Category Archives: Wrist

Why You Opt Wrist Fusion in India
Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India
- You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
- +91-9860432255 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
What is Wrist Fusion?
The arthritis of the wrists has many causes and there are many ways of treating the pain. These treatments can be successful, at least for a while. In the long run, the entire wrist can become so painful that the non surgical treatments do not work any more, and then Wrist fusion in India is the only option left. It may be also necessary when severe trauma to the wrist is witnessed.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Wrist fusion Procedure?
You are a candidate for a wrist fusion procedure if:
- If the pain in the wrists has reached to such a point that it is affecting the quality of life
- The arthritis is beyond manageable levels.
Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India.
Hello, my name is Chris Sesay from Nigeria. I got my wrist fusion surgery in India with the assistance of your medical tourism company. My wrist was already damaged before being diagnosed with ruptured tendon and after visiting my doctor for a checkup, he suggested me for wrist fusion. Since I didn’t know anything about this surgery, I decided to learn more about it. While searching online, I came across a medical tourism company in India and contacted them for a free consultation. They responded back immediately and explained me about their process. I was impressed and decided to visit India. At the hospital, I met my surgeon who was a kind person and cleared my doubts and worries. My surgery went well. The hospital staff and nurses took care of all my needs. I am overwhelmed with their hospitality and professionalism. I want to thank the medical tourism company for helping me get my surgery in India at a reasonable price.
Wrist fusion Procedure & Recovery & Effectiveness
The surgeons fuse the wrist in several ways. In most of the cases a bone graft from the pelvis is made. The surgeons tend to take a small amount of bone from the end of the radius bone. In such a case you are bound to have incisions, one on the back of the wrist and another on the side of the hip. In some cases the surgeon may also fuse the bones without a graft.
The course of surgery can last for 90 minutes and it can be done by general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep during the course of surgery. In some cases, surgery is done with the help of local anesthesia, which numbs the wrist and the hand. Sometimes the bone does not fuse as per plan.
Why Opting Wrist fusion is necessary?
Many of the small joints in the wrist become arthritic. When such a scenario occurs, the wrist joint can become painful. Affordable Wrist fusion in India eliminates pain where all the bones are grown together into one solid bone. When the bone ends no longer rub together the pain is a thing of the past. Wrist fusion in India reviews of patients indicates that surgery may also be needed to align the wrist after a severe hand injury.
The wrist fusion is somewhat different from the fusion of other joints. Most of the joints are made up of 2 bones whereas in the case of wrist fusion it involves getting 12 to 13 bones together. It is basically a trade off, as you will loose some motion, but you are bound to have a pain free wrist.
The removable splint replaces the cast after six to eight weeks. The surgeon may ask you to undertake strengthening exercises and they are designed to get your hand and wrist in the perfect working condition.
Why to choose an Indian Hospital for your Wrist fusion?
The hospitals in India are setting up new standards in the medical domain. Low cost Wrist fusion in India ensures that you can get the best of surgical facilities at the most competitive rates. Even the remote cities of the country have hospitals, which can be compared to the best in the business.
Wrist fusion Cost in India
Affordable Wrist fusion in India means that you can get the surgery done within your budget. Since the cost of surgery is on the higher side, you are bound to gain attractive discounts if you undertake the surgery in a place like India.
If you are really seeking Wrist Fusion Surgery, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Wrist Fusion Surgery you are seeking.
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
A wrist fusion can be a very effective operation for controlling pain in an arthritic wrist. Arthritis can arise as a consequence of a number of conditions, including trauma, generalised wear and tear arthritis, inflammatory arthritis, such as those caused by rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis.
Arthritis is a term that is defined as inflammation of a joint and used to describe over 100 different conditions that can affect the human body. Arthritis affects millions of Americans each year with symptoms including pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of motion in affected joints.
