie totale conventionnelle de l’épaule. Selon l’état de l’épaule, votre chirurgien pourra remplacer uniquement la balle. Parfois, cette décision est prise en salle d’opération au moment de l’intervention chirurgicale. Certains chirurgiens remplacent la boule lorsqu’elle est gravement fracturée et que l’emboîture est normale.
Certains problèmes dégénératifs graves de l’épaule peuvent nécessiter le remplacement de l’épaule douloureuse par une articulation artificielle de l’épaule. Vous et votre chirurgien devez prendre la décision de procéder ensemble à l’intervention chirurgicale. Vous devez en comprendre le plus possible sur la procédure. Si vous avez des inquiétudes ou des questions, vous devriez en parler à votre chirurgien.
Une fois que vous avez décidé de recourir à la chirurgie, vous devez suivre plusieurs étapes. Votre chirurgien peut suggérer un examen physique complet par votre médecin habituel. Cet examen permet de garantir que vous êtes dans les meilleures conditions possibles pour subir l’opération.
Vous devrez peut-être également passer du temps avec le physiothérapeute ou l’ergothérapeute qui gérera votre rééducation après la chirurgie. Cela vous permet de prendre une longueur d’avance sur votre rétablissement. L’un des objectifs de cette visite préopératoire est d’enregistrer une base d’informations. Votre thérapeute vérifiera votre niveau de douleur actuel, votre capacité à faire vos activités, ainsi que le mouvement et la force de chaque épaule.
Un deuxième objectif de la visite préopératoire est de vous préparer à l’intervention chirurgicale. Vous commencerez à apprendre certains des exercices que vous utiliserez pendant votre récupération. Et votre thérapeute peut vous aider à anticiper tout besoin particulier ou problème que vous pourriez avoir à la maison, une fois que vous aurez quitté l’hôpital.
Le jour de votre opération, vous serez probablement admis à l’hôpital tôt le matin. Vous ne devriez rien manger ni boire après minuit la veille. Préparez-vous à rester plusieurs nuits à l’hôpital. La durée que vous passerez à l’hôpital dépend beaucoup de vous.
Quel est le coût d’une chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule en Inde ?
Le coût de la chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule en Inde peut varier d’environ Rs. 4 000 000.4,00,000 ($5,000) to Rs. 5,60,000 ($7,000).
Le coût dépendra du stade de l’arthrite, du type de chirurgie requis, de l’enquête et de l’évaluation requises, de la spécialité du chirurgien, des frais d’hôpital et de la catégorie de chambre.
Top 10 des hôpitaux de chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule en Inde
- Hôpital Fortis, Delhi
- Hôpital Max, Delhi
- Hôpital Artemis, Delhi
- Hôpital BLK, Delhi
- Hôpital Nanvati, Mumbai
- Hôpital mondial de Mumbai
- Hôpital Manipal, Bangalore
- Hôpital Kokilaben, Mumbai
- Hôpital Saifee, Mumbai
- Hôpital Medanta, Gurgaon
Consultation gratuite avec les meilleurs chirurgiens de remplacement de l’épaule en Inde
- Dr. Kaushal Malhan
- Dr. Haresh Mangalani
- Dr. Ashok Rajgopal
- Dr. Aditya Menon
- Dr. Sanjay Sarup
- Dr. Sachin Bhonsle
- Dr. Harshwardhan Hegde
- Dr. Pradeep B. Bhosale
- Dr. Anil R. Karkhanis
- Dr. IPS Oberio
Planifier votre chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule abordable en Inde est un processus simple.
Notre réseau d’hôpitaux et notre groupe de chirurgie sont disponibles dans 15 villes d’Inde pour que nos patients puissent y accéder. Veuillez remplir le formulaire pour obtenir un avis gratuit de notre équipe d’experts. Vous recevrez une analyse et des recommandations pour votre chirurgie. AUCUN FRAIS PRÉLEVÉ.
L’arthroplastie de l’épaule peut être réalisée de deux manières. Lorsque le cartilage de la tête humérale (la boule) et de la glène (l’alvéole) est usé, les deux parties de l’articulation doivent être remplacées. Cette chirurgie s’appelle arthroplastie, terme utilisé pour désigner la reconstruction articulaire.
Si la glène présente encore du cartilage articulaire, votre chirurgien pourra remplacer uniquement la tête humérale. Cette procédure est connue sous le nom d’hémiarthroplastie. (Hemi signifie moitié.) L’hémi-arthroplastie est le plus souvent utilisée après une fracture de l’épaule où l’apport sanguin à la partie sphérique (la tête humérale) de l’humérus est endommagé. Des recherches ont montré que lorsque l’épaule est remplacée pour cause d’arthrite, l’arthroplastie complète de l’épaule fonctionne mieux. Les patients ressentent moins de douleur immédiatement après la chirurgie et, à long terme, ont une épaule qui fonctionne mieux avec moins de complications et sont moins susceptibles d’avoir besoin d’une deuxième opération.
Vous aurez probablement besoin d’une anesthésie générale pour une arthroplastie de l’épaule. L’anesthésie générale vous endort. Il est difficile d’engourdir uniquement l’épaule et le bras de manière à rendre possible une intervention chirurgicale aussi importante.
La chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule se fait par une incision sur le devant de votre épaule. C’est ce qu’on appelle une approche antérieure. Le chirurgien incise la peau, puis isole les nerfs et les vaisseaux sanguins et les déplace sur le côté. Les muscles sont également déplacés sur le côté.
Le chirurgien pénètre dans l’articulation de l’épaule elle-même en coupant la capsule articulaire. Cela permet au chirurgien de voir l’articulation.
À ce stade, le chirurgien peut préparer l’os pour la fixation des pièces de remplacement. La partie sphérique de la tête humérale est retirée avec une scie à os. Le creux intérieur de l’humérus supérieur est préparé à l’aide d’une râpe. Cela permet à votre chirurgien de modeler l’espace pour ancrer la tige métallique du composant huméral à l’intérieur de l’os.
Si la glène doit être remplacée, elle est préparée en éliminant tout cartilage restant à la surface. Cela se fait avec un instrument appelé une fraise. Le chirurgien utilise généralement la fraise pour percer des trous dans l’os de l’omoplate. C’est là que la tige du composant glénoïde est ancrée.
Enfin, le composant huméral et le composant glénoïde sont insérés et la boule humérale est fixée.
Une fois l’articulation ancrée, le chirurgien teste son bon ajustement. Lorsque le chirurgien est satisfait de l’ajustement, la capsule articulaire est recousue. Les muscles sont ensuite remis dans leur position correcte et la peau est également recousue.
Votre incision sera recouverte d’un bandage et votre bras sera placé en écharpe. Vous serez ensuite réveillé et conduit à la salle de réveil.
Après l’opération-
Après l’opération, vous serez transporté à la salle de réveil. Vous aurez un pansement enroulé sur votre épaule qui devra être changé fréquemment au cours des prochains jours. Votre chirurgien a peut-être inséré un petit tube de drainage dans l’articulation de l’épaule pour empêcher l’excès de sang et de liquide de s’accumuler à l’intérieur de l’articulation. Une ligne intraveineuse (IV) sera placée dans votre bras pour vous administrer les antibiotiques et les médicaments dont vous avez besoin.
Votre épaule peut être placée dans un appareil à mouvement passif continu (CPM) immédiatement après la chirurgie. Le CPM aide l’épaule à commencer à bouger et soulage la raideur articulaire. La machine s’attache à l’épaule et plie et redresse continuellement l’articulation. On pense que ce mouvement réduit la raideur, soulage la douleur et empêche la formation de tissu cicatriciel supplémentaire à l’intérieur de l’articulation. Vous utiliserez une bandoulière pour soutenir votre bras lorsque vous n’utilisez pas la machine CPM.
Un physiothérapeute ou un ergothérapeute vous verra le lendemain de l’intervention chirurgicale pour commencer votre programme de réadaptation. Les traitements thérapeutiques amélioreront progressivement le mouvement de votre épaule. Si vous utilisez le CPM, votre thérapeute vérifiera l’alignement et les paramètres. Votre thérapeute passera en revue vos exercices et s’assurera que vous pouvez entrer et sortir du lit et vous déplacer en toute sécurité dans votre chambre.
Lorsque vous rentrerez chez vous, vous pourrez bénéficier de visites de thérapie à domicile. En visitant votre domicile, votre thérapeute peut vérifier que vous vous déplacez en toute sécurité dans votre maison. Des traitements seront également effectués pour vous aider à améliorer votre amplitude de mouvement et votre force. Dans certains cas, vous pouvez avoir besoin de jusqu’à trois visites à domicile avant de commencer un traitement ambulatoire.
Les premiers traitements ambulatoires se concentreront sur le contrôle de la douleur et de l’enflure. Les traitements de glace et de stimulation électrique peuvent aider. Votre thérapeute peut également utiliser des massages et d’autres types de traitements pratiques pour soulager les spasmes et les douleurs musculaires. Continuez à utiliser votre bandoulière comme prescrit.
As the rehabilitation program evolves, more challenging exercises are chosen to safely advance the shoulder’s strength and function.
Enfin, un groupe sélectionné d’exercices peut être utilisé pour simuler des activités quotidiennes, comme se coiffer ou s’habiller. Des exercices spécifiques peuvent également être choisis pour simuler les exigences du travail ou des loisirs.
Lorsque l’amplitude de mouvement et la force de vos épaules se seront suffisamment améliorées, vous pourrez reprendre progressivement vos activités normales. Idéalement, vous serez capable de faire presque tout ce que vous faisiez auparavant. Cependant, vous devrez peut-être éviter les actions d’épaule lourdes ou répétées.
Vous pouvez participer à un programme de rééducation progressive pendant deux à quatre mois après la chirurgie afin de garantir les meilleurs résultats de votre articulation artificielle. Au cours des six premières semaines suivant la chirurgie, vous devez vous attendre à voir votre thérapeute deux à trois fois par semaine. À ce moment-là, si tout se passe comme prévu, vous pourrez peut-être passer à un programme à domicile. Ensuite, vous ne consulterez votre thérapeute que toutes les quelques semaines.
Pourquoi choisir l’Inde pour une chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule ?
L’hôpital indien de chirurgie de remplacement des articulations offre des soins de santé des os et des articulations de la plus haute qualité avec attention, soin et compassion pour répondre aux besoins des patients et de leurs proches. L’équipe médicale comprend des chirurgiens orthopédistes certifiés qui connaissent tous les aspects du système musculo-squelettique. Notre hôpital utilise les technologies les plus avancées disponibles pour les procédures orthopédiques et a un taux de complications plus faible.
Étant donné que l’arthroplastie de l’épaule est une opération complexe, nous disposons d’une équipe chirurgicale expérimentée et d’une salle d’opération entièrement équipée avec une excellente infrastructure pour les soins postopératoires et la rééducation. L’intervention chirurgicale pour fracture de l’épaule, lorsqu’elle est pratiquée par un chirurgien à grand volume dans un hôpital à grand volume, vous offre de meilleurs résultats.
Recherchez-vous un coût abordable pour une chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule dans les meilleurs hôpitaux de l’Inde ?
Veuillez nous contacter. Obtenez un « Devis sans engagement”
Si vous recherchez vraiment une chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule, veuillez remplir le formulaire pour une consultation gratuite avec nos chirurgiens. Vous recevrez une analyse approfondie et des suggestions concernant la chirurgie de remplacement de l’épaule que vous recherchez.
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Arthritis. Arthritis is the result of the cartilage in a joint being worn out over time. I often describe the arthritis in the shoulder as having a “rusty hinge”. The cartilage in your joint is supposed to be a smooth surface that allows things to move easily; however, when the cartilage wears out as a result of arthritis it becomes a rough surface, or “rusty”.
If you have pain in your shoulder, limited function and difficulty sleeping it is important to try arthritis medications and cortisone injections. If the medication and injections do not relieve your shoulder pain, then it is time to discuss a shoulder replacement.
The typical age group for a shoulder replacement patient is 60-80 years old. I have performed shoulder replacements on patients as old as 88 and as young as the mid-40s. Every patient’s situation is uniquely different and I take that into consideration when discussing a shoulder replacement.
For the most part it is not valuable to do therapy or exercise before a shoulder replacement surgery. Unfortunately the movement further aggravates the shoulder and causes more pain. My preparation advice for shoulder replacement surgery is more focused on the practical things in life… you have to prepare for the fact that you aren’t going to have use of your arm for a matter of weeks, which means you might need some help at home (cooking, showering, driving, etc.). I don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery. It is important for patients to plan ahead and understand what the nuts/bolts are regarding their recovery.
Certain foods, more related to nutritional supplements, can cause your blood to be thinned, a similar effect as aspirin or blood thinners. I will go over a list of supplements that could have this effect… I will have you stop taking those items a week prior to your shoulder replacement surgery.
There is some immediate change in regard to the movement of the shoulder being much smoother; however, for a few weeks after surgery it is more painful than before surgery. At about two weeks post-surgery people start to get over the “hump” and it is less painful than prior to surgery. The pain will continue to gradually decrease. At two months the average patient is very happy they had their shoulder replaced.
Most people require, to some degree, oxycodone or hydrocodone. In addition, I supplement anti-inflammatory medications. Each patient is very unique and their pain levels vary, naturally I make those adjustments accordingly.
The first couple of days the pain will be significant, but it can also be controlled with the appropriate medications. Regaining range of motion takes time, patience and persistence it only improves at a certain rate each month.
Yes. The typical stay is somewhere between 24-48 hours: 50% stay one day while 50% stay two days. Rarely do patients stay longer than two days.
Yes, we will prescribe physical therapy. Typically, therapy will last two months following the operation; however, sometimes patients require more.
Most people who develop arthritis on one side develop it on the other side as well. Most often one side hurts worse than the other and so many patients opt for both shoulders to be replaced, but it is usually a couple years between the two operations.
The estimate is around 15 years, but that estimate is variable and we see them last longer in some patients. It is difficult to predict how long each patient’s shoulder replacement will last, specifically because the materials we use now are improved from those 7-8 years ago.
Typically, if you need a shoulder redone, you redo the whole thing (not just parts), but it is rare that we have to do that. For most people, their shoulder will last for as long as they need it; however, that depends on the age that the patient received their replacement.
Infection is always the number one concern. We take a lot of precaution to prevent an infection when it comes to the surgery technique and antibiotics (you get antibiotics around the time of surgery). There is a possibility I can injure a very important nerve in the shoulder that is close to where I am working. If that nerve is injured it can have an impact on your ability to raise your arm above your head. I am very mindful of that nerve during the surgery. From a practical standpoint, wear and tear of the parts over time can cause complications.
Construction worker: 3 months
Desk worker: 2 weeks
Almost everyone has a thorough physical exam with their primary care physician to make sure they are healthy enough to handle the stress of replacement surgery. In addition, the biggest thing to plan for is to have help at home. We also don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery.
