Fibromyalgia in India: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment in Indian Hospital

Fibromyalgia in India: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment in Indian Hospital
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Fibromyalgia: Overview
Fibromyalgia is an unceasing condition characterized by fatigue , widespread pain in the joints and muscles. It is also associated with inflammatory disorders
Causes & Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia in India is also defined by chronic muscular pain and tenderness, but it includes a wide variety of symptoms. As per the Fibromyalgia in India reviews undertaken on various patients the common symptoms are
- Headaches
- Sensitive feeling towards hot or cold
- Stiffness in the mornings
- Sensitiveness to loud noises or any form of bright lights.
- Sensation of tenderness in the fingers
Very little information is available about the exact cause of Fibromyalgia. It is affected with psychiatric disorders. There is a considerable amount of debate on whether Fibromyalgia is an actual disease that can be clearly defined or cured. Some experts are of the opinion that Fibromyalgia could be associated with infections, physical or emotional trauma, genetics or a combination of all these. Some researchers are also of the opinion that Fibromyalgia in India may be due to problems with the autonomic nervous system.
Patient Testimonial
Hi, I am Lizy Novia. I am from Nigeria and came to India for treating fibromyalgia. I was very much involved in my work and family when suddenly one day I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. While searching online about this condition, I found your website quite informative and contacted you. A nice and kind executive responded back and asked me to send my medical reports which they will discuss with their panel of experts and reply me back with doctor’s opinions. The hospital in India was hygienic and had a world class infrastructure. My surgeon and his staff took care of me and made me feel easy by clearing all my doubts. The staff was awesome and very caring. The surgery was easy and I hardly had to take any pain meds. I wish I would have done this surgery years ago. I would definitely recommend you to anyone needing surgery in India at such reasonable costs.
Diagnosis & Treatments of Fibromyalgia
As far as the diagnosis of Fibromyalia is concerned, doctors undertaken an analysis of the areas of the body to find out the extend of the pain. They also ask on a scale of 0 to 3, on how severe the symptoms are. The main objective of the diagnosis process is to find out whether the symptoms have been consistent for the last 3 months.
Since Fibromyalgia has a variety of symptoms, a combination of treatments is often recommended in addition to medication. Anti seizure drugs like Pregabalin and antidepressants like Cymbalta and Savella are approved by the food and drug administration for treating Fibromyalgia.
Lifestyle Changes after Treatments of Fibromyalgia in India
Some of the lifestyle changes recommended are
- Improve on the intake of water and preferably warm water and foods which aids in the digestion process
- Intake of fresh ginger tea as it is a good digestive
- Exercise- Undertaking regular amount of exercise where the pain in the joints are reduced to a large extent
In the overall context, it is specific to the individual’s constitution, geographical conditions and the nature of work.
Why Choose Indian Hospital for Treating Fibromyalgia?
If one is on the lookout for Low cost Fibromyalgia Treatment in India or Affordable Fibromyalgia in India then the hospitals will not disappoint you for sure. The question which might strike you is how the Indian hospitals are able to provide such high quality of services. The answer to this question is the differential cost in labor has a role to play along with the high standards of education undertaken by the medical staff. Most of them have had their education in the western countries of the world and later on come to India to practice their skills. Free consultation for Fibromyalgia in India is provided by most of the top notch hospitals in the country where you can find out whether surgery is the only option.
If you are really seeking treatments for Fibromyalgia, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the treatments for Fibromyalgia you are seeking.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
For the most part, routine laboratory testing reveals nothing. However, upon physical examination, patients will be sensitive to pressure in certain areas of the body, called tender points. To meet the diagnostic criteria (set forth for research purposes), patients must have widespread pain in all four quadrants of their body for a minimum duration of three months and at least 11 of the 18 specified tender points. The 18 sites used for diagnosis cluster around the neck, shoulder, chest, hip, knee, and elbow regions (more than 90% of these areas are myofascial trigger points). However, if a person has widespread pain, at least six or more tender points and many of the commonly associated symptoms of fibromyalgia (such as disturbed sleep, irritable bowel syndrome, frequent headaches, fatigue, and memory problems), they should still be diagnosed and treated for fibromyalgia. Roughly 75% of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)- diagnosed patients will meet the fibromyalgia criteria. If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, but you are unsure about the diagnosis, or you are concerned you have something else that mimics these conditions.
