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Low Cost Ankle Replacement In India
Ankle replacement Overview
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Ankle replacement surgery, also referred to as the Ankle Arthroplasty is undertaken to treat ankle arthritis that is unaffected by intake of medication and drugs. This surgical procedure results in relieving the patient of all the pain that is caused due to arthritis is the joints. This arthritis may occur in patients in two cases- either in cases of wear and tear of his/her daily life or as a result of an injury or accident that broke the ankle or dislocated it. Ultimately, the consequences of this problem involve severe pain in the joints, weakening the cartilages, deformities or loss of cartilages altogether.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Ankle replacement Procedure?
As a general answer to this question, this procedure can be performed only on non-diabetic patients. It is usually undertaken in a scenario wherein the medication and drugs fail to provide any relief to an arthritis patient.
For the patients being able to undergo this surgery must have enough skin covering over his part to be operated. The patient’s body shall be free of any kind of infection and must have a normal sense of muscle control of the ankle. However, your physician/ surgeon will be a better guide for you in this respect. Ankle replacement in India reviews of patients indicates that the best results are achieved by consulting a doctor.
Patient Testimonial
Hello, my name is Kevin Bostock, Kenya. I visited India for my ankle replacement surgery in India with the assistance of Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India. I was experiencing tremendous pain in my ankle due to arthritis that badly affected my quality of life. I contacted you for getting a free consultation. I was impressed with the high quality medical services offered at reasonable price. I gave them my confirmation and flew down to India. They helped me arrange my medical visa and also made arrangements for my attendant. They assisted us with food and lodging arrangements in India. The expertise of the surgeon and the nursing staff resulted in a very successful operation. The high standard of hygiene and after care at the hospital gave me great confidence. My overall experience of getting my medical treatment in India was amazing. I would like to thank my doctor, hospital staff and your healthcare group for the care and support you provided me throughout the entire journey.
Ankle replacement Procedure & Recovery:
This surgery usually extends over a period of two to three hours on an average. The patient is admitted to the hospital after due consolation with your primary caretaker. Prior to the initiation of the operation, the patient is given general anesthesia.
Various incisions are then made of the ankle joint in order to expose it to the surgeon. To facilitate the same, tendons, nerves and vessels are carefully detached. Once it is convenient for the surgeon to operate, he removes the affected portion and replaces it in an appropriate manner. Finally, post the replacement, the layers are closed and dressed. This surgery is a complex procedure that is best performed by a surgeon who specializes in foot and ankle surgery. Post the surgery, medication is given to the patient for a period of five to seven days. The patient will suffer some mild pain in the initial days but this too will subside eventually.
Ankle Replacement Vs Ankle Fusion:
Both the above treatments are aimed at reducing or eliminating the pains in the joints of the patients who has been suffering from arthritis. Ankle fusion requires the surgeons to use in the surgery pins, screws, bone grafts and plates to lastingly joint the tibia, or shin bone to the talus. The primary purpose in to cease the bone-on-bone grinding and ease the mobility of this joint. This variation in the joint ideally lasts a lifetime, but causes a variation in the dynamics of the foot.
Ankle replacement on the other hand, requires the surgeon to completely and absolutely remove the part that has been affected and replace it with a new and fresh piece altogether.
How effective is Ankle replacement?
It may be noted by that not each and every patient is fit for this surgery. Patients with problems such as obesity, diabetes, etc. that hamper the blood supply of the individual and whose ankles are severely deformed or unstable are not it for this procedure.
This procedure is performed on patients, on whom the medication is not working any more. This has proved to be an effective solution to the medical problem of arthritis. The effect of this lasts for an average period of 10-20 years; however, is dependent on various factors such as the type of implant used, lifestyle of the patient, level of activity etc.
Why Opting Ankle replacement in India is necessary?
This surgery is performed by doctors in India regularly on multiple patients. Their expertise in the field will be greatly helpful in covering the risk factors such as nerve injury, vessel injury, tendon injury, bone injury, infection, failure and persistent pain during the operation. Further, Ankle Replacement in India is a favorable option keeping in mind the affordable and low cost of the concerned surgery.
The doctors and surgeons prior to the initiation of their practice undergo rigorous training and are subject to practice on various patients under the guidance and supervision of a senior doctor.