Our Country Specific Services
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جراحة استبدال الكتف منخفضة التكلفة في الهند

يعد التخطيط لرحلتك الطبية إلى الهند عملية بسيطة للغاية مع مستشفى جراحة استبدال المفاصل في الهند
- كل ما عليك فعله هو ملء نموذج الاستفسار الخاص بنا وسيقوم أحد المديرين التنفيذيين لدينا بالاتصال بك قريبًا..
- +91-9860432255 اتصل بنا على رقم الاتصال المحدد للحصول على أي مساعدة.
- يتم توفير المعلومات الكاملة المتعلقة بالجراحة على موقعنا.
ما هي جراحة استبدال الكتف?
استبدال الكتفهو إجراء جراحي يتم فيه استبدال المفصل الحقاني العضدي بالكامل أو جزء منه بزراعة صناعية. يتم إجراء جراحة استبدال المفاصل بشكل عام لتخفيف آلام التهاب المفاصل أو إصلاح تلف المفاصل الجسدي الشديد.
جراحة استبدال الكتف هو خيار لعلاج التهاب المفاصل الحاد في مفصل الكتف. التهاب المفاصل هو حالة تؤثر على غضروف المفاصل. ومع تآكل بطانة الغضروف، يتم فقدان البطانة الواقية بين العظام. عندما يحدث هذا، يتطور التهاب المفاصل العظمي المؤلم. التهاب المفاصل الحاد في الكتف مؤلم للغاية، ويمكن أن يسبب تقييد الحركة. في حين أنه يمكن تحمل ذلك مع بعض الأدوية وتعديلات نمط الحياة، فقد يأتي وقت يكون فيه العلاج الجراحي ضروريًا.
عادة ما يصف المرضى المصابون بالتهاب المفاصل ألمًا عميقًا داخل مفصل الكتف. في البداية، يصبح الألم أسوأ مع الحركة والنشاط، ويخف مع الراحة. مع تقدم التهاب المفاصل، قد يحدث الألم حتى عند الراحة. بحلول الوقت الذي يذهب فيه المريض إلى الطبيب لعلاج آلام الكتف، غالبًا ما يعاني من الألم أثناء الليل. قد يكون هذا الألم شديدًا بدرجة كافية لمنع النوم الجيد ليلاً. قد يصدر كتف المريض أصوات طحن أو صرير عند تحريكه. أو قد يمسك الكتف أو يمسك أو ينغلق أو ينغلق. مع مرور الوقت، قد يلاحظ المريض فقدان الحركة و/أو الضعف في الكتف المصاب. قد تصبح الأنشطة اليومية البسيطة مثل الوصول إلى الخزانة وارتداء الملابس واستخدام المرحاض وغسل الإبط الآخر صعبة بشكل متزايد.
تشمل الأعراض الشائعة لالتهاب مفاصل الكتف:
- الألم أثناء الأنشطة
- نطاق محدود من الحركة
- تصلب الكتف
- تورم المفصل
- الألم حول المفصل
- الشعور بالطحن أو الإمساك داخل المفصل
فيديو – جراحة استبدال الكتف في الهند
مراجعة المريض – يشارك المريض الأفريقي قصص نجاح جراحة استبدال الكتف منخفضة التكلفة في الهند
مرحبًا، أنا أندريه جاكوبس من جنوب أفريقيا. لقد حصلت على جراحة استبدال الكتف في الهند من خلال مستشفى الاستبدال المشترك في الهند. لقد شعرت بألم في كتفي الأيسر أثناء رفع الأثقال والعمل في حديقتي. وبمرور الوقت، تطور هذا الانزعاج إلى ألم وبدأ يتداخل مع أنشطتي اليومية. على الرغم من أنني خضعت للعلاج الطبيعي وتناولت الأدوية، إلا أنه لم ينجح أي شيء. في ذلك الوقت، اقترح عليّ صديق قريبي وهو طبيب بشأن مجموعة الجراحة الخاصة بك في الهند. لقد بحثت عبر الإنترنت عن مزيد من المعلومات وأعجبت بها، وأرسلت استفساري. لقد اتصلوا بي مرة أخرى وأجابوا على جميع استفساراتي. لقد شرحوا لي جيدًا عن الجراحة وما يجب أن أتوقعه منها. كما طلبوا مني تقاريري الطبية وبعد حصولي على أفضل الخيارات العلاجية، قمت بإصلاح جراحتي معهم. لقد مررت بواحدة من التجارب المذهلة خلال رحلتي إلى الهند. استغرق الجراح وقته في إزالة كل شكوكي وجعلني أشعر بالارتياح. كان فريق العمل ودودًا. شكرًا لكم على الرعاية الرائعة وجودة الخدمة التي قدمتموها يا رفاق طوال فترة إقامتي في الهند.
خيارات علاج الكتف-
العلاج غير الجراحي-
يبدأ علاج التهاب الكتف المفصلي بالراحة وممارسة الرياضة وتناول أدوية التهاب المفاصل. إن إراحة الكتف وتطبيق الحرارة الرطبة يمكن أن يخفف الألم الخفيف. بعد النشاط المضني، قد تكون الكمادات الثلجية أكثر فعالية في تقليل الألم والتورم.
قد يكون العلاج الطبيعي مفيدًا عندما يكون التهاب المفاصل في مراحله المبكرة. يساعد في الحفاظ على حركة المفاصل وتقوية عضلات الكتف. يكون العلاج الطبيعي أقل فعالية عندما يتقدم التهاب المفاصل إلى درجة احتكاك العظام بالعظام. في هذه الحالة، قد يؤدي العلاج الطبيعي إلى زيادة ألم الكتف.
يمكن لأدوية التهاب المفاصل، والتي تسمى مضادات الالتهاب غير الستيرويدية (NSAIDs)، السيطرة على آلام التهاب المفاصل. يمكن شراء بعض مضادات الالتهاب غير الستيروئيدية بدون وصفة طبية، بينما يتطلب البعض الآخر وصفة طبية. يمكن أن يوفر حقن الكورتيزون الدوري في مفصل الكتف تخفيفًا مؤقتًا للألم. ومع ذلك، فإن الإفراط في تناول جرعات الكورتيزون يمكن أن يكون له آثار ضارة.
العلاج الجراحي-
في حالة العلاج غير الجراحي، قد تكون هناك حاجة لعملية جراحية لاستبدال الكتف. يتم عادةً إجراء عمليات استبدال الكتف لتخفيف الألم.
هناك عدة أنواع مختلفة من بدائل الكتف. يتضمن الاستبدال الكلي للكتف المعتاد استبدال أسطح المفصل المصاب بالتهاب المفاصل بكرة معدنية مصقولة للغاية متصلة بالساق ومقبس بلاستيكي. المكونات تأتي بأحجام مختلفة. إذا كان العظم ذو نوعية جيدة، فقد يختار الجراح استخدام مكون عضدي غير مثبت أو قابل للضغط. إذا كان العظم ناعمًا، فقد يتم زرع الجزء العضدي باستخدام أسمنت العظم. في معظم الحالات، يتم زرع المكون الحقاني البلاستيكي بالكامل باستخدام الأسمنت العظمي. لا ينصح بزرع المكون الحقاني إذا:
- يحتوي الحقاني على غضروف جيد.
- العظم الحقاني يعاني من نقص شديد.
- تمزق أوتار الكفة المدورة بشكل لا يمكن إصلاحه.
المرضى الذين يعانون من هشاشة العظام على العظام وأوتار الكفة المدورة السليمة هم بشكل عام مرشحون جيدون لاستبدال الكتف الكلي التقليدي. اعتمادًا على حالة الكتف، قد يقوم الجراح باستبدال الكرة فقط. في بعض الأحيان، يتم اتخاذ هذا القرار في غرفة العمليات وقت إجراء الجراحة. يقوم بعض الجراحين باستبدال الكرة عندما تكون مكسورة بشدة ويكون التجويف طبيعيًا.
قد تتطلب بعض المشاكل التنكسية الشديدة في الكتف استبدال الكتف المؤلم بمفصل كتف صناعي. يجب عليك أنت وجراحك اتخاذ القرار بإجراء الجراحة معًا. تحتاج إلى فهم أكبر قدر ممكن من الإجراء. إذا كانت لديك مخاوف أو أسئلة، فيجب عليك التحدث مع جراحك.
بمجرد اتخاذ قرار بشأن الجراحة، عليك اتخاذ عدة خطوات. قد يقترح الجراح إجراء فحص بدني كامل بواسطة طبيبك العادي. يساعد هذا الاختبار على التأكد من أنك في أفضل حالة ممكنة لإجراء العملية.
قد تحتاج أيضًا إلى قضاء بعض الوقت مع المعالج الطبيعي أو المهني الذي سيتولى إدارة إعادة تأهيلك بعد الجراحة. يتيح لك هذا البدء في عملية تعافيك. أحد أغراض هذه الزيارة السابقة للعملية هو تسجيل خط الأساس للمعلومات. سيقوم المعالج الخاص بك بفحص مستويات الألم الحالية لديك، والقدرة على القيام بأنشطتك، وحركة وقوة كل كتف.
الغرض الثاني من الزيارة السابقة للعملية هو إعدادك للجراحة. ستبدأ في تعلم بعض التمارين التي ستستخدمها أثناء فترة تعافيك. ويمكن أن يساعدك معالجك على توقع أي احتياجات أو مشكلات خاصة قد تواجهك في المنزل، بمجرد خروجك من المستشفى.
في يوم الجراحة، من المحتمل أن يتم إدخالك إلى المستشفى في الصباح الباكر. يجب ألا تأكل أو تشرب أي شيء بعد منتصف الليل في الليلة السابقة. تعال مستعدًا للبقاء في المستشفى لعدة ليالٍ. يعتمد طول الوقت الذي ستقضيه في المستشفى عليك كثيرًا.
ما هي تكلفة جراحة استبدال الكتف في الهند؟
تكلفة جراحة استبدال الكتف في الهند يمكن أن تتراوح من حوالي روبية. 4,00,000 ($5,000) إلى روبية. 5,60,000 ($7,000).
Tستعتمد التكلفة على مرحلة التهاب المفاصل، ونوع الجراحة المطلوبة، والتحقيق والتقييم المطلوب، وتخصص الجراح، ورسوم المستشفى، وفئة الغرفة.
أفضل 10 مستشفيات لجراحة استبدال الكتف في الهند
- مستشفى فورتيس، دلهي
- مستشفى ماكس، دلهي
- مستشفى أرتميس، دلهي
- مستشفى BLK، دلهي
- مستشفى نانفاتي، مومباي
- المستشفى العالمي، مومباي
- مستشفى مانيبال، بنغالور
- مستشفى كوكيلابين، مومباي
- مستشفى سيفي، مومباي
- مستشفى ميدانتا، جورجاون
استشر مجانًا مع أفضل جراحي استبدال الكتف في الهند
- د. كوشال ملحان
- د. هاريش مانجالاني
- د. أشوك راجوبال
- د. أديتيا مينون
- دكتور سانجاي ساروب
- د. ساشين بونسل
- د. هارشواردان هيغدي
- د. براديب ب. بهوسال
- د. أنيل آر كارخانيس
- دكتور آي بي إس أوبيريو
يعد التخطيط لعملية جراحية لاستبدال الكتف بأسعار معقولة في الهند عملية سهلة.
شبكة المستشفيات ومجموعة الجراحة لدينا متاحة في 15 مدينة في الهند ليتمكن مرضانا من الوصول إليها. يرجى ملء النموذج للحصول على رأي مجاني من فريق الخبراء لدينا. سيتم تزويدك بتحليل وتوصيات لعملية جراحية. لا يتم فرض أي رسوم.
جميع الخدمات الشاملة الحزم الخاصة المتاحة للمرضى الدوليين
يمكن إجراء جراحة استبدال الكتف بإحدى طريقتين. عندما يتآكل غضروف كل من رأس العضد (الكرة) والحقاني (التجويف)، يجب استبدال كلا الجزأين من المفصل. تسمى هذه الجراحة رأب المفاصل، وهو المصطلح المستخدم لإعادة بناء المفاصل.
إذا كان الحقاني لا يزال يحتوي على بعض الغضاريف المفصلية، فقد يستبدل الجراح الرأس العضدي فقط. يُعرف هذا الإجراء باسم رأب المفصل النصفي. (هيمي تعني النصف). يتم استخدام رأب المفصل النصفي بشكل شائع بعد حدوث كسر في الكتف حيث يتضرر تدفق الدم إلى الجزء الكروي (رأس العضد) من عظم العضد. أظهرت الأبحاث أنه عندما يتم استبدال الكتف بسبب التهاب المفاصل، فإن عملية تقويم مفاصل الكتف الكاملة تكون أفضل. يشعر المرضى بألم أقل مباشرة بعد الجراحة، وعلى المدى الطويل يكون أداء الكتف أفضل مع مضاعفات أقل ويكونون أقل عرضة للحاجة إلى عملية جراحية ثانية.
ستحتاج على الأرجح إلى تخدير عام لإجراء جراحة استبدال الكتف. التخدير العام يجعلك تنام. من الصعب تخدير الكتف والذراع فقط بطريقة تجعل مثل هذه الجراحة الكبرى ممكنة.
تتم جراحة استبدال الكتف من خلال شق في الجزء الأمامي من كتفك. وهذا ما يسمى النهج الأمامي. يقوم الجراح بقطع الجلد ومن ثم عزل الأعصاب والأوعية الدموية ونقلها إلى الجانب. يتم أيضًا نقل العضلات إلى الجانب.
يقوم الجراح بإدخال مفصل الكتف نفسه عن طريق قطع محفظة المفصل. وهذا يسمح للجراح برؤية المفصل.
في هذه المرحلة، يمكن للجراح تحضير العظم لربط الأجزاء البديلة. تتم إزالة الجزء الكروي من رأس العضد باستخدام منشار العظام. يتم تحضير التجويف الداخلي لعظم العضد العلوي باستخدام عرموش. يتيح ذلك للجراح تشكيل المساحة لتثبيت الجذع المعدني للمكون العضدي داخل العظم.
إذا تم استبدال الحقاني، يتم تحضيره عن طريق طحن أي غضروف متبقي على السطح. ويتم ذلك باستخدام أداة تسمى لدغ. عادة ما يستخدم الجراح الثقب لحفر ثقوب في عظم لوح الكتف. هذا هو المكان الذي يتم فيه تثبيت جذع المكون الحقاني.
وأخيرًا، يتم إدخال المكون العضدي والمكون الحقاني ويتم تثبيت الكرة العضدية.
بمجرد تثبيت المفصل، يقوم الجراح باختبار الملاءمة المناسبة. عندما يقتنع الجراح بالملاءمة، يتم خياطة كبسولة المفصل معًا. يتم بعد ذلك إعادة العضلات إلى وضعها الصحيح، ويتم خياطة الجلد أيضًا.
سيتم تغطية شقك بضمادة، وسيتم وضع ذراعك في حمالة. سيتم بعد ذلك إيقاظك ونقلك إلى غرفة الإنعاش.