The bones in a joint are covered with a tough, lubricating tissue called cartilage to help provide smooth, pain-free motion to the joint. As the layer of cartilage wears away, bone begins to rub against bone, causing the irritation, swelling, stiffness, and discomfort commonly associated with arthritis.
Arthritis can occur in a wrist as a consequence of a fracture that may have gone into the joint and healed with a step, causing localised wear and tear. Arthritis can occur as a generalised wear and tear process, with increasing age. Arthritis can occur as a consequence of inflammatory joint disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis.
Patients often complain of pain and a decreased range of movement in the wrist. Painful actions include lifting and bending the wrist. These can be quite painful. Restricted range of movements can affect patients, with inability to perform common day-to-day tasks.
Generally speaking the arthritic wrist is swollen and has a restricted range of movement.
There are two main types of fixation for wrist fusions. The first is a contoured plate that is held across the back of the wrist joint, with screws into the bone to secure fixation. The surgeon will carefully remove the remaining articular cartilage from the wrist joint to allow the bone to completely solidify underneath the plate. The second type of fixation is a pin that is passed across the wrist joint (usually down through the middle knuckle joint). This second type of fixation is often performed for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
If a plate fixation is used and the fixation is solid often no post-operative immobilisation is required, and patients are advised to move their fingers as soon as possible. Swelling is common after such a surgery and it is highly advisable to elevate the hand for the first few weeks after surgery. If a pin fixation has been used, then often this is supplemented with plaster of Paris for four to six weeks until the underlying bones have solidly united.
These, generally speaking, can be well tolerated with a plate fixation within the first two to three weeks. Heavy loading activities should be avoided until the bone has completely solidified.
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.
To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.

Why You opt Wrist Tendonitis in India
Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India
- You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
- +91-9860432255 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
Wrist Tendonitis Overview
Tendons are fibrous bands of tissue, tough; flexible that connects the muscle to the bones. When it becomes inflamed or irritated the condition is known as Tendonitis. They are small, delicate tiny bands in the hand. The exact cause of Wrist Tendonitis in India is unknown. In fact, if the cause can be identified it can be for a couple of reasons which are
- Overuse- A particular body motion is repeated very often
- Overload- a level of activity such as weight lifting is increased very quickly
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Wrist Tendonitis Procedure?
In general, symptoms it causes pain in the tissue surrounding the joints, especially when the joint is at too much work or play. In some cases the joint may feel weak and the area may be red. Some precautions can also be taken for the prevention of Wrist Tendonitis. This could be in the form of warming up before exercise or if you want to increase your exercise level, do it slowly.
Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India.
Hi, I am John A Lewis Jr. from Liberia. I had tendonitis and my doctor back at my native place asked me to undergo surgery. However, the lack of basic medical facilities at my country made me search for treatment abroad. I came across many websites along with your healthcare consultants in India. I send my query for free consultation and got a response within 48 hours. The executive sounded friendly and explained me about the entire process. I gave them my consent to get my surgery in India. I was taken to a reputed hospital where I met my surgeon who was a gentleman and explained everything prior to the surgery. He was very professional and was quite humorous. The nurses were quite compassionate and took care of me during my stay at the hospital. My surgery went well. I was thankful to my surgeon and his staff as well your healthcare consultant for doing such a fantastic job! God Bless You All.
Wrist Tendonitis Procedure & Recovery & Effectiveness
The doctor reviews your medical history, which includes any previous joint injuries and the doctor during Free Consultation Wrist Tendonitis in India will throw a couple of questions.
- How does your pain feel like?
- Do you have numbness or any form of weakness?
Apart from physical exam the doctor may ask you to perform certain activities like lifting your arms or bending your wrist to figure out the exact area which is affected. In certain cases, blood tests may also be conducted to determine the exact cause of inflammation around the joint. MRI scans may also be used to evaluate the tendon damage.
Wrist Tendonitis in India reviews points out that the sooner it is treated; one will gain flexibility and quick strength. The doctor may also recommend you to apply ice packs for 20 minutes three to 4 times a day. Depending upon the severity of Tendonitis one may need temporary splinting or bracing.
