Hemiarthroplasty in India: Things to Consider While Going for The Surgery

Hemiarthroplasty in India: Things to Consider While Going for The Surgery
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Hemiarthroplasty overview
This surgical procedure is conducted to treat a damaged hip that is fractured and is strikingly similar to a complete hip replacement. The only difference between the two is that the former is concerning only the affected portion of the hip while the latter is done on the entire hip. Hemiarthroplasty is conducted not in the socket portion, but on the ball portion of the hip joint. The complete hip surgery, also involves the removal of the socket, however, hemiarthroplasty does not.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for hemiarthroplasty procedure?
If you have been subject to severe pain due to a fracture in the hip bone, this is the most appropriate procedure for you. It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor and get yourself operated before things get worse. The doctor will enquire into your drug history and ascertain whether you allergenic to something and will draw a most appropriate plan for you.
Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India.
Hi, I am Stephen Akatsa from Kenya. I got my hemiarthroplasty with the assistance of Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India. I’d been always active, bicycling and working out. At 40, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my hip became more painful and less mobile. Though my doctor prescribed anti- inflammatory medicines, but my pain kept coming back. He recommended me to undergo a surgery, but I was a bit reluctant due to the cost as well as lack of basic medical facilities. I started searching online for affordable treatments and contacted your website. They replied back within 48 hours and asked me to send my medical reports. I came to India for my surgery. The doctor and his staff were warm & welcoming. My surgery went extremely well. Though the recovery was a bit difficult but they kept on checking with me over the phone about my progress and problems. I am happy with the prompt service and would highly recommend anyone looking for any kind of treatment to get it done through this healthcare consultant.
Hemiarthroplasty procedure & recovery & effectiveness:
This surgery is performed to remove the femoral head. The hip consists of two parts- the ball and the socket. The operation starts with the surgeon making various incisions to get clear access to the hip bone. These are made on the side of the thighs of the patients. Different surgeons may use different approaches to go about the surgery. However, in any case, once access to the hip bone is obtained, the next step involves the removal of the femoral head from the acetabulum.
The hollow femur bone in the thigh is then shaped in a manner that is satisfactory to the surgeon. He will then proceed to insert the stem into the femoral canal and ensure that it holds its place using an uncemented variety of the femoral component.
Post-surgery, the patient is required to act with special care. Special pads are provided to the patient so as to prevent the formation of any blood clots, etc. You may be required to spend four to six days in the hospital after the surgery and will be allowed to go home once you can walk about fifty to seventy-five inches with crutches or otherwise.
Why opting hemiarthroplasty is necessary?
The patient due to a hip fracture undergoes unprecedented amount of pain and if not undertaken or delayed, can cause further complications and damage the hip altogether. Moreover, the risk factors involved are fairly less; the patient can undergo the surgery without any second thoughts on the subject.
Why to choose an Indian hospital for your hemiarthroplasty?
Doctors in India are known for their capabilities and experience. Further, the quality of pre, during and post service is exceptional on part of the hospital staff. You can also avail Free Consultation Hemiarthroplasty in India at various hospitals. You can also view and study the reviews of previous customers to base your decision on the Hemiarthroplasty in India reviews by previous patients.
Hemiarthroplasty cost in India:
Hemiarthroplasty in India is an extremely feasible affair. It is reasonably Affordable in India and the Low cost Hemiarthroplasty in India under all circumstances is an incentive along with everything else that the hospitals here have to offer to you.
If you are really seeking Hemiarthroplasty, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation by our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Hemiarthroplasty you are seeking.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Hemiarthroplasties are favored as a treatment for hip fractures in the following situations:
1) The fracture has disrupted the blood supply to the femoral head: in this case even if the fracture heals, the head of the femur will crumble. This is known as avascular necrosis and will lead to the hip joint failing.
2) Severe osteoporosis: if the bone is too brittle, other methods of fracture treatment will not be successful
3) A fracture that has been present for several days
Some tests that may be ordered to check that you’re fit for surgery include:
- Blood tests
- Chest X-Ray
- Urine test
The anaesthetic team will see you and decide the type of anaesthetic that’s best for you. The different types of anaesthesia include:
General Anaesthetic: This type of anaesthetic puts you asleep during the whole procedure and a machine controls your breathing.
Spinal Anaesthetic: An injection is placed into your back to numb your hip and legs. You will be awake during the procedure, however a sedative can be given to you to help you doze off.
Nerve Blocks: This special injection is used to help with your pain after the operation and often used in conjunction with a general anaesthetic.
Patients are usually able to go home after spending 4 – 7 days in the hospital. You are ready to go home when you can safely get in and out of bed, walk up to 20 meters with your crutches or walker, go up and down stairs safely, and understand your hip precautions. Patients who still need extra care may be sent to a different hospital ward for further rehabilitation before they go home.
- Breathing: To avoid lung problems after surgery, you will be asked to breathe deeply and cough frequently. This will help avoid pneumonia and lung collapse.
- Walking: Walking and light activity are important to your recovery and will begin the day of or the day after your surgery. Most patients who undergo total hip replacement begin standing and walking with the help of a walking support and a physiotherapist the day after surgery.
The physiotherapist will teach you specific exercises to strengthen your hip and restore movement for walking and other normal daily activities.
It is important to keep your wound as dry as possible. Most patients are discharged home with a waterproof dressing, which can be left on for showering. During the first 24 hours, it is normal to have some minor bleeding. After being discharged home, there should be no discharge, redness or bleeding around the wound. If there is redness, discharge or a foul odour, please seek medical attention as soon as possible.
There are a number of ways your wounds may be closed those include either with the non-absorbable stitches, absorbable stitches or surgical staples. The stitches or staples are usually removed 10-14 days after surgery.
There are usually no specific diet or extra vitamins / nutrients needed to recover from a total hip operation. It is important to have a normal healthy, balanced diet and plenty of nonalcoholic fluids.
One of the possible complications of hip replacement surgery is dislocation. Dislocation is most common during the first year after surgery, but can occur at any time.
There are certain positions and precautions that must be avoided.
- Do not cross your legs.
- Do not bend your hips more than a right angle (90°).
- Do not turn your feet excessively inward or outward.
- Do not twist on your operated leg when turning
- Do not bend down to pick things up off the floor
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
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