بعد الجراحه-
بعد الجراحة، سيتم نقلك إلى غرفة الإنعاش. سيكون لديك ضمادة ملفوفة على كتفك وستحتاج إلى تغييرها بشكل متكرر خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة. ربما يكون الجراح قد أدخل أنبوب تصريف صغيرًا في مفصل الكتف للمساعدة في منع تراكم الدم والسوائل الزائدة داخل المفصل. سيتم وضع خط وريدي (IV) في ذراعك لإعطائك المضادات الحيوية والأدوية اللازمة.
قد يتم وضع كتفك في آلة الحركة السلبية المستمرة (CPM) مباشرة بعد الجراحة. يساعد CPM الكتف على البدء في التحرك ويخفف من تصلب المفاصل. يتم ربط الآلة بالكتف وتقوم بثني المفصل وتقويمه بشكل مستمر. يُعتقد أن هذه الحركة تقلل من التيبس وتخفف الألم وتمنع تشكل أنسجة ندبية إضافية داخل المفصل. ستستخدم حمالة الكتف لدعم ذراعك عندما لا تستخدم جهاز CPM..
إعادة تأهيل-
سوف يقابلك أخصائي العلاج الطبيعي أو المهني في اليوم التالي للجراحة لبدء برنامج إعادة التأهيل الخاص بك. ستعمل العلاجات العلاجية على تحسين حركة كتفك تدريجيًا. إذا كنت تستخدم CPM، فسيقوم المعالج الخاص بك بالتحقق من المحاذاة والإعدادات. سيراجع المعالج الخاص بك تمارينك ويتأكد من أنك آمن عند الدخول والنهوض من السرير والتحرك في غرفتك.
عندما تعود إلى المنزل، قد تحصل على زيارات علاجية منزلية. من خلال زيارة منزلك، يمكن للمعالج الخاص بك التأكد من أنك آمن أثناء التجول في منزلك. سيتم أيضًا إجراء العلاجات للمساعدة في تحسين نطاق حركتك وقوتك. في بعض الحالات، قد تحتاج إلى ما يصل إلى ثلاث زيارات في المنزل قبل بدء العلاج في العيادات الخارجية.
ستركز العلاجات القليلة الأولى للمرضى الخارجيين على السيطرة على الألم والتورم. قد تساعد العلاجات بالثلج والتحفيز الكهربائي. قد يستخدم المعالج الخاص بك أيضًا التدليك وأنواع أخرى من العلاجات العملية لتخفيف تشنج العضلات والألم. استمر في استخدام حمالة كتفك كما هو موصوف.
ومع تطور برنامج إعادة التأهيل، يتم اختيار تمارين أكثر تحديًا لتعزيز قوة الكتف ووظيفته بشكل آمن.
وأخيرًا، يمكن استخدام مجموعة مختارة من التمارين لمحاكاة الأنشطة اليومية، مثل تصفيف شعرك أو ارتداء الملابس. يمكن أيضًا اختيار تمارين محددة لمحاكاة متطلبات العمل أو الهوايات.
عندما يتحسن نطاق حركة كتفك وقوتك بدرجة كافية، ستتمكن من العودة تدريجيًا إلى الأنشطة العادية. ومن الناحية المثالية، ستكون قادرًا على القيام بكل ما فعلته من قبل تقريبًا. ومع ذلك، قد تحتاج إلى تجنب حركات الكتف الثقيلة أو المتكررة.
قد تشارك في برنامج إعادة تأهيل تدريجي لمدة شهرين إلى أربعة أشهر بعد الجراحة لضمان أفضل النتائج من المفصل الاصطناعي. في الأسابيع الستة الأولى بعد الجراحة، يجب أن تتوقع رؤية المعالج الخاص بك مرتين إلى ثلاث مرات في الأسبوع. في ذلك الوقت، إذا كان كل شيء لا يزال يسير كما هو مخطط له، فقد تتمكن من التقدم إلى برنامج منزلي. بعد ذلك سوف تقوم فقط بمراجعة المعالج الخاص بك كل بضعة أسابيع.
لماذا تختار الهند لجراحة استبدال الكتف؟
يقدم مستشفى جراحة استبدال المفاصل في الهند رعاية صحية عالية الجودة للعظام والمفاصل مع الاهتمام والرعاية والرحمة لتلبية احتياجات المرضى وأحبائهم. يضم الفريق الطبي جراحي عظام معتمدين من البورد وعلى دراية بجميع جوانب الجهاز العضلي الهيكلي. يستخدم مستشفانا أحدث التقنيات المتاحة لإجراءات جراحة العظام ولديه معدل مضاعفات أقل.
نظرًا لأن جراحة استبدال الكتف هي عملية معقدة، فلدينا فريق جراحي من ذوي الخبرة وغرفة عمليات مجهزة تجهيزًا كاملاً مع بنية تحتية ممتازة للرعاية اللاحقة للعمليات الجراحية وإعادة التأهيل. توفر لك جراحة كسر الكتف، عندما يجريها جراح كبير الحجم في مستشفى كبير الحجم، نتائج أفضل.
هل تبحث عن تكلفة معقولة لجراحة استبدال الكتف في أفضل المستشفيات في الهند؟
من فضلك استفسر معنا واحصل على “عرض أسعار بدون التزام”
إذا كنت تبحث حقًا عن جراحة استبدال الكتف، فيرجى ملء النموذج للحصول على استشارة مجانية مع جراحينا. سيتم تزويدك بتحليل واقتراحات شاملة فيما يتعلق بجراحة استبدال الكتف التي تبحث عنها.
استمع إلى أصوات مرضانا السعداء
شاهد جميع مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بمرضانا
Arthritis. Arthritis is the result of the cartilage in a joint being worn out over time. I often describe the arthritis in the shoulder as having a “rusty hinge”. The cartilage in your joint is supposed to be a smooth surface that allows things to move easily; however, when the cartilage wears out as a result of arthritis it becomes a rough surface, or “rusty”.
If you have pain in your shoulder, limited function and difficulty sleeping it is important to try arthritis medications and cortisone injections. If the medication and injections do not relieve your shoulder pain, then it is time to discuss a shoulder replacement.
The typical age group for a shoulder replacement patient is 60-80 years old. I have performed shoulder replacements on patients as old as 88 and as young as the mid-40s. Every patient’s situation is uniquely different and I take that into consideration when discussing a shoulder replacement.
For the most part it is not valuable to do therapy or exercise before a shoulder replacement surgery. Unfortunately the movement further aggravates the shoulder and causes more pain. My preparation advice for shoulder replacement surgery is more focused on the practical things in life… you have to prepare for the fact that you aren’t going to have use of your arm for a matter of weeks, which means you might need some help at home (cooking, showering, driving, etc.). I don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery. It is important for patients to plan ahead and understand what the nuts/bolts are regarding their recovery.
Certain foods, more related to nutritional supplements, can cause your blood to be thinned, a similar effect as aspirin or blood thinners. I will go over a list of supplements that could have this effect… I will have you stop taking those items a week prior to your shoulder replacement surgery.
There is some immediate change in regard to the movement of the shoulder being much smoother; however, for a few weeks after surgery it is more painful than before surgery. At about two weeks post-surgery people start to get over the “hump” and it is less painful than prior to surgery. The pain will continue to gradually decrease. At two months the average patient is very happy they had their shoulder replaced.
Most people require, to some degree, oxycodone or hydrocodone. In addition, I supplement anti-inflammatory medications. Each patient is very unique and their pain levels vary, naturally I make those adjustments accordingly.
The first couple of days the pain will be significant, but it can also be controlled with the appropriate medications. Regaining range of motion takes time, patience and persistence it only improves at a certain rate each month.
Yes. The typical stay is somewhere between 24-48 hours: 50% stay one day while 50% stay two days. Rarely do patients stay longer than two days.
Yes, we will prescribe physical therapy. Typically, therapy will last two months following the operation; however, sometimes patients require more.
Most people who develop arthritis on one side develop it on the other side as well. Most often one side hurts worse than the other and so many patients opt for both shoulders to be replaced, but it is usually a couple years between the two operations.
The estimate is around 15 years, but that estimate is variable and we see them last longer in some patients. It is difficult to predict how long each patient’s shoulder replacement will last, specifically because the materials we use now are improved from those 7-8 years ago.
Typically, if you need a shoulder redone, you redo the whole thing (not just parts), but it is rare that we have to do that. For most people, their shoulder will last for as long as they need it; however, that depends on the age that the patient received their replacement.
Infection is always the number one concern. We take a lot of precaution to prevent an infection when it comes to the surgery technique and antibiotics (you get antibiotics around the time of surgery). There is a possibility I can injure a very important nerve in the shoulder that is close to where I am working. If that nerve is injured it can have an impact on your ability to raise your arm above your head. I am very mindful of that nerve during the surgery. From a practical standpoint, wear and tear of the parts over time can cause complications.
Construction worker: 3 months
Desk worker: 2 weeks
Almost everyone has a thorough physical exam with their primary care physician to make sure they are healthy enough to handle the stress of replacement surgery. In addition, the biggest thing to plan for is to have help at home. We also don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery.
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LOW COST Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India

Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India
- You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
- +91-9860432255 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
What is Shoulder replacement Surgery?
Shoulder replacementis a surgical procedure in which all or part of the glenohumeral
joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant. Such joint replacement surgery generally is conducted to relieve arthritis pain or fix severe physical joint damage.
Shoulder replacement surgery is an option for treatment of severe arthritis of the shoulder joint. Arthritis is a condition that affects the cartilage of the joints. As the cartilage lining wears away, the protective lining between the bones is lost. When this happens, painful bone-on-bone arthritis develops. Severe shoulder arthritis is quite painful, and can cause restriction of motion. While this may be tolerated with some
medications and lifestyle adjustments, there may come a time when surgical treatment is necessary.
Patients with arthritis typically describe a deep ache within the shoulder joint. Initially, the pain feels worse with movement and activity, and eases with rest. As the arthritis progresses, the pain may occur even when you rest. By the time a patient sees a physician for the shoulder pain, he or she often has pain at night. This pain may be severe enough to prevent a good night’s sleep. The patient’s shoulder may make grinding or grating noises when moved. Or the shoulder may catch, grab, clunk or lock up. Over time, the patient may notice loss of motion and/or weakness in the affected shoulder. Simple daily activities like reaching into a cupboard, dressing, toileting and washing the opposite armpit may become increasingly difficult.
Common Symptoms of Shoulder Arthritis include:
- Pain with activities
- Limited range of motion
- Stiffness of the shoulder
- Swelling of the joint
- Tenderness around the joint
- A feeling of grinding or catching within the joint
Patient Review – African Patient share Success Stories
of Low Cost Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India
Hello, I am Andre Jacobs from South Africa. I got my shoulder replacement surgery in India through Joint Replacement Hospital India. I had experienced soreness in my left shoulder while lifting weights and working in my yard. Over time, this discomfort progressed into pain and started interfering with my daily activities. Though I underwent the physical therapy and took medications, but nothing seemed to work out. It was then, that a friend of my relative who is doctor suggested me about your surgery group in India. I went online searching for more information and impressed with it, I send my inquiry. They called me back and replied to all my queries. They explained me well about the surgery and what I should expect with it. They also asked me for my medical reports and after getting the best treatment options, I got my surgery fixed with them. I had one of the amazing experiences during my trip in India. The surgeon took his time clearing all my doubts and putting me at ease. The whole staff was friendly. Thank you for the wonderful care and quality of service you guys rendered throughout my stay in India.
Shoulder Treatment Options-
Nonsurgical Treatment-
Treatment of an arthritic shoulder starts with rest, exercise and taking arthritis medications. Resting the shoulder and applying moist heat can ease mild pain. After strenuous activity, an ice pack may be more effective at decreasing pain and swelling.
Physical therapy may be helpful when arthritis is in early stages. It helps maintain joint motion and strengthen the shoulder muscles. Physical therapy is less effective when the arthritis has advanced to the point that bone rubs on bone. When this is the case, physical therapy may make the shoulder hurt more.
Arthritis medications, called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), can control arthritis pain. Certain NSAIDs may be purchased over-the-counter, while others require a prescription. Periodic cortisone injections into the shoulder joint can provide temporary pain relief. Excessive cortisone shots can have adverse effects, however.
Surgical Treatment-
If nonoperative treatments fail, shoulder replacement surgery may be needed. Shoulder replacements are usually done to relieve pain.
There are several different types of shoulder replacements. The usual total shoulder replacement involves replacing the arthritic joint surfaces with a highly polished metal ball attached to a stem, and a plastic socket. The components come in various sizes. If the bone is of good quality, your surgeon may choose to use a non-cemented or press-fit humeral component. If the bone is soft, the humeral component may be implanted with bone cement. In most cases, an all-plastic glenoid component is implanted with bone cement. Implantation of a glenoid component is not advised if:
- The glenoid has good cartilage.
- The glenoid bone is severely deficient.
- The rotator cuff tendons are irreparably torn.
Patients with bone-on-bone osteoarthritis and intact rotator cuff tendons are generally good candidates for conventional total shoulder replacement. Depending on the condition of the shoulder, your surgeon may replace only the ball. Sometimes, this decision is made in the operating room at the time of the surgery. Some surgeons replace the ball when it is severely fractured and the socket is normal.
Some severe degenerative problems of the shoulder may require replacement of the painful shoulder with an artificial shoulder joint. You and your surgeon should make the decision to proceed with surgery together. You need to understand as much about the procedure as possible. If you have concerns or questions, you should talk to your surgeon.
Once you decide on surgery, you need to take several steps. Your surgeon may suggest a complete physical examination by your regular doctor. This exam helps ensure that you are in the best possible condition to undergo the operation.
You may also need to spend time with the physical or occupational therapist who will be managing your rehabilitation after surgery. This allows you to get a head start on your recovery. One purpose of this pre-operative visit is to record a baseline of information. Your therapist will check your current pain levels, ability to do your activities, and the movement and strength of each shoulder.
A second purpose of the pre-operative visit is to prepare you for surgery. You’ll begin learning some of the exercises you’ll use during your recovery. And your therapist can help you anticipate any special needs or problems you might have at home, once you’re released from the hospital.
On the day of your surgery, you will probably be admitted to the hospital early in the morning. You shouldn’t eat or drink anything after midnight the night before. Come prepared to stay in the hospital for several nights. The length of time you will spend in the hospital depends a lot on you.
What is the Shoulder Replacement Surgery Cost in India?
The Cost of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India can range from approximately Rs. 4,00,000 ($5,000) to Rs. 5,60,000 ($7,000).
The cost will be depending upon the Stage of Arthritis, Type of Surgery required, Investigation & evaluation required, Specialty of Surgeon, Hospital Fee, and Room Category.