Traditional treatments are geared toward reducing pain and improving the quality of sleep, meaning that a sleep study may aid with individualizing your therapy. Deep level (stage 4) sleep is crucial for many body functions (such as tissue repair, antibody production, and the regulation of various neurotransmitters, hormones, and immune system chemicals). Therefore, the sleep disorders that frequently occur in fibromyalgia patients should probably be treated first because they may aggravate the symptoms of this condition. Ambien, Lunesta, clonazepam, and trazodone are just a few of the medications that may be used to aid sleep. For addressing the pain and the symptoms in general, medications that boost serotonin and norepinephrine (neurotransmitters that modulate sleep, pain, and immune system function) are commonly prescribed in low doses, such as amitriptyline, cyclobenzaprine and Cymbalta. Ultram may help with the pain, although stronger opioids may be needed. Muscle relaxants, anti-epileptics (such as Neurontin and Lyrica) and other drug categories may be prescribed as well.
In addition to medications, most patients will need to use other treatment methods, such as trigger point injections with lidocaine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, acupressure, relaxation/biofeedback techniques, osteopathic manipulation, chiropractic care, therapeutic massage, or a gentle exercise program.
Long term follow-up studies have shown that fibromyalgia is chronic, but the symptoms may wax and wane. The impact that fibromyalgia can have on daily living activities, including the ability to work a full-time job, differs among patients. Overall, studies have shown that fibromyalgia can be as disabling and life-impacting as rheumatoid arthritis.
Lifestyle modifications may help you conserve energy and minimize pain. Learn what factors aggravate your symptoms and avoid them when possible. Many patients find warm water (hot tub or shower) to be soothing. Hot wraps for particularly painful areas are also beneficial. Maintaining a rigid sleep schedule (e.g., ensuring that you receive at least eight hours of sleep per night and that you have a routine for easing you into sleep) is one method endorsed by patients to help minimize daytime fatigue and reduce nighttime sleep difficulties. Gentle movement and stretching exercises will help you maintain your function, which is essential when the body is tired and the muscles hurt.
No, but there are researched treatments that have been shown to be helpful for reducing the symptoms. Patients need to beware of the many bogus cures that are being promoted on the Internet and in the media. Many businesses count on people who are desperate to get rid of chronic, unrelenting pain (such as that produced by fibromyalgia). If a remedy sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Doctors cannot “see” and may not understand the sources of your pain or fatigue. However, what they do observe is your anxiety and frustration with having to deal with these symptoms around-the-clock, which may wrongfully lead them to conclude that your symptoms are of a psychological nature. Also, the old school of thought regarding pain is that it is produced by tissue injury, and there is no obvious source of tissue injury in patients with fibromyalgia. Regardless, if your doctor does not believe that your symptoms are real, you owe it to yourself to find another doctor who believes in you and will work with you to help reduce your symptoms.
Although some degree of regular exercise is essential for maintaining function, and if done in warm water, it can improve circulation. Yet, exercise alone will not be enough to treat your fibromyalgia. Many studies on the use of exercise to treat fibromyalgia have been published over the years, and while the documented benefits are minimal, these studies are heavily promoted at medical conferences and widely publicized in the medical journals. Exercise is easy to prescribe and doesn’t cost anything, so it tends to be one of the first therapies that a doctor recommends for fibromyalgia. Yet, you have to be careful because over-working any one muscle will cause others to hurt more.
The pain of fibromyalgia has no boundaries. People describe the pain as deep muscular aching, throbbing, shooting, and stabbing. Intense burning may also be present. Quite often, the pain and stiffness are worse in the morning, and you may hurt more in muscle groups that are used repetitively. Read more about muscle stiffness and repetitive activity in fibro.