Why to choose an Indian Hospital for your Ankle replacement?
The hospitals in India are committed to providing you with exceptional quality of services. Low cost ankle Replacement cost in India if compared to other countries, is much lower. In light of the cost along with the exemplary services, this option is widely adopted by patients in India and abroad. There are various hospitals that for the interest of their patients provide Free Consultation Ankle replacement in India.
If you are really seeking for Ankle Replacement, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Ankle Replacement you are seeking.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
- After obtaining medical evaluation from your primary care provider you are admitted to the hospital for elective surgery. An anesthetic is placed and the ankle joint is exposed by careful separation of the tendons, vessels and nerves in front of the joint. The diseased portion of the ankle is precisely removed and the replacement is impacted into position. The layers are closed and a dressing is applied. Additional procedures may be performed at the same time as necessary. The procedure lasts 2 to 3 hours.
When compared to the other major joints, arthritis of the ankle is uncommon. Many people know of someone who has found pain relief from hip or knee replacement, but few know someone who has had an ankle replacement. It is true that ankle replacement is not as common as hip and knee replacement, but the number of procedures is growing fast.
- As with any surgical procedure, experience matters. Ankle replacement is a complex procedure, and is best performed by a surgeon who specializes in foot and ankle surgery, and not just knee and hip replacement.
The typical patient spends one or two nights in the hospital after ankle replacement. However, the length of the hospital stay can depend on many other factors. Your surgeon will advise you on what he/she believes is likely for your specific situation.
A foot and ankle surgeon who is experienced in ankle replacement surgery can evaluate your particular situation and determine whether you are a candidate for the procedure. All patients must exhaust other non-surgical treatment methods prior to proceeding with ankle replacement. No age limits have been established for the ankle replacement, but the performance of a prosthetic joint and how long it will last depends on many factors, including the type of implant used, your physical condition, bone quality, activity level and lifestyle.
It is very important that your surgeon be aware of all medications that you are taking, especially, steroids and blood thinners. You will be advised if you need to make any changes in your medication schedule. Generally, patients are advised to stop taking prescription or over the counter anti-inflammatory medication, including aspirin or ibuprofen five days before surgery. These medications thin the blood and can lead to excessive bleeding during surgery.
The arthritic ankle is expected to be less swollen but not completely normal. Also, there will be a visible scar on the front of the ankle from the incision.
There are several components that make up the ankle replacement device. All of the parts are made from highly biocompatible materials, including titanium and cobalt chrome metals on the tibial and talus sides of the joint. Between those two components, a third component made of a biocompatible plastic called polyethylene is attached to the tibial component to help the components glide against each other. These are identical materials to those used in hip and knee replacements. All of the materials have a long and successful track record for use in human joint replacements.
Advances in technology and materials have made ankle replacement more and more reliable. An increasing number of foot and ankle surgeons are using ankle replacement surgery with confidence to relieve pain and restore mobility in patients with compromised ankle function.
Although still a small niche segment, the ankle replacement market is growing rapidly. In 2009, about 2,300 procedures were performed in the US alone.
How long an ankle replacement lasts depends on many factors, including the type of implant used, and the patient’s physical condition, activity level and lifestyle.
While prosthetic joints can provide increased mobility and pain relief for many years, it is a fact that they are mechanical bearings and may not last for the rest of the patient’s life. Most patients can expect their ankle replacement to last 10-20 years.
The components used for ankle replacement are not different for men and women specifically; what differs is simply the size of the components based on the patient’s anatomy. During the procedure, the surgeon carefully chooses the components that best match your ankle joint. The implants are available in a range of sizes and combinations for a customized fit.
Sedentary patients may be better served by an ankle fusion. Increased body mass index (BMI) is just one factor that will be carefully considered by your surgeon. Increased BMI can be associated with mechanical failure of the implant.
As with any surgery, there is always a risk of complications. Risks include nerve injury, vessel injury, tendon injury, bone injury, infection, failure and persistent pain.