Top 10 Shoulder Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
- Fortis Hospital, Delhi
- Max Hospital, Delhi
- Artemis Hospital, Delhi
- BLK Hospital, Delhi
- Nanvati Hospital, Mumbai
- Global Hospital, Mumbai
- Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
- Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai
- Saifee Hospital, Mumbai
- Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon
Free Consult with Best Shoulder Replacement Surgeons in India
- Dr. Kaushal Malhan
- Dr. Haresh Mangalani
- Dr. Ashok Rajgopal
- Dr. Aditya Menon
- Dr. Sanjay Sarup
- Dr. Sachin Bhonsle
- Dr. Harshwardhan Hegde
- Dr. Pradeep B. Bhosale
- Dr. Anil R Karkhanis
- Dr. IPS Oberio
Planning Your Affordable Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India is an Easy Process.
Our Hospitals Network and Surgery Group is available in 15 cities of India for our patients to access. Kindly fill up the form for a free opinion from our expert team. You will be provided with an analysis and recommendations for your surgery. NO CHARGES LEVIED.
Shoulder replacement surgery can be done in one of two ways. When the cartilage of both the humeral head (the ball) and the glenoid (the socket) is worn away, both parts of the joint must be replaced. This surgery is called arthroplasty, which is the term used for joint reconstruction.
If the glenoid still has some articular cartilage, your surgeon may replace only the humeral head. This procedure is known as a hemiarthroplasty. (Hemi means half.) The hemi-arthroplasty is most commonly used after a fracture of the shoulder where the blood supply to the ball portion (the humeral head) of the humerus is damaged. Research has shown that when the shoulder is being replaced for arthritis, the complete shoulder arthroplasty performs better. Patients have less pain immediately after surgery and in the long run have a better functioning shoulder with less complication and are less likely to need a second operation.
You will most likely need general anesthesia for shoulder replacement surgery. General anesthesia puts you to sleep. It is difficult to numb only the shoulder and arm in a way that makes such a major surgery possible.
Shoulder replacement surgery is done through an incision on the front of your shoulder. This is called an anterior approach. The surgeon cuts through the skin and then isolates the nerves and blood vessels and moves them to the side. The muscles are also moved to the side.
The surgeon enters the shoulder joint itself by cutting into the joint capsule. This allows the surgeon to see the joint.
At this point, the surgeon can prepare the bone for attaching the replacement parts. The ball portion of the humeral head is removed with a bone saw. The hollow inside of the upper humerus is prepared using a rasp. This lets your surgeon mold the space to anchor the metal stem of the humeral component inside the bone.
If the glenoid will be replaced, it is prepared by grinding away any remaining cartilage on the surface. This is done with an instrument called a burr. The surgeon usually uses the burr to drill holes into the bone of the scapula. This is where the stem of the glenoid component is anchored.
Finally, the humeral component and the glenoid component are inserted and the humeral ball is attached.
Once the joint is anchored, the surgeon tests for proper fit. When the surgeon is satisfied with the fit, the joint capsule is stitched together. The muscles are then returned to their correct positions, and the skin is also stitched up.
Your incision will be covered with a bandage, and your arm will be placed in a sling. You will then be woken up and taken to the recovery room.
After surgery-
After surgery, you’ll be transported to the recovery room. You will have a dressing wrapped over your shoulder that will need to be changed frequently over the next few days. Your surgeon may have inserted a small drainage tube into the shoulder joint to help keep extra blood and fluid from building up inside the joint. An intravenous line (IV) will be placed in your arm to give you needed antibiotics and medication.
Your shoulder may be placed in a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine immediately after surgery. CPM helps the shoulder begin to move and alleviates joint stiffness. The machine straps to the shoulder and continuously bends and straightens the joint. This motion is thought to reduce stiffness, ease pain, and keep extra scar tissue from forming inside the joint. You’ll use a shoulder sling to support your arm when you’re not using the CPM machine.
A physical or occupational therapist will see you the day after surgery to begin your rehabilitation program. Therapy treatments will gradually improve the movement in your shoulder. If you are using CPM, your therapist will check the alignment and settings. Your therapist will go over your exercises and make sure you are safe getting in and out of bed and moving about in your room.
When you go home, you may get home therapy visits. By visiting your home, your therapist can check to see that you are safe getting around in your home. Treatments will also be done to help improve your range of motion and strength. In some cases, you may require up to three visits at home before beginning outpatient therapy.
The first few outpatient treatments will focus on controlling pain and swelling. Ice and electrical stimulation treatments may help. Your therapist may also use massage and other types of hands-on treatments to ease muscle spasm and pain. Continue to use your shoulder sling as prescribed.
As the rehabilitation program evolves, more challenging exercises are chosen to safely advance the shoulder’s strength and function.
Finally, a select group of exercises can be used to simulate day-to-day activities, like grooming your hair or getting dressed. Specific exercises may also be chosen to simulate work or hobby demands.
When your shoulder range of motion and strength has improved enough, you’ll be able to gradually get back to normal activities. Ideally, you’ll be able to do almost everything you did before. However, you may need to avoid heavy or repeated shoulder actions.
You may be involved in a progressive rehabilitation program for two to four months after surgery to ensure the best results from your artificial joint. In the first six weeks after surgery, you should expect to see your therapist two to three times a week. At that time, if everything is still going as planned, you may be able to advance to a home program. Then you will only check in with your therapist every few weeks.
Why Choose India for Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
Since the shoulder replacement surgery is a complex operation, we have an experienced surgical team and fully equipped operation theatre facility with excellent infrastructure for the post-operative care and rehabilitation. The shoulder fracture surgery when performed by a high-volume surgeon under a high-volume hospital provides you a better outcome.
Are you looking for Affordable Cost of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Top Hospitals of India?
Please enquire with us Get a “No Obligation Quote”
If you are really seeking for Shoulder Replacement Surgery, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Shoulder Replacement Surgery you are seeking.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Arthritis. Arthritis is the result of the cartilage in a joint being worn out over time. I often describe the arthritis in the shoulder as having a “rusty hinge”. The cartilage in your joint is supposed to be a smooth surface that allows things to move easily; however, when the cartilage wears out as a result of arthritis it becomes a rough surface, or “rusty”.
If you have pain in your shoulder, limited function and difficulty sleeping it is important to try arthritis medications and cortisone injections. If the medication and injections do not relieve your shoulder pain, then it is time to discuss a shoulder replacement.
The typical age group for a shoulder replacement patient is 60-80 years old. I have performed shoulder replacements on patients as old as 88 and as young as the mid-40s. Every patient’s situation is uniquely different and I take that into consideration when discussing a shoulder replacement.
For the most part it is not valuable to do therapy or exercise before a shoulder replacement surgery. Unfortunately the movement further aggravates the shoulder and causes more pain. My preparation advice for shoulder replacement surgery is more focused on the practical things in life… you have to prepare for the fact that you aren’t going to have use of your arm for a matter of weeks, which means you might need some help at home (cooking, showering, driving, etc.). I don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery. It is important for patients to plan ahead and understand what the nuts/bolts are regarding their recovery.
Certain foods, more related to nutritional supplements, can cause your blood to be thinned, a similar effect as aspirin or blood thinners. I will go over a list of supplements that could have this effect… I will have you stop taking those items a week prior to your shoulder replacement surgery.
There is some immediate change in regard to the movement of the shoulder being much smoother; however, for a few weeks after surgery it is more painful than before surgery. At about two weeks post-surgery people start to get over the “hump” and it is less painful than prior to surgery. The pain will continue to gradually decrease. At two months the average patient is very happy they had their shoulder replaced.
Most people require, to some degree, oxycodone or hydrocodone. In addition, I supplement anti-inflammatory medications. Each patient is very unique and their pain levels vary, naturally I make those adjustments accordingly.
The first couple of days the pain will be significant, but it can also be controlled with the appropriate medications. Regaining range of motion takes time, patience and persistence it only improves at a certain rate each month.
Yes. The typical stay is somewhere between 24-48 hours: 50% stay one day while 50% stay two days. Rarely do patients stay longer than two days.
Yes, we will prescribe physical therapy. Typically, therapy will last two months following the operation; however, sometimes patients require more.
Most people who develop arthritis on one side develop it on the other side as well. Most often one side hurts worse than the other and so many patients opt for both shoulders to be replaced, but it is usually a couple years between the two operations.
The estimate is around 15 years, but that estimate is variable and we see them last longer in some patients. It is difficult to predict how long each patient’s shoulder replacement will last, specifically because the materials we use now are improved from those 7-8 years ago.
Typically, if you need a shoulder redone, you redo the whole thing (not just parts), but it is rare that we have to do that. For most people, their shoulder will last for as long as they need it; however, that depends on the age that the patient received their replacement.
Infection is always the number one concern. We take a lot of precaution to prevent an infection when it comes to the surgery technique and antibiotics (you get antibiotics around the time of surgery). There is a possibility I can injure a very important nerve in the shoulder that is close to where I am working. If that nerve is injured it can have an impact on your ability to raise your arm above your head. I am very mindful of that nerve during the surgery. From a practical standpoint, wear and tear of the parts over time can cause complications.
Construction worker: 3 months
Desk worker: 2 weeks
Almost everyone has a thorough physical exam with their primary care physician to make sure they are healthy enough to handle the stress of replacement surgery. In addition, the biggest thing to plan for is to have help at home. We also don’t recommend you drive for at least a couple of weeks following surgery.
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Why You Should Consider Arthroscopy in India?
Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India
- You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
- +91-9860432255 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
What is the Cost of Arthroscopy Surgery with Top Hospitals and Best Surgeons in India?
- The average cost of Arthroscopy Surgery in India is typically a fraction of the cost for the same procedure and care in the US and other developed countries.
- If you compare the same with developed nations, the cost for these treatments is often the double than what you find in India.
- The cost can vary as per the diagnosis and conditions of the patients along with the facilities availed.
- The Cost of Arthroscopy Surgery in India can range from approximately Rs. 1,60,000 ($2,000) to Rs. 4,00,000 ($5,000).
The list of various factors deciding the price of Arthroscopy Surgery in India is as follows:
- Treatment Method
- Type of Surgery
- Other treatments required in conjunction with Arthroscopy Surgery
- Investigations & evaluation required.
- Hospital Fee
- Room Category
The LIST of Best Arthroscopy COST in India across TOP 15 Cities in Indian Rupees (INR) is as follows:
City | Lowest Cost | Average Cost | Highest Cost |
New Delhi | 1,60,000 | 2,40,000 | 4,00,000 |
Mumbai | 1,70,000 | 2,50,000 | 4,25,000 |
Chennai | 1,80,000 | 2,60,000 | 4,50,000 |
Bangalore | 2,00,000 | 2,80,000 | 4,75,000 |
Hyderabad | 1,60,000 | 2,40,000 | 4,00,000 |
Ahmedabad | 1,70,000 | 2,50,000 | 4,25,000 |
Nagpur | 1,80,000 | 2,60,000 | 4,50,000 |
Pune | 2,00,000 | 2,80,000 | 4,75,000 |
Gurgoan / Gurugram | 1,60,000 | 2,40,000 | 4,00,000 |
Kolkata | 1,70,000 | 2,50,000 | 4,25,000 |
Chandigarh | 1,80,000 | 2,60,000 | 4,50,000 |
Jaipur | 2,00,000 | 2,80,000 | 4,75,000 |
Noida | 1,60,000 | 2,40,000 | 4,00,000 |
Kerala | 1,70,000 | 2,50,000 | 4,25,000 |
Goa | 1,80,000 | 2,60,000 | 4,50,000 |
The variation in the above cost is dependent on the following:
- Type of the hospital (Government/Trust/Private).
- Use of insurance, type of insurance or self paid.
- Accreditation of the facility
- Expertise, seniority, reputation and brand value of the surgeon/doctor.
Planning Your Affordable Knee Arthroscopy Surgery in India is an Easy Process.
Our Hospitals Network and Surgery Group is available in 15 cities of India for our patients to access. Kindly fill up the form for a free opinion from our expert team. You will be provided with an analysis and recommendations for your surgery. NO CHARGES LEVIED.
What is Arthroscopy?
Arthroscopy in India is a surgical procedure, where orthopedic surgeons visualize, diagnose and treat problems inside a joint. In an arthroscopic examination, the surgeon makes a small incision in the skin of the patient and then inserts pencil sized instruments which contain a small lens along with a lightning system to magnify and illuminate the structures inside the joint.
The television camera attached to the arthroscope displays the image on the giant screen, allowing the surgeon to look further. The surgeon can determine the amount or the type of injury and then correct or repair the problem if it is necessary.
Benefits of Arthroscopy in India
The benefits of arthroscopy in India includes best price hospital for arthroscopy in Inida, Internationally accredited surgeons, Affordable Arthroscopy at Best Joint Replacement Hospital India, almost zero patient wait list, state of the art equipments and the latest technology.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Arthroscopy Procedure?
This surgery has received a lot of public attention as it is used for treating well known athletes. It is an extreme valuable tool for the orthopedic patients and works out to be a blessing for patients who have had an open surgery. This surgery is conducted as an outpatient surgery and the indications are when the pain in the joint becomes unbearable, then surgery is the only option which is left.
Top 10 Arthroscopy Surgery Hospitals in India
- Fortis Hospital, Delhi
- Max Hospital, Delhi
- Artemis Hospital, Delhi
- BLK Hospital, Delhi
- Nanvati Hospital, Mumbai
- Global Hospital, Mumbai
- Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
- Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai
- Saifee Hospital, Mumbai
- Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon
10 Best Knee Arthroscopy Surgeons in India
- Dr. Ashok Rajgopal
- Dr. Kaushal Malhan
- Dr. Haresh Mangalani
- Dr. Aditya Menon
- Dr. Sanjay Sarup
- Dr. IPS Oberio
- Dr. Harshwardhan Hegde
- Dr. Pradeep B. Bhosale
- Dr. Sachin Bhonsle
- Dr. Anil R Karkhanis
Patient Testimonial – Nigerian Patient Shares Success Stories of Arthroscopy Treatment in India
Hello, my name is Becca Adesina from Nigeria. I visited India for Arthroscopy with the assistance of your medical tourism company. I was suffering from long-standing and repetitive injuries to my ankle. My doctor recommended me to undergo this surgery. Back in my native place there is a lack of medical facilities and so I decided to undergo my surgery abroad. However, the highly expensive surgery in the US made me look for pocket-friendly treatment. Luckily I found your website and got my appointment fixed. I received a warm welcome at the airport and was taken to the hospital. My surgeon was a nice and caring person. The nurses were amazing and took care of all my needs. The hospital room was hygienic. I extend my gratitude to everyone, including the surgeon, nurses and the entire team of medical tourism company for assisting me throughout my journey to India.
Arthroscopy Procedure, Recovery & Effectiveness
Affordable Arthroscopy in India ensures that one has to use anesthesia, though it depends upon the nature of the suspected problem. A small incision may be inserted inside the arthroscopy. Several other incisions may be made to see other parts of the joint. After the surgery the small incisions may be covered with dressing. One will be moved from the operating to the recovery room and many patients need little or no form of medications. After being discharged one will be given instructions on how to care for the incisions.