This symptom can range from mild to incapacitating. The fatigue has been described as “brain fatigue”—patients feel totally drained of energy. Many patients say that they feel as though their arms and legs are tied to concrete blocks, and they have difficulty concentrating (i.e., brain fog). Fibromyalgia fatigue is definitely not just being tired!
Most fibromyalgia patients have an associated sleep disorder called the alpha-EEG anomaly. This condition was uncovered in a sleep lab with the aid of a machine that recorded brain waves of patients during sleep. Researchers found that most fibromyalgia patients could fall asleep without much trouble, but their deep level (or stage 4) sleep was constantly interrupted by bursts of awake-like brain activity. Patients appeared to spend the night with one foot in sleep and the other one out of it.
If you wake up feeling as though you’ve just been run over by a Mack truck—what doctors refer to as “unrefreshing sleep”—it is reasonable for your physician to assume that you have a sleep disorder. However, to pinpoint the types of sleep disturbances present, an overnight sleep study may be warranted. In addition to the alpha-EEG finding, other sleep disorders have been identified in fibromyalgia patients, including sleep apnea (as well as the newly discovered form of interrupted breathing called upper airway resistance syndrome, or UARS), bruxism (teeth grinding), periodic limb movements during sleep (jerking of arms and legs), and restless legs syndrome (difficulty sitting still in the evenings).
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which can include constipation, diarrhea, frequent abdominal pain, abdominal gas, and nausea is found in roughly 40 to 70% of fibromyalgia patients. In addition, Gastrointestinal Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), is equally common in people with fibromyalgia. This can include heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation, indigestion, and a chronic cough, among other symptoms.
Recurrent migraine or tension-type headaches are seen in about 70% of fibromyalgia patients and can pose a major problem in coping for this group. For some people, aggressive treatment of the migraines also provides tremendous relief of the overall pain of fibromyalgia. Myofascial trigger points, or those knots in your neck and shoulder muscles, are the primary cause of your headaches and they can be treated.
Changes in weather, cold or drafty environments, hormonal fluctuations (premenstrual and menopausal states), stress, depression, anxiety, infections (flu or a cold), and over-exertion can all contribute to symptom flare-ups. Repetitive use of the same muscle group can strain the muscles and lead to more pain.
Fibromyalgia does run in families and there appears to be a strong genetic component. If one parent has this condition, the odds that a child will develop, it is estimated to be 50%. Many research studies are under way to look at the genetic abnormalities that might be linked to various neurotransmitters involved in both pain and sleep regulation.
The best doctor to see is one who has lots of experience treating fibromyalgia patients. There is no specific medical specialty that “owns” this condition, so it is important to inquire about a physician’s level of experience and their general philosophy for treating fibromyalgia.
Studies show that roughly 25% of patients get worse over time, but another 25% get better. Some patients may be likely to improve because they have a good doctor willing to work with them to find which therapies they respond to. Also, as people age, other medical conditions can aggravate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, so it is imperative that patients seek aggressive treatment for age-related conditions, such as arthritis. A preventive medicine program with maintenance exercises and a healthy diet may prove worthwhile.
Balancing work and chronic illness is always a challenge, but most patients with fibromyalgia are able to remain employed. The answer to this question really depends upon one’s job and whether job accommodations can be made to ease the symptoms. Also, the development of other medical conditions may make fibromyalgia symptoms more severe and lead to the need to consider early retirement or disability. Studies show that roughly 25% of fibromyalgia patients receive some form of disability compensation at any given time. If you are experiencing difficulties with work, check out our disability-related articles in the Coping Resources section.
Only a few studies have been conducted on this topic, and most indicate that variations in barometric pressure (which occur when a storm front moves in) may worsen the symptoms. In addition, extreme cold weather and cool drafts can cause you to shiver and this will make your tight, knotted muscles more sore.
No, but a diet full of fruits and vegetables may supply your body with antioxidants, which are known to be useful for protecting your tissues and to minimize the development of “other” sources of pain. Irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux are both common in people with fibromyalgia, so it is wise to avoid foods that irritate these conditions. Click here to read about how your diet can be affecting your symptoms.