Tag Archives: India Surgery for Lupus

Lupus in India Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment in Indian Hospital
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Lupus: Overview
The immune system acts as a protective shield which keeps the dangerous infections and bacteria at bay. Lupus in India is termed as an autoimmune disease and is commonly referred to discoid lupus. Lupus in India review states that the actual number of people who are victims of the disease is less than the figures which indicate it. It is a chronic disease which damages the healthy tissues of the body.
Causes & Signs and Symptoms of Lupus
The exact cause of lupus is not known, but several factors are associated with this disease. It is not linked to a certain gene, but people with lupus often have family members affected with autoimmune conditions. There may be environmental triggers in the form of physical or emotional stress.
The symptoms can vary and change over a period of time. Some common symptoms include
- Swollen or painful joints
- Headaches or several fatigue
- Rash emerging on the noses
- Anaemia or loss of hair
The symptoms of lupus are also the symptoms of other diseases which make their diagnosis a bit tricky. It is better to consult a doctor and rely on their expert opinion before it becomes too late.
Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India.
Hello, my name is Mrs. Zarina Hayit from Uzbekistan. I came to India for Lupus treatments with the help of Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India. I had muscle and joint pain that troubled me for long. I felt exhausted and tired too soon and would sleep at every opportunity. After visiting my doctor for a checkup, he asked me to undergo a few tests and diagnosed me with Lupus. He recommended me to undergo the treatments, however, I was hesitant to get treatments as this was completely new to me. I went online searching for more information about this condition and came across various medical groups. After going through them, I choose your website and sent my inquiry. They called me back and responded my query. They asked me for my medical reports so that they could offer me the best treatment plan after consulting it with their panel of experts. After a series of conversation with them, I was convinced and got my appointment fixed with them. The surgeon explained me about the procedure and reassured me before the surgery. The nurses were quite friendly and took care of me. I was impressed with their professionalism and was treated with utmost respect and dignity. I want to thank my surgeon, hospital staff and your surgery group for the excellent care and services I got during my treatment in India.
Diagnosis & Treatments of Lupus
The doctor will do a physical exam and check out for the symptoms of lupus. There is no single test available, but screenings can help the doctor to come to an informed decision. Chest X rays and blood tests are commonly undertaken.
The treatment related to lupus is not curative and the goal is to ease the symptoms. Treatments can vary on how severe your symptoms are and which part of your body is affected. The course of treatment may include
- Steroid cream for rashes
- Anti inflammatory medications for joint pain as well as swelling.
Lifestyle Changes after Treatments of Lupus in India
Lupus is known to cause considerable amount of emotional stress. Working with a counsellor can help you maintain positive mental health, reduce stress and manage your illness. One of the most disturbing facts about the disease is fatigue. To prevent the frequent occurrence of it, the patients should regularly see the doctor.
Why Choose Indian Hospital for Treating Lupus?
India has some of the best medical professionals, the fact which the whole world has taken notice of. Low cost Lupus Treatment in India is provided by most of the top notch hospitals with competent medical facilities. Affordable Lupus in India ensures that you do not have to spend a fortune to undertake the treatment here. India works out to be a lucrative destination for medical tourists who do not require any form of emergency treatment. The services of free consultation Lupus in India help the patients to decide the path of action as far as their treatment module is concerned. Surgery might not only be the final choice, as sometimes alternative therapies can yield the desired results. Most of the hospitals have a proven track record which makes them an ideal proposition.
If you are really seeking Surgery for Lupus, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Surgery for Lupus you are seeking.
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
The cause of lupus remains unknown. Who gets lupus and why are two of the major questions researchers are trying to answer.
No, lupus is not contagious. You cannot “catch” it from another person. Lupus is also not a form of AIDS.
Not necessarily. The symptoms of lupus change over time, sometimes getting worse, but at other times getting better. At times, symptoms may disappear entirely. When that happens, the disease is in remission. Even if the disease is in remission or not causing problems, people with lupus should keep their scheduled appointments with their doctors.
The reappearance or sudden worsening of symptoms are known as a flare. It is possible to have a flare and not know it. Different symptoms may continue to appear years after lupus is diagnosed. New health concerns can be addressed at regular health checkups. Regular physical exams and lab work allow your medical team to note any changes and identify and treat flares early.