The amount and the time of the recovery will to a large extend depend upon the complexity of the problem. Occasionally, when one has an eye on Arthroscopy in India reviews it may be noticed that the surgery only cannot provide sure shot results, then an open surgery may be needed.
Why Opting Arthroscopy is necessary?
Free Consultation Arthroscopy in India ensures that the diagnosis is necessary for the joint injuries which begin with a thorough medical history, physical examination and X rays. CT or MRI scans may also be performed if the situation demands. Some of the most frequent conditions which occur during arthroscopic examinations are as follows
- Shoulder
- Knee
- Wrist
Why to Choose an Indian Hospital for your Arthroscopy Procedure?
In the rampant growth of medical tourism the Indian hospitals have profound impacts. Some of the skilled surgeons who have a proven track record are found in the Indian hospitals. Many foreign nationals worry about the quality of health care services which they receive abroad, and when it comes to India they have complete peace of mind with the cheapest price Arthroscopy in India. Since English is a language which is spoken by the support staff, the foreign tourists tend to be at ease.
Arthroscopy Cost in India
Low Cost Arthroscopy in India ensures that you can make considerable savings in cost when you choose India as the one stop destination for all your medical needs. You can resort to medical tourism companies which provide the best of health care at reasonable prices. A call or an email will give you further information in this regard.
Here are the approximate figures of the patients underwent Arthroscopy Surgery in the last 5 years in India:
If you are really seeking Arthroscopy, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Arthroscopy you are seeking.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure during which the internal structure of a joint is examined for diagnosis and treatment of problems inside the joint.
Arthroscopic examination of joints is helpful in diagnosis and treatment of the following conditions:
- Inflammation: Synovitis, the inflammation of the lining of the knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, or ankle.
- Acute or chronic injury: Injuries to the shoulder, knee and wrist joint, such as cartilage tears, tendon tears, carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Osteoarthritis: A type of arthritis caused by cartilage loss in a joint.
- Removal of loose bodies of bone or cartilage that becomes logged within the joint.
During arthroscopic surgery, either general, spinal, or a local anesthesia will be given depending on the condition. A small incision of the size of a buttonhole is made through which the arthroscope is inserted. Other accessory incisions will be made through which specially designed instruments are inserted. After the procedure is completed, the arthroscope is removed and incisions are closed.
Some of the possible complications after arthroscopy include infection, phlebitis (clotting of blood in veins), excessive swelling, bleeding, blood vessel, or nerve damage and instrument breakage.
It may take several weeks for the puncture wounds heal and the joint to recover completely. A rehabilitation program may be advised for a speedy recovery of normal joint function. You can resume normal activities and go back to work within a few days. You may be instructed about the incision care, activities to be avoided, and exercises to be performed for faster recovery.
Getting a full range of motion, strength, and flexibility back after surgery usually takes time. That is where pre-operative exercise, education, and post-operative physical therapy programs come in – to ensure you are physically and emotionally prepared for surgery and to maximize your recovery after surgery.
When you come for your appointment remember to bring the following:
- Driver’s License or a valid ID
- Insurance information
- Referral Letter (if required)
- Reports, X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans, etc. and any other relevant information
- List of medications (if any)
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.
To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.
Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.
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Best Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery in India
What is the Cost of Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery with Top Hospitals and Best Surgeons in India?
- The average cost of Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery in India is typically a fraction of the cost for the same procedure and care in the US and other developed countries.
- If you compare the same with developed nations, the cost for these treatments is often the double than what you find in India.
- The cost can vary as per the diagnosis and conditions of the patients along with the facilities availed.
- The Cost of Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery in India can range from approximately Rs. 4,00,000 ($5,000) to Rs. 6,40,000 ($8,000).
The list of various factors deciding the price of Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery in India is as follows:
- Treatment Procedure
- Type of Surgery
- Other treatments required in conjunction with Total Knee Replacement Surgery
- Investigations & evaluation required
- Hospital Fee
- Room Category
Why Joint Replacements?
Joint Replacement is an orthopedic surgery in which an arthritic or dysfunctional joint surface is replaced with an orthopedic prosthesis or in other words the damaged cartilage and bone is replaced with new metal and plastic joint surface to restore the alignment and painless functioning of your joints.
Why Robotic Joint Surgery is preferred?
Robotic Joint Surgery is a gift to surgical sciences. It is one of the most leading surgery techniques in India. With a number of advancement in surgery world, making procedures less complex and robot-assisted, allows doctors to perform many types of complex procedures with more precision, flexibility and control than is possible with conventional techniques. Low Cost Robotic Surgery India is one of the reasons for increased medical tourism in India. Though the risks involved in the surgery is the same as that of conventional surgery but the accuracy rate increases tremendously.
Specialists trust that for some methods it upgrades exactness, adaptability and control amid the activity and enables them to all the more likely observe the site, contrasted and customary systems. It serves, as it were, in insignificantly intrusion medical procedures. A portion of the benefits of robot-assisted joint surgery in India are as per the following:
- Fewer complications, such as surgical site infection
- Less pain and blood loss
- Quicker recovery
- Smaller, less noticeable scars
How Robot Assisted Joint Replacement Surgery Benefit You?
Advances in robotic-assisted technology have allowed orthopedic surgeons to take joint replacement surgery to an even higher level of success. The surgery is typically performed to resolve chronic joint pain caused by injury, arthritis and joint overuse. The robot- assisted joint replacement works in different steps, before your joint replacement is scheduled; the surgeon uses the robotic system to generate a 3-D virtual model of your joint based on a CT scan. Based on this model, a personalized, detailed pre-operative plan for your entire surgery is arranged by your surgeon with the help of a system. This pre-surgery planning helps your surgeon to accomplish the most precise results.
During the surgery, the surgeon manages the mechanical arm dependent on the pre-operative plan. The framework helps your surgery specialist with the arrangement of each joint part. In spite of the fact that the framework keeps your specialist from moving outside pre-arranged limits but because of the robot-assisted procedure, the surgeon can make alterations as required.
Reva Smith Permanent Fix to painful Knee Joints

Reva Smith, Canada
“I am very active in sports and I am a body trainer by profession, thus I cannot afford to miss my routine for even a day. However, being in this profession also comes with the fact that getting injuries has become a common thing. The doctors at this hospital have always been reliable for every kind of health issue, whenever it was when I got a ligament tear a few months ago or when they performed a successful robotic joint replacement surgery for me last week. They understand my profession and are always available to provide me the consultation in case of emergencies. I recommend visiting them to all my other friends in the body training business.”
Top 10 Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
- Fortis Hospital, Delhi
- Max Hospital, Delhi
- Artemis Hospital, Delhi
- BLK Hospital, Delhi
- Nanvati Hospital, Mumbai
- Global Hospital, Mumbai
- Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
- Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai
- Saifee Hospital, Mumbai
- Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon
Top 10 Robotic Joint Replacement Surgeons in India
- Dr. Kaushal Malhan
- Dr. Haresh Mangalani
- Dr. Ashok Rajgopal
- Dr. Aditya Menon
- Dr. Sanjay Sarup
- Dr. Sachin Bhonsle
- Dr. Harshwardhan Hegde
- Dr. Pradeep B. Bhosale
- Dr. Anil R Karkhanis
- Dr. IPS Oberio
Here are the approximate figures of the patients underwent Arthroscopy Surgery in the last 5 years in India:
Is Robotic Joint Surgery Expensive?
Robotic surgery tends to be slightly more expensive than open or laparoscopic surgery. However, expensive cost of robotic surgery is justified because of its efficacy in complex surgeries. It is highly functional in cancer surgeries with high precision rates as compared with other traditional practices. It is easy to perform determines the ideal placement for screws, bone grafts and implants after obtaining x-ray images of the area prior to the procedure. Though robotic surgery is expensive worldwide low cost robotic joint surgery is available in India at a comparatively low price.
Since India is only charging a fraction of what western countries hospitals costs, a huge crowd is shifted to seek robotic joint surgery from the top robotic joint replacement surgeons in India. The cost may vary as per the diagnosis and conditions of the patients along with the facilities availed. In the absence of robotic surgery patients would undergo strictly open surgery, which is associated with more blood loss and longer hospital stay. Robotic joint surgery provides cutting edge advantages for those patients, who are suffering from unbearable joint pain since years or so.

Low Cost Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India
What is the Cost of Partial Knee Replacement Surgery with Top Hospitals and Top Surgeons in India?
- The average cost of the Partial Knee Replacement Surgery is very high in western countries.
- India is known worldwide for its advanced medical facilities and promising technology for Low Cost Partial Knee Replacement Surgery. Many of the best hospitals for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery can be found in India.
- Partial Knee Replacement Surgery cost in India is much less when compared to any other countries. Also the cost of Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India is substantially lower than other developed countries of the world.
- The Cost of Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India can range from approximately Rs. 1,80,000 ($2,200) to Rs. 3,60,000 ($4,500).
Various deciding factors could determine the price of Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India. These can be broadly classified as Hospital, Medical Team or Patient Dependent factors.
Hospital Factors
- Type of the hospital (Government / Trust / Private).
- Use of insurance, type of insurance or self paid.
- Accreditation of the facility
- Reputation and brand value of the hospital.
Medical Team Factors
- Technology / Approach Used
- Surgery Type
- Type of Anesthesia or Sedation
- Qualification / Expertise of the specialist
- Extent of the surgery needed
Patient Factors
- Patient’s diagnosis
- Patient’s general health
- Room Category selected by the patient
- Other treatment required by the patient in conjunction
The LIST of AVERAGE COST of the Partial Knee Replacement Surgery across TOP 15 cities in India in Indian Rupee (INR) is as follows –
City | Lowest Cost | Average Cost | Highest Cost |
New Delhi | 1,80,000 | 2,55,000 | 3,30,000 |
Mumbai | 1,90,000 | 2,65,000 | 3,40,000 |
Chennai | 2,15,000 | 2,90,000 | 3,65,000 |
Bangalore | 2,00,000 | 2,80,000 | 3,50,000 |
Hyderabad | 2,40,000 | 3,15,000 | 3,90,000 |
Ahmedabad | 2,65,000 | 3,40,000 | 4,15,000 |
Nagpur | 1,65,000 | 2,40,000 | 3,15,000 |
Pune | 1,90,000 | 2,65,000 | 3,40,000 |
Gurgoan / Gurugram | 1,80,000 | 2,55,000 | 3,30,000 |
Kolkata | 2,65,000 | 3,40,000 | 4,15,000 |
Chandigarh | 1,90,000 | 2,65,000 | 3,40,000 |
Jaipur | 2,40,000 | 3,15,000 | 3,90,000 |
Noida | 1,80,000 | 2,55,000 | 3,30,000 |
Kerala | 2,65,000 | 3,40,000 | 4,15,000 |
Goa | 2,40,000 | 3,15,000 | 3,90,000 |
Contact Us for a FREE No Obligation Quote & Opinion for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India
Our Hospitals Network and Surgery Group are available in 15 cities of India for our patients to access. Kindly fill up the form for a free opinion from our expert team. We shall get you a Free, No Obligation Opinion from India’s best Surgeons and best Hospitals in India. NO CHARGES LEVIED.
Top 10 Surgeons For Partial Knee Replacement In India
- Dr. Ashok Rajgopal
- Dr. Kaushal Malhan
- Dr. Manoj Miglani
- Dr. Rajeev Verma
- Dr. S K S Marya
- Dr. Kamal Bachani
- Dr. Yash Gulati
- Dr. Bhushan Nariani
- Dr. Abhijit Dey
- Dr. Vinay Joshi
- Dr. Manu Bora
- Dr. Raju Vaishya
- Dr. Raghava Dutt Mulukatla
- Dr. Vijay C Bose
- Dr. IPS Oberoi
- Dr. Haresh Manglani
- Dr. B. K. Singh
- Dr. Dhananjay Gupta
- Dr. A B Govindraj
- Dr. Subhash Jangid
- Dr. Nitiraj Oberoi
- Dr. Ramneek Mahajan
- Dr. Dinshaw Pardiwala
- Dr. Ravi V.
- Dr. Pradeep Sharma
- Dr. Sanjay Desai
List of 10 Best Hip Replacement Surgery Hospitals In India
- Fortis Hospital, Mumbai
- Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
- Fortis Hospital, Bangalore
- Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
- Fortis Rajan Dhall Hospital, New Delhi
- Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
- Shalby Hospital, Ahemdabad
- Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai
- Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai
- Apollo Hospital, Chennai
- Columbia Asia Hospital, Bangalore
- Asian Joint Reconstruction Institute, Chennai
- Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon
- Jaypee Hospital, Noida
- Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai
- BLK Max Hospital, New Delhi
- PSRI Multispecialty Hospital, Delhi
- Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
- Medanta The Medicity, Delhi
- SL Raheja Hospital, Mumbai
- Global Hospitals, Chennai
- Indian Spinal Injuries Center, New Delhi
Partial Knee Replacement
Partial knee replacement, also called a unicompartmental knee arthroplasty,’ is a surgery that may be considered for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Traditionally, patients have undergone total knee replacement for severe arthritis of the knee joint. In a total knee replacement, all cartilage is removed from the knee joint, and a metal and plastic implant is substituted.
Human beings use their knees in almost all of their daily activities. And if they suffer from pain in the knees, this could be very frustrating. Knee pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Of which, knee arthritis is the most common reason. The doctor can recommend a partial knee replacement surgery in cases where the patient is suffering from debilitating pain. Partial knee replacement surgery is also known as uni-compartmental knee surgery because it is different from a traditional total knee replacement surgery.
A partial knee replacement surgery is relatively less invasive than a traditional total knee replacement surgery. Partial knee replacement surgery in India could be a good option for patients suffering from knee arthritis and from knee injuries. This type of knee replacement surgery is preferred over the traditional total knee replacement surgery because it replaces only the damaged parts of the knee. The post operative hospital stay is also a very short period of one or two day as compared to a total knee replacement surgery. Patients have experienced a shorter recovery period in a partial knee replacement surgery.

Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India
- You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
- +91-9860432255 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
Benefits of partial knee replacement surgery in India
Multiple studies have shown that modern unicompartmental knee replacement performs very well in the vast majority of patients who are appropriate candidates.
The advantages of partial knee replacement over total knee replacement include:
- Minimally invasive surgery with smaller incision:In a unicondylar or partial knee replacement surgery the incision is about three inches and the amount of dissection and the bone removal is much smaller.
- Affordable costs: The total cost of partial knee replacement surgery in India is quite affordable compared to the Western counterparts. Price of partial knee surgery in India is almost 1/4th of the cost of that in the UK and the US.
- Quicker recovery and shorter hospital stay:Compared to a total knee replacement, the recovery time and the number of days of hospital stay in a partial knee replacement is lesser.
- Less blood loss:Partial knee replacement is performed by making a small incision and hence a blood transfusion is infrequently needed. The amount of blood loss is much lesser when compared to a total knee replacement.
Less waiting time: The waiting time is less for surgery in India and we will help you access the Affordable Hospital for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India.