Why Opting Wrist Tendonitis is necessary?
Opting for Affordable Wrist Tendonitis in India is necessary when you notice significant pain, redness, swelling or loss of joint function. You need to call on the doctor if less severe joint is persistent.
Why to choose an Indian Hospital for your Wrist Tendonitis?
Medical tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. It is expected to grow at an annual rate of 30 % per year, which will convert it from a million to a billion dollar industry in the present year. Because of the Low cost Wrist Tendonitis in India more and more westerns are feeling it appealing to choose the country as the ultimate destination for all the medical needs.
Wrist Tendonitis Cost in India
Low cost treatment does not mean compromise on the health standards in any way. There are close t0 21 accredited hospitals in India and the number is on a steady rise. For a patient travelling to India he has to get the perfect doctor patient combination. After the surgery, the patient has the option of staying back in the hospital or shifting to an accommodation nearby for the post recovery period.
If you are really seeking Wrist Tendonitis Surgery, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Wrist Tendonitis Surgery you are seeking.
Listen to the Voices of Our Happy Patients
Symptoms include:
- difficulty moving wrist
- pain in area of inflammation
- swelling of surrounding soft tissue
Wrist tendonitis is most often diagnosed by looking for the characteristic symptoms. Symptoms are universal, but a more specific analysis is required to determine the precise location of the inflammation. A trained physician can perform stretch tests to determine exactly which tendon is the source of discomfort. One form of wrist tendonitis, called ‘DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis’, is the inflammation of the tendon at the base of the thumb. This form of tendonitis most commonly afflicts new mothers and is diagnosed using a specific test called ‘Finkelstein’s’ test’. This is just one example of the many forms of wrist tendonitis.
Depending on the specific source of pain, there are a number of different treatment options available.
- Immobilization: Splinting the wrist is the first step towards treating wrist tendonitis. By restricting the tendon and allowing it to rest, inflammation and pain should decrease.
- Anti-inflammatory Medications: Anti-inflammatory medications are effective at decreasing inflammation and swelling in the soft tissue, which is the primary cause of the pain. This treatment, however effective, is not a permanent solution to an ongoing problem.
- Cortisone Injection: Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory that is administered through injection directly at the source of pain. Again, this treatment may be only temporary and can weaken the tendons over time.
- Surgery: If the previously listed methods of treatment were deemed ineffective and the problem is recurring a doctor might recommend a surgical procedure. Through surgery, areas of the tendon and inflammatory tissue can be removed, allowing the tendon to move freely.
If you are experiencing wrist pain it is highly recommended that you visit an orthopedic surgeon immediately. They can correctly diagnose your condition and recommend the correct treatment plan for your specific issue. For the most respected orthopedic surgeons in India contact us to get your individualized treatment plan.
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.
We accept different methods of payment like, cash, plastic cash, via net banking, etc.
To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.
Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.

Why You Opt Wrist Joint Replacement In India?
Planning your medical trip to India is a very simple process with Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India
- You just need to fill in our enquiry form and one of our executives will contact you soon.
- +91-9860432255 Call us at the given contact number for any assistance.
- Complete information regarding surgery is provided on our website.
Wrist joint replacement Overview
Joint replacement surgery in the wrists is less common when you compare it to the knees or the hips. It can be a viable option, if one has painful arthritis that does not respond to non-surgical treatments. In Wrist joint replacement in India the damaged portions of the wrist bones are removed and replaced with artificial components referred to as prosthesis.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Wrist joint replacement Procedure?
You are a good candidate for wrist joint replacement surgery if:
- If you experience arthritis in the hand and for someone who is experiencing rheumatoid arthritis
- If you experience a considerable amount of pain in your fingers
Check out the Patient Testimonial, where the patient shares about their success stories from treatments through Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India.