Lupus is a chronic or long-lasting disease of the immune system and there is currently no cure for lupus. There are effective treatments that can reduce symptoms and prevent complications, allowing people with lupus to live active lives. There is also ongoing research aimed at finding a cure.
One form of lupus, drug-induced lupus, usually disappears over time if the drug causing or inducing the lupus is stopped. It is not always possible to stop, since the drug inducing the lupus may be needed to control irregular heart rhythms or high blood pressure or other health concerns.
Most people with lupus who are old enough to drink alcohol can do so in moderation. Be aware, however, that alcohol can change the way the body uses or metabolizes certain medications, rushing them into the bloodstream. This can intensify both the good and not-so-good effects of medications. Alcohol can also interfere with good nutrition, causing the body to burn up some nutrients too quickly.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause stomach and intestinal upset and irritation, and alcohol can make it worse. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking NSAIDs. Women who are pregnant should not drink alcohol.
Yes, in most cases, people with lupus should exercise. You may need to modify exercise activities due to painful joints, fatigue or other lupus symptoms. There are many benefits to a daily exercise program. The physical therapist or occupational therapist at Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India can assess your current condition and design an exercise program tailor made for you. It is important for you to share your personal physical goals with the therapists and the physicians so the Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India team can work with you to help you meet your goals. Learn about the types of exercise you can do and tips on exercising effectively and sensibly.
You really shouldn’t. Tanning booths or tanning beds expose you to ultraviolet light (UV). Most people with lupus are very sensitive to ultraviolet light. Getting too much UV can make lupus skin rashes worse or cause new ones to appear. UV can also make other lupus symptoms worse. UV, whether from a tanning bed or from the sun, can also cause skin cancer.
Sexual activity, potency and fertility do not differ among men with lupus and those who do not have lupus. Young men with lupus have normal sexual and reproductive abilities. As men age, they normally experience a drop in their levels of androgens, a hormone that is usually present in high levels in males and lower levels in females. This drop in androgen levels occurs in men who have lupus and those who do not have lupus and can cause reduced sex drive and sexual activity.
Barrier methods of contraception, such as a diaphragm or a condom with spermicidal foam, are considered the safest contraceptive options for people with lupus. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) may increase the risk of infection for women taking immunosuppressive drugs, and the risk of bleeding in women with thrombocytopenia, an abnormally low level of platelets in the blood.
Women may use oral contraceptives (birth control pills) containing estrogen as long as their blood is not overly likely to coagulate or thicken into a mass. Other options include birth control pills that contain only the hormone progesterone or injectable progesterone; for example, medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera”) given for up to three months at a time.
Most but not all lupus medications need to be taken every day, at least while the disease is active. Check with your doctor about when and how often your medications should be taken and then take them exactly as instructed.
Some alternative medications and herbal and vitamin supplements may not mix well with medications being used to treat lupus. Always check with your doctor before taking any other medications or supplements. No research studies to date have shown that these alternative medications and dietary supplements have an effect on the disease process or prevent organ damage. Some alternative approaches may help with stress and coping with a chronic disease.
Such approaches may become part of the treatment plan, as long as they do not have other effects that might be considered harmful and you understand that these approaches are to be used with, not instead of, medical treatment. Work together with the Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India health care team to find the best way to treat your lupus symptoms and maintain the best possible overall health.
Dealing with a lifelong illness such as lupus can be hard. Your friends, family, classmates, teachers, bosses or coworkers may not understand how lupus affects you and what you can do. Members of the Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India health care team can help you understand the disease and explain it to your family and friends. You can tell them lupus is a chronic disease that changes over time, but it is not contagious. Let them know that lupus and the medications used to treat it can sometimes change your physical appearance, your energy levels, your ability to do certain tasks and your mood.
Talking openly and honestly can help your friends and family understand these changes when they occur. Tell them as much as you think they need to know, when they need to know it. If they want more information, you can refer them to the Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India. Remember, it is possible to have lupus and have an active, rewarding life. It is important you take control of your illness and not allow it to take control of you. Having a positive attitude will make it easier for your family and friends to relate to you as they did before you were diagnosed with lupus.
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