Tag Archives: Best Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy in India

Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy in India: Things to Consider While Going For the Surgery
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Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy Overview (what is Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy)
Dupuytren’ is a progressive disorder which has considerable effects on the palmar fascia that forces the fibrous tissue to curtail and congeal. Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy in India attributes the common causes due to environmental problems, variable expression of proteins along with growth factors in the local tissue.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy Procedure?
Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy in India reviews indicates that more likely than not one is a good candidate if:
- Too much of smoking or alcohol is consumed
- Diabetes if one is too much dependant on insulin.
- Occupational exposure, which includes a heavy amount of manual work and vibration exposure.
Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India.
Hello, I am Irina Cairat from Kazakhstan. I was diagnosed with duputren and my doctor recommended my to undergo fasciectomy. A friend of mine suggested me to get my surgery in India as the cost is pocket-friendly and the services are high quality. I got my surgery fixed through Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India. The executive helped me with travel and food arrangements. They also assisted with medical visas for my attendants. After I arrived at the hospital, my surgeon came to meet me and also cleared all my queries to make me feel easy and comfortable. Everything went well as planned. The hospital rooms were spotless and the services were excellent. The hospital staff was compassionate. I extend my sincere thanks to everyone, including my surgeon, nurses and the team of healthcare consultants for their wonderful services, support and care throughout the entire process.
Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy Procedure & Recovery & Effectiveness
More often than not the ring finger is affected which is followed by the little finger and then the middle one. There is pitting and thickening of the palmar skin where loss of mobility is experienced on the outer layer of skin. Other areas of the body which may be affected are the knuckles or the soles of the feet.
In most of the cases where Free Consultation Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy in India is undertaken, the surgeons are of the opinion that the patients do not develop significant amount of disability and no form of treatment will be needed. Treatment is usually needed when any form of functional disability occurs. It aims to restore the movement of the hands and prevent progression. The procedures are performed as an outpatient procedure under the influence of local anesthesia. The exact time of the surgery varies and it depends upon patient to patient.
Why Opting Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy is necessary?
On a subjective basis the patient can evaluate the results. The functional point of the surgery is the free movement of the hands. More often than not people above the age bracket of 50 years are victims of this, but having said this it can occur in the young age group as well
Why to choose an Indian Hospital for your Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy?
Medical tourism can broadly be defined as Affordable Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy in India. In many developing countries the development of the sector can be described as a part of the government policy. All possible support is provided to the development of this sector as the government has taken note of the fact that it is a major money spinner. Relaxations in the form of visa on arrival are making it pretty easy for the patients to choose India as the obvious destination for their medical needs.
India has some of the best medical professionals in the world, a fact which the world has taken notice off. Even the doctors who practice their skills in India are of the highest order. The facilities are world class which one can compare it to the rest of the world. The state of the art hospitals along with quality manpower ensures that you can avail Low cost Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy in India without any headache.
Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy Cost in India
You can get your medical treatment in India at a fraction of a cost when you compare it to the rest of the world. A medical trip with a wonderful trip to the beautiful locations of the country would not be a bad idea at all.
If you are really seeking Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy you are seeking.
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
The signs of this disease are shown by what looks like scarring on the palms of your hands and the fingers. Fingers curling towards the palms happens when the fibrous connective tissue in the palms has thickened. This condition is known as Dupuytren’s Contracture.
Surgery not only straightens the fingers but also makes using your hand easier.
This procedure may be performed to different degrees: cutting the fibrous band in your palm or taking away the scarred skin and covering the area with skin grafts. The are a number of anaesthetic procedures available for this operation.
Any risks or complications will be discussed in advance of your treatment with your expert consultant.
- No overnight stay.
- Regular exercise of your hand and fingers will help recovery and get your hand back to normal more quickly, however, all exercise should be approved by your doctor first.
- Your hand may take a little time to feel normal after surgery.
- Symptoms of the disease start slowly. The first symptoms include firm nodules or bumps that form on the palm of the hand. Here’s what else you should know:
- Nodules may be tender at first, but they can become less painful as the disease progresses.
- Over time, thick bands of tissue form beneath the skin of the palm.
- In more severe cases, the fingers, especially the last two fingers, curl down into the palm and can’t be straightened.
- Symptoms can involve one or both hands and can range from just nodules to complete contraction of all the fingers.
Doctors do not know why the fascia in the palm of the hand becomes abnormal in people with Dupuytren’s contracture, but it tends to run in families. Here’s what else you should know:
- The disease rarely starts before age 40, but becomes more common with increasing age.
- People whose ancestors are from Scandinavia or other areas in northern Europe are at the highest risk. Two-thirds of men who are related to people with Depuytren’s contracture develop the condition. Having diabetes is another risk factor.
- Men may be at as much as 15 times greater risk than women. However, because women tend to get a milder form of the disease, they may simply not be diagnosed as often as men.
- Although drinking alcohol and cigarettes have both been linked to Dupuytren’s in a few studies, altering habits does not appear to modify the disease.
One factor that does not seem to increase your risk is working with your hands or having a hand injury.
Dupuytren’s contracture is not a life-threatening disease. Those with a milder form of the disease experience few limitations. For some people, the disease never progresses beyond the nodule stage. The disease comes on slowly, but if symptoms start at an early age, it may progress more quickly. The progressive form may end with one or both of hands frozen in a claw-like deformity, making it hard to grip or grasp, wear gloves, or even put your hand in your pocket.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease and there is nothing you can do to stop its progression. Hand exercises may be helpful if you have a mild form of the disease or if you are recovering from surgery. However, in some cases, trying to stretch your hands or exercise your fingers may actually make the disease progress more quickly. Because every person is unique, check with your doctor to see what can help you manage this disease. If you have a milder form, you may experience few limitations. If the disease progresses to cause your hand to become deformed, you may need to see a hand specialist for treatment.
Treatment can slow down Dupuytren’s and may relieve some of the deformity that has already set in. Treatment options include:
- Steroid injections into the hand to relieve painful nodules
- Enzyme injections into the palm to break up thickened fascia
- Needle aponeurotomy where a needle is inserted through the palm of the hand to break up the fascia during this in-office procedure (recurrences are common)
- A reconstructive type of open hand surgery called fasciectomy/fasciotomy to remove or split the thickened fascia (recurrence rate is variable and based on multiple factors)
Surgical procedures help most people regain some movement in their fingers, but the contracture comes back in about 20% of people. After treatment, a splint may be used to keep the hand in the best position to heal. Physical therapy may be started with massage and strengthening exercises.
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