Our Treated Patient Experience – Mr. Bryan Tang from Singapore about his Low Cost Partial Knee Replacement Surgery.
Knee pain is probably one of the worst ailments that an individual can ever suffer from. For me, it was so persistent that I used to dread even climbing the stairs in my home most of the times. My co-worker was familiar with my suffering and connected me with Joint Replacement Surgery Group in India, a group of orthopedic surgeons and top most hospitals. My doctor there was an expert while explaining me the entire procedure, duration, cost involved and time of recovery and a master while performing the partial knee replacement surgery.
Candidates for partial knee replacement surgery
The minimally invasive partial knee replacement is indicated in patients who have severe arthritis of the knee that have failed conservative treatments may consider this procedure. Conservative measures may include, but are not limited to, medications (such as Advil, Naprosyn, Celebrex, and Vioxx), cortisone injections, strengthening exercises, and weight loss. If these treatments are not adequate, and you as a patient are not satisfied, then surgical procedures may be considered.
The partial knee surgery may be possible if the arthritis in the knee is confined to a limited area. If the arthritis is widespread, then the partial knee replacement is NOT appropriate, and should not be considered. In addition, the partial knee surgery is recommended in patients who are:
- Older than 55 years
- Not obese
- Relatively sedentary
- Have intact ligaments (specifically the ACL)
If these qualifications are not met, then the minimally invasive partial knee surgery may not be as successful. Unfortunately, many patients are therefore ineligible for this minimally invasive procedure.
Most patients who seek surgical management have arthritis that is too advanced for the minimally invasive partial knee replacement procedure. Because surgical treatment is considered a ‘last-resort’ by most patients, by the time surgery is necessary, their arthritis is too advanced to consider this minimally invasive procedure. If partial knee replacement is done in a patient who is a poor candidate, failure rates can be high, and conversion to a traditional total knee surgery may be more difficult.
Long term result with partial knee replacement surgery
The long-term results are very good when the minimally invasive partial knee replacement is done in the right patients. Older studies showed very poor results of the partial knee replacement, but these results are thought to be due to poor patient selection. If the minimally invasive procedure is done on a patient with too widespread arthritis, the results are very likely to be less than satisfactory. If your doctor does not recommend a partial knee replacement, you may be in this situation. If this is the case, further conservative treatment (e.g. injections, physical therapy, medications, etc.), or total knee surgery are the best options.
If you are really seeking for Total Hip Replacement Surgery, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Total Hip Replacement Surgery you are seeking.
Partial knee replacement surgery
Before surgery
On the day of the surgery, you will likely be admitted to the Partial Knee Replacement Surgery Hospital in India.
Before your procedure, a doctor from the anesthesia department will evaluate you. He or she will review your medical history and discuss anesthesia choices with you. You should also have discussed anesthesia choices with your surgeon during your preoperative clinic visits. Anesthesia can be either general (you are put to sleep) or spinal (you are awake but your body is numb from the waist down).
Your surgeon will also see you before surgery and sign your knee to verify the surgical site.
Surgical procedure
A partial knee replacement operation typically lasts between 1 and 2 hours.
Your surgeon will make an incision at the front of your knee. He or she will then explore the three compartments of your knee to verify that the cartilage damage is, in fact, limited to one compartment and that your ligaments are intact. If your surgeon feels that your knee is unsuitable for a partial knee replacement, he or she will instead perform a total knee replacement. He or she will discuss this contingency plan with you before your operation to make sure that you agree with this strategy.
If your knee is suitable for a partial knee replacement, your surgeon will use special saws to remove the cartilage from the damaged compartment of your knee and will cap the ends of the femur and tibia with metal coverings. The metal components are generally held to the bone with cement. A plastic insert is placed between the two metal components to allow for a smooth gliding surface.
After the surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room, where you will be closely monitored by nurses as you recover from the anesthesia. You will then be taken to your hospital room.
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved with partial knee replacement. Your surgeon will discuss each of the risks with you and will take specific measures to help avoid potential complications.
Although rare, the most common risks include:
- Blood clots. Blood clots in the leg veins are the most common complication of knee replacement surgery. Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs or pelvis after surgery. Blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin), low-molecular-weight heparin, aspirin, or other drugs can help prevent this problem.
- You will be given antibiotics before the start of your surgery and these will be continued for about 24 hours afterward to prevent infection.
- Injury to nerves or vessels. Although it rarely happens, nerves or blood vessels may be injured or stretched during the procedure.
- Continued pain.
- Risks of anesthesia.
Because a partial knee replacement is done through a smaller, less invasive incision, hospitalization is shorter, and rehabilitation and return to normal activities is faster.
Patients usually experience less postoperative pain, less swelling, and have easier rehabilitation than patients undergoing total knee replacement. In most cases, patients go home 1 to 3 days after the operation.
You will begin putting weight on your knee immediately after surgery. You may need a walker, cane, or crutches for the first several days or weeks until you become comfortable enough to walk without assistance.
A physical therapist will give you exercises to help maintain your range of motion and restore your strength. You will continue to see your orthopaedic surgeon for follow-up visits in his or her clinic at regular intervals.
You will most likely resume your regular activities of daily living by 6 weeks after surgery.
Why Choose Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery?
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
If you are really seeking for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Partial Knee Replacement Surgery you are seeking.
How many patients underwent Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India in the last 5 years?
- In recent years, India has emerged as a medical hub for patients looking for affordable, accessible and efficient low cost Partial Knee Replacement Surgery.
- Some of the most coveted Partial Knee Replacement Surgery Treatment hospitals in the world are found in India. The country is known for offering advanced medical facilities at the most reasonable cost.
- Early diagnosis, surgery or treatment helps to enhance the chances of a successful outcome.
- An average increase of 15 to 20 percent annually has been observed in the number of patients in the last 5 years.
- The Indian Partial Knee Replacement Surgery hospitals deliver advanced health care and highest quality services backed by elaborate infrastructure and lower treatment cost.
- Since all the staff in hospitals, including nurses, physiotherapists, doctors, surgeons are well-trained in English speaking, patients from any part of the world coming to India feel comfortable in communicating their problems without any issues.
Here are the approximate figures of the patients underwent Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in the last 5 years in India :
Are you looking for affordable cost of Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in Top Hospitals of India?
Please consult us to get FREE Quotes, Opinions from TOP Hospitals and BEST Surgeons of India for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Yes. Partial knee replacement, partial knee resurfacing surgery, unicompartmental knee replacement, and unicondylar knee replacement all refer to the same procedure.
There are no strict recommendations, but in general, partial knee replacements are appropriate for patients over 40 years old who meet other eligibility criteria.
The primary purpose of this procedure is relief of pain. Second is to enhance walking ability. Finally, restoring anatomy as close as possible to normal. The prosthesis is designed for walking or brisk walking, not running.
A general anasthetic means you will be unconscious during the surgery and should have no recollection aside from going to sleep and waking up. A local anasthetic allow you to remain conscious. Typically we use a spinal anesthetic which blocks all pain in the area while leaving the patient conscious. This is a personal choice and can be discussed with the anesthesiologist.
Knee prostheses or implants are made of metal and plastic. These surfaces are designed to glide smoothly against one another just as cartilage does in a healthy knee.
Although not all patients are able to return to unrestricted sport, many patients are able to resume biking, tennis and skiing.
As with any joint replacement surgery, complications may include instability of the knee, loosening of the implant, infection, nerve injury and deep vein thrombosis. Generally, complications occur less frequently after partial knee replacement than they do following total knee replacement. Be sure to discuss any concerns you have regarding these or other issues with your surgeon.
All surgeries result in some pain. We have robust systems and resources dedicated to address post-operative pain management. While pain varies by patient, typically patients experience less pain and stiffness following partial knee replacement than they do after total knee replacement. After partial knee replacement surgery, most patients receive 7-14 days of narcotic medications, but HSS also offers a limited narcotic pathway for patients who do not tolerate narcotic medications well.
Partial knee replacement will address the arthritis that is present in the particular compartment of the knee that is affected. However, there is no guarantee that arthritis will not develop elsewhere in the knee. Should this occur, surgical revision to a total knee replacement may be necessary.
A well-done partial knee replacement in an appropriately selected patient can have a survival rate that is comparable to that achieved with a total knee replacement in the first decade following surgery. The literature suggests that after the second decade, the revision rate may be somewhat higher for partial knee surgery than for total knee surgery.
Final range of motion in compartment procedures is usually comparable to preoperative range of motion.
Usually, full weight bearing is allowed immediately after the operation. Mobilization after surgery is important to prevent complications (deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolism) and to resume independent self-care as soon as possible.
The prosthesis is designed for walking/brisk walking – not running. That said, it is possible that some low impact exercises that avoid pivoting and twisting may be advantageous. Consult your doctor for specific information.
A brace is usually not required.
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.
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Low Cost Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) in India
What is the Cost of Hip Resurfacing Surgery (Birmingham Hip) with Top Hospitals and Best Surgeons in India?
- The cost of the Hip Resurfacing Surgery (Birmingham Hip) in India is typically a fraction of the cost for the same procedure and care in the US and other developed countries.
- The cost can vary as per the diagnosis and conditions of the patients along with the facilities availed.
- And if you compare the same with developed nations, the cost for these treatments is often the double than what you find in India.
- The Cost of Cost Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India can range from approximately Rs. 2,20,000 ($2,800) to Rs. 4,40,000 ($5,500).
The list of various factors deciding the price of Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery in India is as follows :
- Treatment Method
- Type of Surgery
- Other treatments required in conjunction with Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery
- Investigations & evaluation required
- Hospital Fee
- Room Category
The LIST of AVERAGE COST of the Hip Resurfacing Surgery across TOP 15 Cities in India in Indian Rupees (INR) is as follows :
City | Lowest Cost | Average Cost | Highest Cost |
New Delhi | 2,25,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,25,000 |
Mumbai | 2,50,000 | 3,75,000 | 4,75,000 |
Chennai | 2,50,000 | 3,75,000 | 4,75,000 |
Bangalore | 2,75,000 | 4,25,000 | 5,25,000 |
Hyderabad | 3,00,000 | 4,50,000 | 5,50,000 |
Ahmedabad | 2,75,000 | 4,25,000 | 5,25,000 |
Nagpur | 2,25,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,25,000 |
Pune | 2,50,000 | 3,75,000 | 4,75,000 |
Gurgaon / Gurugram | 2,25,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,25,000 |
Kolkata | 2,75,000 | 4,25,000 | 5,25,000 |
Chandigarh | 2,75,000 | 4,25,000 | 5,25,000 |
Jaipur | 2,50,000 | 3,75,000 | 4,75,000 |
Noida | 2,25,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,25,000 |
Kerala | 2,50,000 | 3,75,000 | 4,75,000 |
Goa | 2,75,000 | 4,25,000 | 5,25,000 |
The variation in the above cost is dependent on the following :
- Type of the hospital (Government/Trust/Private).
- Use of insurance, type of insurance or self paid.
- Accreditation of the facility
- Expertise, seniority, reputation and brand value of the surgeon/doctor.
Planning Affordable Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India is an Easy Process.
Our Hospitals Network and Surgery Group is available in 15 cities of India for our patients to access. Kindly fill up the form for a free opinion from our expert team. You will be provided with an analysis and recommendations for your surgery. NO CHARGES LEVIED.
Top 10 Surgeons for Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery In India
10 Best Hospitals for Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery In India
Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) in India
Hip resurfacing is the alternate form of hip arthroplasty which conserves the proximal femoral bone. The advantage means a greater range of motion of the hip joint after surgery along with a lower rate of dislocation. This form of surgery may be more suitable for young and active patients. Hip resurfacing in India has been developed as an alternative to total hip replacement. On why it is called Birmingham is that it happens to be the place where the hip resurfacing surgery was defined.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Hip Resurfacing Procedure?
You need to consider, many factors, in whether it is the right time to have surgery. The factors include the present quality of life, and the level of pain. The extent of damage to the hip and the rest of the body are also important indicators.
Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India
- You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
- +91-9860432255 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Procedure, Recovery & Effectiveness
Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Procedure is a metal on metal resurfacing artificial hip replacement system which is surgically implanted to remove the hip joint. The system has two parts, a socket which is the form of a shallow cup and cap in the form of a ball head.
Blood transfusions may be necessary after the surgery when you are still in the hospital. If you are into medications you need to avail the opinion of the doctor who can guide you better.
The effectiveness of Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip ) include the following features
- Less bone removed and a healthier bone developed
- Better function of the hips
- Minimum risk of dislocation
- Easier revision if another hip replacement becomes necessary
Why Opting Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) is Necessary?
Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) in India reviews indicates that it is necessary for the young patients who want to remain active. In this surgery more of the patient’s own bone, called the femoral neck is preserved. In hindsight the patient can lead a more active lifestyle after completion of this surgery. Patients who have undertaken this form of surgery can return to active sports.
Benefits of Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) in India
The benefits include Cost Benefits Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India, the best hip surgeons in India, Cheapest Hip Resurfacing at Best Hospital in India with latest technology and equipments.
Our Treated Patient Experience – Mrs. Judie Pollock from New Zealand about her Low Cost Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery.
My experience with the Joint Replacement Surgery Group in India for the Birmingham hip resurfacing procedure has been quite fulfilling. The doctors in the hospitals in India are really understanding of their patients’ fears and sufferings and are always available to answer even minute queries, both before the procedure and during the follow-ups. It’s been 3 months since my surgery and I have not suffered from any pain or problem in my hip since then. In fact, I feel more confident and energetic with each passing day to participate in all those activities which I used to pass on earlier due to my hip problems.
Why to choose an Indian Hospital for your Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip)?
India is the next medical destination for medical tourists from all over the world. A testimony to this fact is that the number of patients visiting India has increased manifold in the last few years. One of the prime reasons for it is Affordable Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) in India with the best of quality. In fact, cashing in on this lot of medical tourism companies have evolved and they also provide the services of Free Consultation Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) in India
How many patients underwent Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery in India in the last 5 years?
In recent years, India has emerged as a medical hub for patients looking for affordable, accessible and efficient low cost Total Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery. This emergence is primarily due to the development of state-of-the-art private and public sector healthcare facilities, medical insurance and the ease of access to quality healthcare services. An average increase of 15 to 20 percent annually has been observed in the number of patients in the last 5 years.
Here are the approximate figures of the patients underwent Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery in the last 5 years in India :
Are you looking for affordable cost of Hip Resurfacing (Birmingham Hip) Surgery in Top Hospitals of India?
Please enquire with us, get a “No Obligation Quote”
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While there is usually a number of people waiting for this procedure some scheduling flexibility is possible based on need and availability. Additionally, as outlined in my practice philosophy, expedited consultation and private surgery can be arranged (ideally allowing treatment within several months instead of several years). Send us your query to get definitive information.