All patients will experience some level of pain after surgery. Many patients are off prescription pain medication five to seven days after surgery. After the initial pain from the surgery subsides, you should not have any chronic pain as a result of the implant. You may have some soreness, but that will begin to improve in the weeks and months following surgery. Call your physician if you have any increased pain, swelling, fever or abnormal incision drainage.
Although the recovery program varies by patient and surgeon preference, many patients are in the hospital for 1 to 3 nights. The stitches used to close the incision are removed between 10 and 21 days after surgery. Once stitches are removed the patient is allowed to move the ankle. Bearing weight on the ankle is allowed 6 weeks after surgery, at that time, physical therapy is started to accelerate the resolution of swelling, pain and stiffness and to eventually improve strength and coordination. Protective devices such as a cast boot or brace, along with physical therapy, are discontinued 12 weeks after surgery. Your physician will schedule regular follow-up appointments with you during that time.
Physical therapy is critical to the success of your new ankle. Your rehabilitation program often begins as early as the day of your surgery, when your health care team advises about the rehabilitation process. You will be instructed in the exercises to perform at home, which are designed to gradually increase the use of your ankle. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions exactly and do your exercises regularly. In general, initial therapy involves stretching to help regain the normal ankle range of motion. Later, strengthening exercises are added if necessary. Your surgeon will provide you with any specific restrictions based upon your individual situation. It is important to follow those restrictions closely.
Most people are able to return to normal everyday activities such as dressing themselves and grooming within the first 2 weeks after successful ankle replacement surgery. Your ambulation will be restricted for 6-8 weeks until you start your rehabilitation therapy. Your doctor will advise you on specific limitations, including the amount of walking you can do on the ankle that was operated on. Many surgeons restrict their patient’s ambulation for a period of time. Your doctor will also let you know when you can begin ambulating more freely, and when you can return to other activities. Contact sports may be restricted in the long term.
- Once you return home, it’s a good idea to have a family member or friend available to help you with daily activities such as washing, dressing and preparing meals.
This is especially important during the first week or two following surgery. If you do not have home support, ask your health care provider about an agency or facility that may be able to provide the help you need.
You must be off all pain medication before you consider returning to driving. Patients with minimal discomfort and access to a vehicle with an automatic transmission can usually return to driving about two months following surgery.
The decision to return to work is individualized and is influenced by your job, your employer and your post-operative course. In most circumstances, patients can return to office work in 2 to 3 weeks if accommodations are made for transportation, parking, office access, rest and foot elevation. Patients that perform physical work may return to work once they recover endurance for standing and walking, this is at least three to four months after surgery.
The recovery of full ankle function may take up to 6 months, provided you followed the recommended physical therapy regimen. Most improvements are maximized by six months after surgery and residual swelling persists for 6 to 12 months.
People who have had an ankle replacement are generally advised to avoid contact sports and to refrain from repetitive impact activities that will accelerate wear of the implant, as these can place too much strain on your ankle implant. Consult your physician about the specific activities that might affect your new ankle.
It is impossible to state how much motion will recover after ankle replacement. However, patients with severely restricted motion that has been present for many years may be unable to achieve full motion despite a properly performed operation and dedicated physical therapy.
Ankle replacement surgery can help you return to normal daily activities that were previously limited by the ankle disease. Even though the ankle replacement addresses the most likely pain source, other sources of pain remain in the ankle and foot. Pain is likely to be reduced but it is not always eliminated.
When ankle arthritis pain begins limiting your daily activities, causing you to lose sleep, and is not responding to other treatment alternatives, it may be time to consider ankle replacement surgery. By waiting too long, your range of motion can become severely limited, making the surgery more difficult and the results less certain. It is a good idea to discuss your condition early on with a foot and ankle surgeon, and learn about the options and timing that might be right for you.
Early recommendations for arthritis treatment may include rest, walking with a cane in the opposite hand, over the counter or prescription anti-inflammatory medications, and medication for pain relief. Physical therapy may be prescribed in the early stages, although this can become less effective and even damaging as the arthritis advances. Cortisone injections can provide temporary relief of pain, although this is not generally considered a long-term solution. Occasionally, arthroscopic surgery is used to remove bone spurs and debris from the joint. When these solutions are not effective, your foot and ankle surgeon may discuss surgical alternatives with you, such as ankle fusion or ankle replacement surgery.