Hello, I am Ken Ercinbeck from Kazakhstan. I got my wrist joint replacement at a cost effective price with the help of Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India. The doctor at my native place recommended for the replacement, but the surgery cost was too expensive. While searching for a low cost surgery, I came across your website and contacted for a free consultation. I also talked with the surgeon over the phone before giving my confirmation for the surgery in India. The doctor and his staff were very warm and friendly. He explained me everything in plain terms so that I clearly understand the issues I was facing with respect to my health. I must say the surgeon was an excellent person and the nurses were caring. The hospital was state of the art and offered world class services. I would definitely recommend you to anyone searching for affordable treatments and surgery in India.
Wrist joint replacement Procedure & Recovery & Effectiveness
Wrist joint replacement in India reviews of patients indicate that implant is a common procedure undertaken during the course of surgery. Two components are used which are on one side of the joint and they are made of metal. One of them is inserted into the radius of the forearm. This procedure can be undertaken as an outpatient procedure and can be combined with other procedures to reduce any form of deformities in the joints or the fingers.
The cast will be required to be worn after several weeks of the surgery. When it is removed a protective splint will be needed for the next 6 to 8 weeks. Though pain relief is eminent, exercises gradually needs to be done to improve movement. Free Consultation Wrist joint replacement in India ensures that a wrist joint replacement surgery can last for 10 to 15 years. As with all forms of surgeries a long term back up plan is necessary.
Why Opting Wrist joint replacement is necessary?
This surgery will help you to regain the lost movements of the wrist. It may also improve your ability to perform your daily activities. This is more prominent when it affects the elbow and the shoulders. In certain cases fusing the bones together of the wrist will reduce or eliminate the pain and improve the grip strength. If the bones are fused together the wrist will not bend.
Why to choose an Indian Hospital for your Wrist joint replacement?
Medical tourism has scaled new heights in the economy of the country. A lot has got to do with Low cost Wrist joint replacement in India. Before we proceed further, one needs to understand on what is medical tourism. It is a concept where one travels to foreign countries to obtain medical or surgical treatment. The medical standards in India are at par with the advanced countries of the world. This is due to the low cost of operating and low conversion rates in the country.
Wrist joint replacement Cost in India
Affordable Wrist joint replacement in India provides a considerable amount of savings when you get it done in this part of the world. In some of the countries, since this form of surgery falls into the elective category, they are not covered by the insurance companies and the expenses shoot up. In India you can get it done at a fraction of a cost with the best of facilities and that too at an economical price.
If you are really seeking Wrist Joint Replacement, kindly fill up the form for a free consultation with our surgeons. You will be provided with thorough analysis and suggestions regarding the Wrist Joint Replacement you are seeking.
Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital India offers highest quality bone and joint health care with attentiveness, care and compassion to meet the needs of the patients and their loved ones. The medical team includes board-certified orthopedic surgeons who are familiar with all the aspects of the musculoskeletal system. Our hospital uses the most advanced technologies available for the orthopaedic procedures and has a lower complication rate.
The bones in a joint are covered with a tough, lubricating tissue called cartilage to help provide smooth, pain-free motion to the joint. As the layer of cartilage wears away, bone begins to rub against bone, causing the irritation, swelling, stiffness, and discomfort commonly associated with arthritis.
Wrist replacement surgery, also called arthroplasty, removes the damaged bone and cartilage in a joint. The bone is resurfaced with implants made from metal alloy and polyethylene (plastic) to re-create the smooth gliding surface that were once intact. The purpose of the procedure is to restore movement and decrease or eliminate pain.
A total joint implant’s longevity will vary from patient to patient. All implants have a limited life expectancy depending on an individual’s age, weight, activity level, and medical condition. It is important to remember that an implant is a medical device that is subject to wear, which may lead to mechanical failure. Following all of your surgeon’s recommendations after surgery may enhance longevity, there is no guarantee that your particular implant will last for any specific length of time.