Birmingham replacement in this age group is thought to have a lower failure rate than more conventional stemmed prostheses. Patients have been reported to resume running. I do not recommend this. If this is realistic for you (i.e. no other major health or joint issues), you have to accept a gradual return to this high level of activity, to strengthen the femoral neck bone. Furthermore, intense running may still lead to early or earlier failure. It will almost certainly increase the rate of metal ion generation, which may have implications for your general health. This concern has not been substantiated as of to date.
A standard hip replacement has approximately 90-95% chance to be still satisfactory and functional at 10 years. The exception is the group of young patients, perhaps between 40-55 y of age, who have a markedly higher failure rate. However, the effect of newer bearing surfaces of the longevity of standard total hip replacement in this group has not been established yet. Most likely, significant improvement will be obtained with these newer designs.The Birmingham hip replacement may have a very low failure rate at 8 years, approximately 1%. More recent data suggests that a slightly higher early failure rate may be present. It is thought that once the first 1-2 years have passed the risk of failure becomes very low.
Based on this, most Birmingham hip replacements are expected to last for a long time, 20 or 30 years would not be unreasonable to assume. However, only time will tell.
1) Preparing Your Body
- Increase your upper body strength to enable you to use mostly your arms after surgery.
- Lose weight reducing the weight strain on your new hip.
- Stop taking any anti-inflammatory medications or aspirins at least 10 days prior to surgery.
- Stop smoking as early as you can before Birmingham Hip Resurfacing surgery.
2) Preparing Your Home
- Rent or purchase special equipment to make your home life comfortable when you return from your surgery: some long-handled devices to avoid bending more than 90 degrees, elevated toilet seat, good chair cushions, and a shower chair.
3) Preparing to Travel
- It is generally safe to travel within a week of your surgery. Discuss this with your doctors. Take advantage of the wheelchair services offered at the airports.
The recovery period following Hip Resurfacing surgery will vary depending on the patient. In general, the orthopaedic surgeon will encourage the patient to use the new joint soon after the operation. Usually the patient will be standing and beginning to walk within several days. The patient will normally use crutches or cane for a period of time. The patient will also learn to do appropriate exercises to move and strengthen the joint.
- With the development of Birmingham hip resurfacing surgery, many advantages exist for hip resurfacing surgery compared to the traditional full hip replacement.
- Smaller Device: Birmingham device is chrome cobalt, metal combination. It is smaller than a traditional total hip device. With a smaller device the recovery is quicker.
- Reduction in the Bone removed: Birmingham hip resurfacing literally means retreading the bone with a metal prosthesis. Therefore, there is a significant decrease in the amount of bone removed. Only a very small amount of bone needs to be removed. The femur (thigh) bone does not need to be damaged.
- Decrease in Complication Rates: Birmingham hip surgery greatly reduces the disruption of the joint, therefore providing a shorter recovery period and a decrease in some complications. There is a dramatic reduction of dislocation rates and a reduction to the problem of lengthening or shortening of the leg.
- Shorter Recovery Time: Most Birmingham hip patients are walking 4 hours after surgery. Total time spent in hospital is approximately 2 days. Within 2 weeks, most patients are back driving, resuming most of their normal activities. Birmingham hip resurfacing dramatically improves quality of life. For total hip replacement most people remain in hospital for 5-6 days and remain off driving for 6 weeks.
- More stable hip: Because hip replacements use a smaller ball (to allow thicker plastic for longer wear) the range of movement is less and the dislocation rate greater (up to 1 in a 25) than a BHR. The hip resurfacing has a dislocation rate of less than 1 in 500 because the ball is not removed and remains the same size as the patient’s original hip. The range of movement is greater. Because the hip is more stable and feels more normal, the recovery is quicker and the function generally better.
- Ease of Revision: Because hip resurfacing does not damage the thigh bone, when they fail they can be more easily converted to a total hip replacement. This is important in young patients who wear out total hip replacements, because it saves this procedure as a later option when they are older.
There are risks with any surgical procedure. Hip Resurfacing Surgery being a relative new procedure, there is long term use data available. Hip Resurfacing surgery requires a well trained orthopaedic surgery.The person considering Hip Resurfacing surgery should tell the orthopaedic surgeon about any additional medical conditions that might complicate the surgery. The patient’s regular doctor should be told of the proposed surgery. Before the operation, the patient should discuss with the anesthetists the type of anaesthetic and possible risks involved.
- Being a relative new procedure, there is long term use data available. Hip Resurfacing surgery requires a well trained orthopaedic surgery.
- Materials and surgical techniques are improving rapidly because of the efforts of orthopaedic surgeons working with engineers and other scientists.
Hip Resurfacing surgery is approximately 2 hours of set up and operating time. There is approximately 1 hour in the recovery room after surgery. Hip resurfacing surgery requires the removal of the diseased bone only.
The pain usually decreases rapidly during the first few weeks, but the hip continues to improve for 12 months or even longer. The swelling is due to alterations in fluid return up the limb and will gradually diminish but may take many months. Mobilisation helps, as does elevation when not exercising.
Mild and moderate exercise is beneficial, but over-exercise is painful. Be guided by the hip symptoms. Generally the more active you are, the better, but within your tolerance.
Driving is an individual matter. Some people regain their co-ordination and reflexes quickly and others take longer. Following hip surgery, you should avoid driving for at least 2-3 weeks, depending on your progress.
During the first days after surgery, you should learn to walk stairs with a physiotherapist at the hospital. The pace at which you regain agility on stairs depends on individual traits.
High heels should be avoided for the first few months. Otherwise, there are no rules regarding shoes.
Both ice and heat can be used to help relieve pain, but both can be harmful if left on too long. Never sleep with a heating pad on your hip. It can damage the skin and even cause a severe burn. Ice can be used several times a day. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, is the usual regime.
Blood thinning medications (Aspirin, Cartia) should be taken for 1 month. All pain medications may be taken as directed for pain. We suggest you use these pain medications regularly for the first 10 days after surgery to prevent pain, after this they can be used just as necessary. If you have any questions about your medications, please ask.
It is common to have clicking of the artificial joint. It is caused by the movement of the hard joint surfaces or tendons moving across them. As your hip recovers and strengthens it tends to go away.
Sleeping trouble is the most common question. You need patience. Surgical healing takes approximately 6-8 weeks. Therefore, you may be slightly uncomfortable for this time. When you sleep, your own natural body produced pain killers (endorphins) reduced so the leg and hip can ache. Taking prescribed medication at night (Paracetamol, Tramadol and Gabapentin) will help and heat packs can also help. Also getting out of bed and moving the joint sometimes helps. Keep active during the day and avoid napping during the day as this makes night sleep more difficult. Normal sleep will return as the hip heals. This can take 6 -12 weeks.
It is important not to have any infections at the time of surgery, including teeth problems, bladder or skin infections. We suggest that you have a dental check up within 6 months prior to surgery as it is important not to have any major dental work for 6 months after the surgery. Please let me know if you have any infections prior to surgery.
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
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Low Cost Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India
What is the Cost of Total Hip Replacement Surgery with Top Hospitals and Best Surgeons in India?
- The Cost of the Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India is typically a fraction of the cost for the same procedure and care in the US and other developed countries.
- The cost can vary as per the diagnosis and conditions of the patients along with the facilities availed.
- And if you compare the same with developed nations, the cost for these treatments is often the double than what you find in India.
- The cost of total hip replacement surgery in India can range from approximately Rs. 2,00,000 ($2,500) to Rs. 4,40,000 ($5,500).
The list of various factors deciding the price of Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India is as follows :
- Treatment Method
- Type of Surgery
- Other treatments required in conjunction with Total Hip Replacement Surgery
- Investigations & evaluation required
- Hospital Fee
- Room Category
The LIST of AVERAGE COST of Total Hip Replacement Surgery across TOP 15 Cities in India in Indian Rupees (INR) is as follows :
City | Lowest Cost | Average Cost | Highest Cost |
New Delhi | 2,00,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,75,000 |
Mumbai | 2,00,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,75,000 |
Chennai | 2,00,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,75,000 |
Bangalore | 2,25,000 | 3,50,000 | 5,25,000 |
Hyderabad | 3,00,000 | 3,75,000 | 5,50,000 |
Ahmedabad | 2,25,000 | 3,50,000 | 5,25,000 |
Nagpur | 1,75,000 | 2,75,000 | 4,25,000 |
Pune | 2,50,000 | 3,25,000 | 4,75,000 |
Gurgoan / Gurugram | 2,50,000 | 3,25,000 | 4,25,000 |
Kolkata | 3,00,000 | 3,75,000 | 5,50,000 |
Chandigarh | 2,50,000 | 3,25,000 | 4,75,000 |
Jaipur | 2,25,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,75,000 |
Noida | 1,75,000 | 2,75,000 | 4,25,000 |
Kerala | 2,25,000 | 3,00,000 | 4,75,000 |
Goa | 2,50,000 | 3,25,000 | 4,75,000 |
The variation in the above cost is dependent on the following :
- Type of the hospital (Government/Trust/Private).
- Use of insurance, type of insurance or self paid.
- Accreditation of the facility
- Expertise, seniority, reputation and brand value of the surgeon/doctor.
Planning Your Affordable Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India is an Easy Process.
Our Hospitals Network and Surgery Group is available in 15 cities of India for our patients to access. Kindly fill up the form for a free opinion from our expert team. You will be provided with an analysis and recommendations for your surgery. NO CHARGES LEVIED.
List of Top 10 Surgeons For Total Hip Replacement Surgery In India?
- Dr. Vijay Bose
- Dr. IPS Oberoi
- Dr. Sanjay Gupta
- Dr. Vijay Kumar S
- Dr. Ameet Pispati
- Dr. Haresh Manglani
- Dr. S K S Marya
- Dr. Kamal Bachani
- Dr. Sanjay Sarup
- Dr. Subhash Jangid
- Dr. Yash Gulati
- Dr. Dinshaw Pardiwala
- Dr. Bhushan Nariani
- Dr. Pradeep Sharma
- Dr. Sanjay Desai
- Dr. Kaushal Malhan
- Dr. Ashok Rajgopal
- Dr. Rajeev Verma
- Dr. Sajan K Hegde
- Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj
- Dr. Manoj Miglani
- Dr. Dhananjay Gupta
- Dr. A B Govindraj
- Dr. B. K. Singh
- Dr. Ramneek Mahajan
- Dr. Aashish Chaudhary
- Dr. Manu Bora
- Dr. Raju Vaishya
- Dr. Raghava Dutt Mulukatla
- Dr. Prabhat Lakkireddi
List of 10 Best Hip Replacement Surgery Hospitals In India
- Asian Joint Reconstruction Institute
- Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai
- Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
- Paras Hospitals, Gurgaon
- Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi
- Shalby Hospital, Ahemdabad
- BLK Max Hospital, New Delhi
- Fortis Rajan Dhall Hospital, New Delhi
- Medanta The Medicity, Delhi
- Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Delhi
- Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
- Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata
- Fortis Hospital Mumbai
- Medanta Hospital Gurgaon
- Fortis Hospital, Bangalore
- Jaypee Hospital Noida
- Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai
- PSRI Hospital, New Delhi
- Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
- FMRI Institute, Gurgaon
- Sevenhills Hospital, Mumbai
- Aster Medcity, Kerala
- Global Hospitals, Chennai
- Indian Spinal Injuries Center, New Delhi
What is Total Hip Replacement Surgery?
The surgical procedure that involves the replacement of diseased cartilage and bone of the hip with artificial materials is known as a total hip replacement surgery. The material used for artificial components of the hip includes chromium, titanium, cobalt and ceramic. Hip Replacement Surgery in India is also called as Hip Arthroplasty, Hip Hemiarthroplasty and Total Hip Replacement. In this surgical procedure, orthopedic surgeon removes the damaged femur and replaces the ball-and-socket component of hip with artificial implants. Hip replacement surgery enables the patient to perform daily activities with ease by relieving the pain and improving the mobility.
Such a joint replacement orthopaedic surgery generally is conducted to relieve arthritis pain or fix severe physical joint damage as part of hip fracture treatment. A total hip replacement (total hip arthroplasty) consists of replacing both the acetabulum and the femoral head while hemiarthroplasty generally only replaces the femoral head. Hip replacement is currently the most common orthopaedic operation, though patient satisfaction short and long term varies widely.
Hip Replacement Surgery Procedure in India

A total hip replacement surgery in India is a surgical procedure that replaces the painful hip joint with an artificial hip joint. In a hip replacement, the head of the femur (the bone that extends from the hip to the knee) is removed along with the surface layer of the socket in which it rests (called the acetabulum).
- The head of the femur, which is situated within the pelvis socket, is replaced with a metal ball and stem. This stem fits into the shaft of the femur.
- The socket is replaced with a plastic or a metal and plastic cup.
- Recently there has been a return to the earlier version of the operation when the hip was ‘resurfaced’. Rather than remove the head of the femur it is covered by a metal cover. The socket is replaced with a metal socket.
For nearly a century, doctors have been putting various materials into diseased and painful hip joints to relieve pain. Up until the 1960s, outcomes had been unreliable. At that time, the metal ball and plastic socket for the replacement of the hip joint was introduced. Today, the artificial components used in a hip replacement are stronger and more designs are available.
There are many different shapes, sizes, and designs of artificial components of the hip joint. For the most part these are composed of chrome, cobalt, titanium, or ceramic materials. Some surgeons are also using custom-made components to improve the fit in the femur.
What are the Benefits of Total Hip Replacement Surgery?

If the patients who have hip damage, but no relief after using anti inflammatory medicines and physiotherapy, hip replacement is the only option to eliminate hip pain. Hip replacement surgery restores normal hip function of the patient and improves physical functioning like walking and other movements.
Overall, a hip replacement surgery can give freedom from pain and fatigue. The benefits also include Cheapest Price of Hip Replacement Surgery in India, almost zero wait list for patients at Top Affordable Hip Replacement Surgery Hospital India.
Best Candidates for Total Hip Replacement Surgery
Osteoarthritis of the hip most commonly affects people who are middle-aged and older. Symptoms range from mild discomfort to severe pain and immobility. Treatment for osteoarthritis of the hip focuses on decreasing pain and improving joint movement. When conservative methods of treatment fail to provide adequate relief, hip replacement may be considered.
An orthopaedic surgeon, who specializes in treating problems of the bones and joints, will evaluate if you are a candidate for a hip replacement. The surgeon will discuss your medical history, measure the range of motion and muscle strength of your hips, and observe how you sit, bend, and move. In addition, x-rays will be taken to determine the extent of damage to your hip joints. If the x-ray shows severe joint damage and no other means of treatment have provided relief, the orthopaedic surgeon may suggest hip replacement surgery.
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Who Should Have a Total Hip Replacement Surgery?

People with hip joint damage that causes pain and interferes with daily activities despite treatment may be candidates for hip replacement surgery. Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of this type of damage. However, other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory disease that causes joint pain, stiffness, and swelling), osteonecrosis (or avascular necrosis, which is the death of bone caused by insufficient blood supply), injury, fracture, and bone tumors also may lead to breakdown of the hip joint and the need for hip replacement surgery.
