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Patient from Malawi Receives Successful Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India

Patient from Malawi Receives Successful Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India

shoulder replacement surgery india

Patient Name : Peter Msukwa
Age : 54
Gender : Male
Country of Origin : Malawi
Doctor Name : Dr. Jayant Arora
Hospital Name : Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
Treatment : Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Peter Msukwa, a 54-year-old man from Malawi, had been suffering from debilitating shoulder pain due to osteoarthritis. The condition had damaged the cartilage that covers the ends of bones and helps joints move smoothly, severely impacting his daily life. Determined to find a solution, Peter turned to the internet for treatment options and discovered our healthcare website.

On our website, Peter connected with one of our dedicated case managers who promptly arranged an online consultation with Dr. Jayant Arora, a top orthopedic surgeon in India. After thoroughly reviewing Peter’s medical reports, they recommended shoulder replacement surgery as the best course of action to relieve his pain and restore joint function.

With the case manager’s assistance, Peter filed for a medical visa. The process went smoothly, and soon he was on his way to India. Upon arrival, he was greeted by the case manager, who facilitated his transport to the Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon. There, Peter met with Dr. Jayant Arora and his medical team for a series of comprehensive evaluations and pre-surgery tests.

The day of the surgery arrived, and Peter was prepared for the procedure. Shoulder replacement surgery involves removing the osteoarthritis parts of the shoulder joint and replacing them with artificial components. During the procedure, an incision was made over the shoulder, and the damaged joint surfaces were removed. The humeral head was replaced with a metal ball, and the glenoid cavity was fitted with a plastic socket. These components were carefully positioned to ensure a smooth, pain-free movement of the shoulder joint.

The surgery was a success, and Peter was moved to the recovery room, where he was closely monitored by the medical team. The professionalism and expertise of Dr. Jayant Arora and his team ensured that Steve’s procedure went smoothly, and he experienced minimal discomfort.

After a few days in the hospital for post-operative care, Peter was discharged and moved to a nearby guest house, where he continued his recovery under the supervision of the medical staff. He received physical therapy and detailed instructions on how to care for his shoulder, manage pain, and gradually regain strength and mobility.

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