Since implants are mechanical devices, they are subject to conditions that can lead to mechanical failure. The most common reason for implant failure in wrist replacements is implant loosening or implant wear that leads to loosening. Implant wear particles can react with the bone, causing thinning of the bone that can lead to implant loosening. In most cases, failed implants can be revised successfully to provide good results.
Your surgeon will evaluate your health history, perform a physical examination, and take x-rays to decide if you are a candidate for this surgery. You must then decide if your discomfort, pain or stiffness, and overall loss of quality of life justify undergoing surgery. Generally, there is no harm in waiting to have surgery if conservative, non-surgical treatments are effective.
Age is not a problem if you are in reasonably good health and have the desire to continue living a productive, active life. You may ask to see your personal physician for an opinion about your general health and readiness for surgery.
- Operation- approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours
- Outpatient surgery
- Rehabilitation-usually 3 to 4 months of regular exercise at home. This will vary with each patient and with each surgeon.
The incision is usually made of the on the back of the wrist to gain access to the joint.
Yes, you may have some numbness on the outside of the scar. The area around the scar may feel warm. You may also notice some clicking when you move your wrist as a result of the artificial surfaces coming together
While uncommon, complications can occur during and after surgery. Some complications include infection, blood clots, implant breakage, malalignment, and premature wear. Although implant surgery is extremely successful in most cases, some patients still experience stiffness and pain. No implant will last forever and factors such as the patient’s post-surgical activities and weight can affect longevity. Be sure to discuss these and other risks with your surgeon. There are many things that your surgeon may do to minimize the potential for complications. Your surgeon may have you see a medical physician before surgery to obtain tests. You may also need to have your dental work up to date and may be shown how to prepare your home to avoid falls.
Proper preparation and a great attitude are the best ways to accomplish a rapid recovery from joint replacement. With the help of a physical therapist, get yourself as physically fit as you can before surgery. Proper nutrition and optimal medical condition can help avoid complications. See your physician prior to surgery to ensure your blood pressure, heart, and lungs are in good shape. Be prepared to continue with your exercise program after surgery.
Exercise is necessary for proper healing. Early movement is important to prevent the muscles in the wrist from becoming tight. The types of exercises you may perform are gentle, range of motion exercises designed to help restore motion to the muscles in the shoulder. As your rehabilitation continues, you may begin strengthening exercises that are designed to restore strength to your shoulder. A regular exercise program at home to promote strengthening and mobility will continue up to 12 months following surgery. It is important to follow your surgeon’s prescribed recovery outline. Do not attempt exercises that are not prescribed by your surgeon, and do not attempt to alter your exercise schedule without contacting your surgeon.
Although wrist replacement is designed to restore motion and decrease pain, it does not return your wrist to “normal.” Like any mechanical device, it can wear out with use. Activities like heavy lifting or manual labor can cause early wear and failure of the wrist implant. Many activities should not begin until the soft tissues around the wrist heal, which can take 3 to 6 weeks. All postoperative activities should be cleared with your surgeon.
Patients with total wrist replacement typically require several weeks before returning to any type of lifting or repetitive movement activities. Talk to your doctor before participating in an activity that may place excess stress or movement on your shoulder. Consult with your surgeon or therapist for advice on acceptable activities.
Returning to work depends on your type of work and can be as early as 2 to 6 weeks for sedentary jobs. Returning to a job that requires significant use of the arm will usually take at least 3 months. Office workers often return in 2 to 3 weeks, while patients with more strenuous jobs may require more time away from work. The timing of your return to work depends considerably upon your commitment to recovery.
The surgeon will set a follow-up schedule for the first year after surgery to evaluate your progress. Usually these follow-ups occur three, six and nine months after the surgery. Annual visits may be required thereafter. Complications can occur with implants, so seeing the surgeon when you notice a change in symptoms can assist in evaluating any changes that may occur with your new joint.
You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.
You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.
To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.
Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.