In the past, doctors reserved hip replacement surgery primarily for people over 60 years of age. The thinking was that older people typically are less active and put less stress on the artificial hip than do younger people. In more recent years, however, doctors have found that hip replacement surgery can be very successful in younger people as well.
New technology has improved the artificial parts, allowing them to withstand more stress and strain and last longer.
Today, a person’s overall health and activity level are more important than age in predicting a hip replacement’s success. Hip replacement may be problematic for people with some health problems, regardless of their age. For example, people who have chronic disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, or conditions that result in severe muscle weakness, are more likely than people without chronic diseases to damage or dislocate an artificial hip. People who are at high risk for infections or in poor health are less likely to recover successfully. Therefore, they may not be good candidates for this surgery. Recent studies also suggest that people who elect to have surgery before advanced joint deterioration occur tend to recover more easily and have better outcomes.
Hip arthritis typically causes pain that is dull and aching. The pain may be constant or it may come and go. Pain may be felt in the groin, thigh and buttock with possible referred pain to the knee. Walking long distances can also cause severe pain resulting in the patient limping. Some patients may need a cane, crutch, or walker to help them get around. Pain usually starts slowly and worsens with time and higher activity levels.
Patients with a bad hip joint can have difficulty in certain normal activities like climbing stairs, wearing trousers, tying shoes and clipping toenails.
A complete history and physical examination allow the physician to determine any correlation between symptoms of pain with past history and demands that have been placed upon the hips. The physician will inquire about experiencing episodes of trauma or instability, and examine the ligaments and hip alignment.
X-rays are used to determine the extent of degeneration to the cartilage or bone and may suggest a cause for the degeneration of the hip joint. Blood tests and joint aspiration (removing a small amount of fluid from the affected hip joint) may be required to rule out systemic arthritis (such as Rheumatoid Arthritis) or infection in the hip if there is reason to believe that other conditions are contributing to the degenerative process.
What Are The Treatment Options For Hip Joint Damage?
Several hip replacement procedures are performed to replace the head of the femur with new, artificial parts. They include Total Hip Replacement, Hip Resurfacing, Proxima Hip Replacement procedure, Computer Assisted Surgery, Revision Hip Replacement treatment and Bilateral Hip Replacement. Since, hip replacement is a major operation, depending on the damage and necessity, the surgeon will decide the treatment option.
People from all over the world visit abroad for their medical and surgical needs. India has become a favorable destination for medical tourists because of its infrastructure and technology that are on par with those in western countries.
- Non Surgical Treatment
For hip arthritis, the first treatment a doctor may recommend is over-the-counter, anti-inflammatory medications. Certain nutritional supplements including glucosamine could provide some relief. Short-term physical therapy may help improve strength and reduce pain. Transferring of weight to a walker helps relieve pain and walking ability.
- Surgical Treatment
General anesthesia is most used for joint replacement surgeries, but sometimes regional anesthesia is also used. This depends on your doctor, on your overall health and personal preference.
The damaged cartilage and bone is first removed. To remove the worn out ball of the ball-and-socket hip joint, the bone is cut to remove the femoral head. In order to insert a new joint, the damaged bone and cartilage must first be removed. Once the arthritic ball is removed, the worn out socket can be addressed. Unlike the ball, this bone cannot be cut off — the socket of the hip joint is part of the pelvis bone.

A reamer is used to scrape away the damaged cartilage and bone and a smooth, perfectly rounded surface are got which accepts the new hip implant. Once the damaged bone has been removed, the new socket of the hip replacement can be inserted. The socket of the pelvis is called the acetabulum and the part of the hip replacement inserted into the socket is called the acetabular component. The acetabular component is held tightly in the pelvis by making the socket slightly smaller than the acetabular component and wedging the implant into the bone. The implant has a rough surface to allow bone to grow into the surface of the implant over time.
Now that the socket has been addressed, attention can turn to the ball of the ball-and-socket hip joint. The ball is supported with an implant inserted down the hollow center of the thigh bone (femur). This implant is called the femoral stem.
For the femoral stem to be held tightly in the bone special tools are used to shape the center of the thigh bone to accommodate the femoral stem. With the bone prepared, the femoral stem is inserted and held in the bone with or without cement.
If bone cement is used, the cement is inserted in a liquid form and the stem is then placed. The cement permanently hardens within a few minutes to hold the implant fixed within the bone. When no cement is used, the implant is called “press-fit.” This means that the implant is wedged tightly into the bone. A rough surface covering the implant allows bone to grow into the implant over time.
With the stem inserted down the center of the thigh bone, the ball of the ball-and-socket hip joint can be inserted on top of the stem. A metal ball tightly fits onto the top of the stem.
- Avoid sitting on low chairs, beds or toilets
- Do not raise your knee higher than the level of your hip
- One should not lean forward while sitting down or as you stand up
- Avoid crossing legs for over 8 weeks
- The leg should not rotate in or too far out
Before Operation
Preparing for a hip replacement begins weeks before the actual surgery date. In general, patients may be told to:
- Consider autologous blood donation –To avoid using donor blood, patients may donate their own blood ahead of time. While some total joint procedures do not require blood transfusion, it is possible that a patient may need blood during or after surgery.
- Begin exercising under a physician’s supervision-It is important to be in the best possible overall health to help promote the best possible surgical experience. Increasing upper body strength is important because of the need to use a walker or crutches after hip or knee replacement. Strengthening the lower body is also key because increasing leg strength before surgery can reduce recovery time.
- Have a general physical examination-Patients who are considering total joint replacement should be evaluated by their primary care physician to assess overall health and identify any medical conditions that could interfere with surgery or recovery.
- Have a dental examination-Although infections after joint replacement are not common, an infection can occur if bacteria enter the bloodstream. Therefore, dental procedures such as extractions and periodontal work should be completed before joint replacement surgery.
- Stop taking certain medications-Your orthopaedic surgeon can advise you which over-the-counter and prescription medications should not be taken before surgery.
- Stop smoking-A good idea at any time, but particularly before major surgery in order to help reduce the risk of post-operative lung problems and improve healing.
- Lose weight-In patients who are obese, losing weight will help reduce stress on the new joint.
- Arrange a pre-op visit-An important opportunity to meet with healthcare professionals at the hospital to discuss your personal hospital care plan, including anesthesia, preventing complications, pain control, and diet.
- Have routine laboratory tests-Blood tests, urine tests, an ECG or cardiogram, and chest X-ray may be prescribed to confirm that you are fit for surgery.
- Evaluate post-surgical needs for at-home care –Every patient who undergoes total joint replacement will need help at home for the first few weeks, including assistance with preparing meals and transportation.
Pain medication will be given depending on the severity of the pain. Anticoagulants may be prescribed for several weeks following surgery.
On a cemented joint, mobilization can be done and partial weight loading is done within 24 hrs. On an un-cemented hip for weight bearing is not permitted for about 6 weeks. With a cemented or hybrid (one piece cemented and one piece un-cemented) hip, you can usually put some weight on your leg right away, but you’ll still need a walker, a cane, or crutches for several weeks.
In general, most people get out of bed with help on the day after surgery. A walker or crutches will be used during the initial phase. A physiotherapist and sometimes an occupational therapist will guide you on basic movements and exercises.
Why You Should Choose India for Total Hip Replacement Surgery?
Hip Replacement Surgery India Reviews show that India is a favored destination for orthopedic surgery and provides world class treatment in hip replacement. The world class treatment by internationally certified surgeons, best medical facilities, dedicated specialized hospitals are some of the key factors that attract patients from abroad to get treated in India.
The skilled, experienced surgeons in India use the latest scientific procedures to ensure speedy recovery of the patients. Best Hospitals in India, provide high quality and cost effective hip replacement treatment options. They boast of state of the art diagnostics, world class operating theaters, cutting edge technologies, expert professionals along with highly efficient English speaking paramedical staff.
India has become a hub of orthopedic surgeries as it offers advanced technology and high quality procedures on par with hospitals in developed countries at a fraction of the cost. India possesses some of the best hospitals and treatment centers like Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India in the world with latest facilities. That’s why more and more western patients prefer India for their medical needs. Combining with a refreshing holiday, medical tourism in India is amidst the best in the world.
Our Treated Patient Experience – Mr. Jacob Poya from Philippines about his Low Cost Total Hip Replacement Surgery.
I have been suffering with the arthritis pain in my hip from a few years now and it was becoming difficult to even carry out simple day-to-day activities with the recurring pain. Though I knew that my only option for permanent relief was a hip replacement surgery, I was a bit apprehensive because of the cost and risks involved. A friend then introduced me to Joint Replacement Surgery Group in India who had treated her also and I was amazed to see the way they carried out the entire procedure so smoothly while making me feel completely satisfied with the end result.
How to Get Qualitative Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India?
As the name implies, free consultation total hip replacement surgery in India is the surgery for the replacement of the hip, the need for which could arise due to hip arthritis or an accident. Patients need to undergo total hip replacement surgery in severe cases where medicines are unable to ease the chronic pain caused due to the friction between the ball and socket joint of the thigh bone and the pelvis. The procedure involves replacing these joints with artificial parts, which then provide relief from the pain and enable the patient to carry on the daily routine activities.
Affordable Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India is provided in select towns and cities owing to the complex nature of the surgery. However, the hospitals that do provide this surgery are super specialty hospitals that are equipped to carry out such procedures. The best thing about getting the surgery done in Indian super specialty hospitals is the experience of the doctors and surgeons. During the recent years, we have seen that the Indian doctors and surgeons making a mark at the medical forum on an international platform with breakthrough performances in complex surgeries using latest techniques. Many of the doctors have pioneered the technique of joint replacement surgery and have offered their services in several different hospitals in the world, gaining experience and expertise during the process.
While the total hip replacement surgery is provided in all metro cities of India. The hospital has received special acclaim for carrying out complex joint replacement surgeries with ease and success. The doctors and surgeons at the hospital are highly skilled, trained and experienced. Comparing with the best hospitals in the world, the Hospital is at par with the international standards of medical and health care, provision of world class, high quality treatment, usage of equipment and ambience. While the skill and dexterity of the surgeons are one reason to get the said surgery at the hospital there are some other benefits of getting the joint replacement surgeries here. One of these benefits relates to the cost of joint replacement surgery and the other is that of the absence of any waiting period.
Contact Best Hip Replacement Hospital in India to get highest quality medical services and care at low price. The low Cost Hip Replacement Surgery in India do not compromise with the quality of medical services and treatments thereby adheres to the International Standards.

Joint replacement surgery is a type of surgery that involves high costs and most of the world-renowned advanced hospitals of the world have a long waiting period before a patient can get the said surgery. However, in India the trend is exactly the opposite. While there is virtually no waiting period to get any type of joint replacement surgery, the cost of the surgery is also very low as compared to the cost of the same procedure in any advanced hospital in countries like the US and the UK. This makes India a lucrative choice to get the surgery done.
Overseas patients can find all information related to the joint surgery in India by accessing the Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India website or by taking the services of the premier medical tourism consultants that take care of all issues related to medical tourism in India.
How many patients underwent Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India in the last 5 years?
In recent years, India has emerged as a medical hub for patients looking for affordable, accessible and efficient low cost Total Hip Replacement Surgery. This emergence is primarily due to the development of state-of-the-art private and public sector healthcare facilities, medical insurance and the ease of access to quality healthcare services. An average increase of 15 to 20 percent annually has been observed in the number of patients in the last 5 years.
Here are the approximate figures of the patients underwent Total Hip Replacement Surgery in the last 5 years in India :
Are you looking for affordable cost of Hip Replacement Surgery in Top Hospitals of India?
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If you are really seeking for Total Hip Replacement Surgery, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Total Hip Replacement Surgery you are seeking.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Arthritis is the major cause of the hip pain.
Low impact cardio exercises are a good way to prepare for hip replacement surgery. Consider using an exercise bike, doing water aerobics or swimming. Not only are these exercises helpful in your surgery preparation, it can also improve the symptoms of your arthritis.
I really like it when patients have enough calcium in their diet. I ask patients to take 400 mg of calcium with each meal and 1000 IU of Vitamin D each day. The extra vitamins will help your body grow into your hip components and make it stronger.
I have had patients in their 30s, which is rare, 40s, which is not quite as rare, 50s, 60s and 70s are the most common ages. That being said I have had patients in their 80s and even in their 90s.
They had a condition where the hip bone died and it could not be replaced.
Total hip replacements are really fun because it is no exaggeration that patients will tell me they feel better the day-after-surgery than they did the day-before-surgery.
The hardest part will probably be gaining physical capabilities you haven’t had in years. Many people are just happy to get their hip replaced and be able to do the things they used to do immediately before the replacement but now can do it without pain. Our goal is for the patient to think back years ago, before they had pain and regain that level of fitness. The reason it is hard is because a lot of people don’t ever think they will get back to that activity level. It just takes time. How far were you hiking? Or dancing? Or golfing? Were you riding your bike further? Were you doing other things? You can regain a higher level of fitness you haven’t had in years.
Yes, the surgery is an inpatient procedure; however, most patients leave two days after surgery.
No, if we do the surgery in the morning you will be out of bed by the end of the day. If we do the surgery later in the day, you will be out of bed the following morning.
You will be weight bearing as tolerated. The hospital staff will teach you how to get in and out of bed safely. Before you go home, they will make sure you are able to go up and down stairs.
We always prescribe physical therapy. It usually starts in your house and progresses to an outpatient facility. The sooner we can get you to a physical therapy clinic the better because the therapy center has more equipment and is more conducive to recovering from a hip replacement surgery.
You can easily replace both hips in the same year. The real go-getters will have their surgeries within six weeks of each other. More commonly people will have the hip replacement surgeries, three months apart.
Someone with a desk job might return to work in 3-6 weeks. For someone in construction it will be closer to 8-12 weeks.
There are dislocation precautions that are theoretically in place your whole life. Practically speaking, no one ever feels restricted after their hip replacement. They don’t feel like they can’t do things. The hip dislocation precautions are just part of your life. They are not that restrictive, but they are onerous.
Usually, our orthopaedic surgeon’s use the posterior lateral approach which is the traditional/standard approach. There was a time that the surgeons did the anterior lateral approach too. We have such great results with the standard posterior approach – the patients are walking within two days and some take very few pain pills.
The shortest scars are less than four inches and it is unusual that I would go more than six inches.
Yes, I have all my patients see the dentist before I replace their hips to make sure their mouth is healthy. If you have any source of infection in your mouth it needs to be treated as best as possible so there is no risk of infection from your mouth to your new hip. After the replacement, we want you to see a dentist 2 times per year. Good dental hygiene is very important.
Your allergic response at the skin level is much different than that at the bone level. I have never had to take out a hip or knee because of allergies.
Yes, most people want a walker right after surgery; however, most people are done using their walker by the time they get to the ten day post-operative follow-up in my office.
Pre-planning is important. It is helpful to have people at home to help.
It’s much easier to recover from a hip replacement verses a knee replacement. Most people don’t need a blood transfusion.
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.
To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.
Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.